The Influence Promotion on Consumer Tastes In The Decision of Tourist to Visit Bangka Botanical
43 Return: Management Studies, Economics and Business, Vol 2(No 1), Dec 2023
destinations includes activities for various purposes, including day visits or
excursions/excursions" in (Pendit 1990:30). AJ Burkat and S. Malik in their book entitled
Tourism, Past, Present, and Future, reads "Tourism means the temporary and short-term
movement of people to destinations outside the places where they usually live and work,
and their activities during their stay at those destinations" in (Soekadijo 2000:3).
3. Promotion, Tourism, and Tourists
Promotion is an activity that includes distributing promotional materials, such as
films, slides, advertisements, brochures, booklets, leaflets, and folders, through various
channels such as TV, radio, magazines, cinema, direct good mail to "potential tourists",
namely a number of people who meet the minimum requirements to travel on tourism,
because they have a lot of money, physical condition is still strong, they just don't have free
time to travel as tourists or "actual tourists, namely people who are traveling tourism to a
certain destination area with the aim of transferring information and influencing prospective
tourists to visit a tourist destination. Tourism promotion referred to here is tourism
campaigns and propaganda based on regular and continuous plans or programs. This
promotion is aimed at local people with the intent and purpose of evoking the public's views
so that he is aware of the usefulness of tourism for him so that the tourism industry in this
country gets support. Outwardly, this promotion is aimed at the outside world where this
information campaign actually contains various unique and interesting facilities and
attractions that can be presented to the tourist in (Pendit 1990:23).
4. Taste of Consumers (Tourists)
Marketers should try to understand consumers, know what they need, what their tastes
are, and how they make decisions. So that marketers can produce goods and services in
accordance with consumer needs. A deep understanding of consumers will allow marketers
to influence consumer decisions, so they are willing to buy what is offered by marketers.
Intense competition between brands and products makes consumers a stronger position in
bargaining position (Sumarwan 1999). The main factors that influence consumer behavior
according to Kotler (1993) include cultural factors, social factors, personal factors, and
psychological factors. Culture is one of the most basic determinants of a person's desires
and behavior and in fact, all societies have social stratification where social class shows a
choice of products with different brands. Purchasing decisions are also influenced by
personal characteristics, especially the age and stages in the buyer's life cycle, occupation,
economic situation, lifestyle, personality, and concept of identity. A person's buying choice
will also be influenced by the main psychological factors, namely motivation, perception,
learning process, and belief with attitude (Nofri and Hafifah 2018).
5. AIDDAS Theory
The communication model that is considered in accordance with this research is the
AIDDAS Theory, which explains that the approach called AA Procedure or from Attention
to Action Procedure, is actually a simplification of a process abbreviated as AIDDAS
includes : (Suswati 2021) Attention : Attention; Interest : Interest; Desire: Desire; Decision
: Decision; Action : Action; Satisfaction : Satisfaction.
This means that the communicator in carrying out activities must begin with growing
attention. Based on the AIDDA formula, persuasive communication is preceded by an effort
to arouse attention, it can be done by speaking styles and words that stimulate the audience.
If attention has been successfully aroused, then following efforts to cultivate interest, in this
case, the communicator must know who the communicant he is dealing with is.
Methodology The research was conducted using the correlation research method which will
see the effect of the relationship between variables, namely promotion, consumer tastes (tourists)