Relationship Of Facilities And Compensationt To Permata Sejahtera Bekasi Foundatio Employees
35 Return: Management Studies, Economics and Business, Vol 2 (No 1), Jan 2023
important for the learning process and also to support the quality of education (Apandi 2018).
With various completeness of learning facilities and facilities in class and school that are
available to be utilized, and can also support the learning process activities, which of course
will help students in improving the quality of school achievements. Facilities and infrastructure
are everything that can facilitate and facilitate the implementation of an effort in the form of
One of the employees' performance can be seen from the level of employee discipline.
Performance is a function of motivation, skills and role perception (Liswandi 2017). State that
performance is the achievement of the results obtained from certain job functions or activities
over a certain period of time. That performance is the process by which organizations evaluate
or assess employee performance. (Hasmalawati and Restya 2017) Provides a definition that
performance is the result of work that has been achieved by a group of employees in a company
organization, in order to achieve a company organizational goal, within a predetermined period
of time. So performance must refer to the achievement of the tasks assigned to employees in
the company. So performance is the results of a person's job function or as a group in a company
organization, which has an impact on various factors for the achievement of the company's
organizational goals.
Compensation is everything that employees receive in return for their work, and
compensation itself can be divided into two, namely direct compensation and indirect
compensation. Direct compensation includes salaries, bonuses/incentives, commissions
(Rahman 2017). Meanwhile, indirect compensation includes holiday allowances and health
benefits. Whereas in developing and implementing a compensation/reward system, the
interests of the organization and the interests of employees absolutely need to be taken into
account. The purpose of compensation to be more effective is to produce more qualified human
resources and other resources, to be able to retain employees in a company to be comfortable
and productive, and the company is able to be fair, in accordance with the performance of the
employees themselves, in controlling costs, and in accordance with applicable rules and
regulations (Wahjono 2015). Compensation with finances from all income in the form of
money or other forms, received by employees of the foundation in return for their services and
achievements provided to the foundation (Firmandari 2014).
In this study using a quantitative approach. By producing findings obtained by statistical
and mathematical procedures through measurement data, to be analyzed, there is an influence
between variables expressed in numbers. Based on the level of explanation of the position of the
variables, this study is causal associative, Has the aim of wanting to know the effect between
two variables or more than variables. Acording to Sugiyono, in (Ristanti 2022). This study will
analyze an influence between the variables studied, namely the effect of facilities and services
on customer satisfaction, and compensation on employee performance.
Data Collection Techniques
In this study the techniques used to collect data are as follows:
a. Questionnaire method for data collection by means of the subjects studied fill out the
questionnaire that has been provided by the researcher (Creswell 2002). In this study, the
data collection instrument used the Likert attitude scale concept. This model was developed
by Rensis Likert, in this model it is more widely used for research on psychology (morals),
attitudes and so on. On this Likert scale respondents will answer the statements that have
been made by the researcher by giving a cross. From the respondent's answer, a score is
then given. Giving weights or scores arranged in a consistent level. In this study, there are
5 types of answer points given. Assessment is measured scoring based on a Likert scale.