The Effect Of The Minimum Capital Availability Obligation (Car) On Profitability (Roa) At Perumda Bpr
Majalengka, Majalengka Regency
25 Return: Study of Management, Economics and Bussines, Vol(1), Sep 2022
in a slump, lacks capital, and (seeing the number of bankrupt financial institutions) is
reluctant to lend its dollars, including to international banks in Europe and Asia. As a result,
international banks are short of dollars to lend to world entrepreneurs, who need dollars for
their investment (for imports of machinery, raw materials, etc.), including Indonesia (Payer,
The development of an increasingly complex economy certainly requires the
availability and participation of financial institutions. Monetary and banking policies are part
of economic policies directed at achieving development goals (Weber, 2017).
The banking industry currently plays an important role in the economic development of
a country (Levine, 1996). The basic function of the bank is as a financial intermediary
(financial intermediaries), which channels funds from parties with excess funds to parties in
need or lack of funds. Law No. 10 of 1998 concerning banking explains that banks are
business entities that collect funds from the public in the form of deposits and channel them
in the form of credit and or other forms to improve the standard of living of the people at
large. A bank is one of the financial institutions that have an important role in the economy of
a country (Liang & Reichert, 2012). The definition of a bank in Article 1 Paragraph 2 of the
Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 21 of 2008 concerning amendments to Law
Number 7 of 1992 and Law Number 10 of 1998, a bank is a business entity that collects
funds from the public in the form of deposits and flows its community in the form of credit
and or in other forms to improve the people's standard of living. Deposits such as savings
deposits, time deposits, demand deposits, and credit distribution in this article will be used by
banks to increase capital (Jarrow & Van Deventer, 1998).The existence of banking is very
necessary for a country, for it is necessary to carry out supervision of guidance so that the
bank's business can run as expected. The implementation of the bank supervision function in
Indonesia is carried out by the central bank (Durrani, Rosmin, & Volz, 2020). The function of
the central bank is to maintain monetary stability, while the measurements are the stability of
the money value of the country concerned, price stability, exchange rates, and inflation
control. In addition, the central bank also regulates and maintains the payment system.
The function of bank supervision is placed in the central bank, the main function of the
bank is to maintain monetary stability, maintain and stabilize the payment system, and
maintain the stability of the banking system. These three functions are related to others, so
they must be managed in an integrated manner (Plochg & Klazinga, 2002). An international
study concluded that the effectiveness of the implementation of these policies requires the
support of the banking system, this shows a close relationship between the effectiveness of
the implementation of bank supervision (Ibrahim & Ismail, 2020).
Profitability is the bank's ability to earn a profit. Profitability ratios are divided into
three, namely return on assets (ROA), return on equity (ROE), and earnings per share (EPS)
(Satryo, Rokhmania, & Diptyana, 2017). ROA is used to measure the ability of bank
management to earn profits, the greater the ROA, the greater the level of profit achieved by
the bank (Kusumastuti & Alam, 2019). ROE is very important for shareholders and potential
investors to measure the bank's ability to obtain net profit that occurs by paying dividends, an