Determination Analysis Of Indonesian Palm Oil Commodities In The Covid-19 Pandemic Era On
Indonesian Per Capita Gdp And Export Tax Revenues
12 Return: Study of Management, Economic and Businnes , Vol 2 (No 1), Jan 2023
the majority of models that exceeds 50% (Model I: Adjusted R2 = 88.72% and Model II:
Adjusted R2 = 75.69%).
The existence of theoretical plausibility and explanatory ability characteristics in the
model shows that the model has been tested to have academic uses. Meanwhile, the
characteristics of accuracy and forecasting ability indicate that the model has been tested
to have practical uses for policy determination.
The increase in palm oil production, commodity selling prices, the rupiah exchange rate
against the dollar, and commodity exports together have a very high ability to encourage
Indonesia's GDP growth per capita, and the increase in palm oil production, commodity selling
prices, and the rupiah exchange rate partially against the dollar is a determining factor of
increasing Indonesia's GDP growth per capita. Meanwhile, the increase in palm oil production,
commodity selling price, rupiah exchange rate against the dollar, and commodity exports
together have a very high ability to increase the contribution of Indonesia's export tax revenue,
and the increase in palm oil production and commodity selling prices are partially the
determining factors of the increasing contribution of Indonesia's export tax revenue.
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