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Mada Adi Wibowo1*, Pandi Afandi 2, Hardi Utomo3, Endang Purwanti 4,
Fudji Sri Mar’ati 5

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi AMA12345

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected]


This study aims to examine the Mediation of Organizational Citizenship
Behavior the Effect of Organizational Commitment on Work Performance of
Employees in Bawen District, Semarang Regency. The population of this
research is employees in Bawen District. Where the sample that will be used
as respondents in this study is Bawen District Employees with a total of 31
respondents. The sampling technique is saturated sampling. The types of data
used are primary and secondary. Data collection methods are questionnaires
and documentation. The analytical technique used is Path Analysis. The
results of the calculation show that the indirect effect of Organizational
Commitment on Work Performance through OCB is smaller than the direct
effect of Organizational Commitment on Work Performance, so it can
guarantee that OCB is not able to become a variable that mediates
Organizational Commitment to Work Performance. This shows that the
tendency of Organizational Commitment to work will not affect the OCB and
from the OCB obtained, it will not affect the Work Performance applied by
the employees

KEYWORDS Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Organizational Commitment, Achievement


State Civil Apparatus (ASN) as regulated in the ASN Law no. 5 of 2014 is a law that
regulates the profession of civil servants and government employees with work agreements
working for government agencies (Ramadhani and Joesoef 2020). In the development of
human resources for State Apparatus in 2012, ASN has limited strength and capabilities
because the principle of merit is not implemented effectively in ASN management (Noors
2019). It is indicated by low integrity, capacity building is not implemented, and welfare is low
and unfair. Towards 2025, especially after the enactment of the ASN Law, the state apparatus
has world-class professional strength and capabilities, has high integrity, is non-partial in
carrying out tasks, has high culture, and is trusted by the public with the support of superior
human resources under the leadership of the president (Abdussamad 2020).

According to Mangkunegara, work performance is the result of work in quality and
quantity achieved by an employee in carrying out his duties by the responsibilities given to
him (Mangkunegara and Prabu 2009).

The role of organizational commitment from ASN employees and government
employees is needed where organizational commitment is an effective response to the
organization (Robbins and Judge 2008). Acording to (Mangkunegara and Prabu 2009)
Organizational commitment is a condition in which an employee sided with an organization
and its goals, and intends to maintain its membership.

The Mediation Of Organizational Citizenship Behavior The Effect Of Organizational Commitment On Work
Performance Of Employees In Bawen District, Semarang Regency

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In the same context, in addition to organizational commitment from ASN and
government employees is organizational citizenship behavior or organizational citizenship
behavior where proportional behavior or extra actions that exceed the description of the roles
specified in the organization are referred to as organizational citizenship behavior (Hasanah
2020). Therefore, organizations have an interest in the development of human resources who
have organizational citizenship behavior.

Based on observations in early October 2019 at the Bawen District Office, Semarang
Regency. There are findings including organizational commitment where 2 out of 5 employees
in Bawen District tend to pay less attention to their organization where when there are problems
encountered such as reports on work program activities it is not their responsibility. The
organization also has not received loyalty from the responsibility of doing its duties. For OCB,
1 out of 5 employees in Bawen District tends to carry out activities or activities that are less
voluntary at work.

Based on the background of the problems that the researchers encountered and
researched, the researchers took the title “Influence Of Organizational Commitment On
Employee Achievement With Ocb (Organization Citizenship Behavior) As Intervening
Variables In Bawen District, Semarang Regency”

Literathur Review
1. Organizational Commitment

Organizational Commitment according to (Allen and Meyer 1990) in (Prasetyono
and Kompyurini 2007), three components affect organizational commitment, so
employees choose to stay or leave the organization based on the norms they have. The
three components are : (Meyer et al. 2002)
a. Affective commitment is related to the desire to be bound to the organization.

Individuals stay in the organization of their own volition. The key to this commitment
is to want to.

b. Continuance commitment is a commitment based on rational needs. In other words,
this commitment is formed based on profit and loss, considering what must be
sacrificed if you will stay in an organization. The key to this commitment is the need
to persist.

c. Normative Commitment is a commitment based on the norms that exist within the
employee, containing individual beliefs about responsibility for the organization. He
felt he had to survive because of loyalty. The key to this commitment is the obligation
to stay in the organization (ought to).

2. Organization Citizenship Behavior (OCB)
Organizational Citizenship Behavior according to (Organ, Podsakoff, and MacKenzie 2005)

is individual behavior that is voluntary, not directly recognized by the formal reward system,
leaving the overall effectiveness of organizational functions.(Tree and Suryoko 2016) By
"voluntary" it is meant that the behavior does not require a coercive/mandatory role or job
description, namely the conditions for working with a company/organization that are clearly
detailed. The work is more of a personal choice, and as such, if you don't do it, you don't get

3. Employee Work Performance
According to Mangkunegara (Mangkunegara and Prabu 2009), work performance is the result of

work in quality and quantity achieved by an employee in carrying out his duties by the responsibilities
given to him.

The Mediation Of Organizational Citizenship Behavior The Effect Of Organizational Commitment On Work
Performance Of Employees In Bawen District, Semarang Regency

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The population is a generalization area consisting of objects/subjects that have certain
qualities and characteristics determined by researchers to be studied and then drawn
conclusions (Sugiyono 2010). For this study, the population used was all 31 employees of the
Bawen District.

The sample is part of the number and characteristics possessed by the population
(Sugiyono 2010). Samples are often taken to represent the population of employees. Due to
limitations in the population of this study, the sampling technique used is a non-probability
sampling technique with a saturated sampling technique method. According to Sugiyono
(Sugiyono 2018), the saturated sampling technique is a sampling technique when all members
of the population are used as samples. So that the sample in this study is all employees, both
ASN and government employees in Bawen District, Semarang Regency, totaling 31
Istrument Test

a. Validity test
b. Reliability Test

Analyis Technique
Equation of Sub Structure I (Riduwan 2012:129) :

Y1 = b1.X + e1
Y1 : Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)
b1 : Variable coefficient
X : Organizational Commitment
e1 : Residual

The method of analysis in this study is Path Analysis, which is a technique to analyze the
pattern of relationships between variables to know the direct or indirect effect of a set of
independent variables (exogenous) on the dependent variable (endogenous) (Ghozali 2006).
Equation of Sub Structure II (Riduwan 2012):

Y2 = b3.X + b2.Y1 + e2
Y2 : Work Performance
b2 and b3 :The coefficient of each variable
X : Organizational Commitment
Y1 : Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)
e2 : Residual


Data analysis includes instrument test, multiple regression analysis, t-test, F-test,
coefficient of determination, and mediation test.
A. Instrument Test

Commitment (X)

Employee Work
Performance (Y2)

Organization Citizenship Behavior (Y1)

The Mediation Of Organizational Citizenship Behavior The Effect Of Organizational Commitment On Work
Performance Of Employees In Bawen District, Semarang Regency

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The instrument test includes validity and reliability tests, the results of which can be seen as
1. Validity Test

A validity test is used to measure the level of accuracy of an instrument in the
questionnaire. The high and low validity of the instrument shows the extent to which the
instrument can describe and explain the variables studied. To measure whether or not the
questionnaire is valid, the testing will be carried out with a sample of 31 people.

The following are the results of calculations with SPSS, the following results are

Table 1. Validity Test Result

No. Variables No. Item r count
r table


1. Oragnization Commitment
1 0,499 0,3550 Valid
2 0,724 0,3550 Valid
3 0,759 0,3550 Valid


Organizational Citizenship
Behavior (OCB)

1 0,067 0,3550 Invalid
2 0,264 0,3550 Invalid
3 0,416 0,3550 Valid
4 0,586 0,3550 Valid

5 0,535


3. Work Performance

1 0,714 0,3550 Valid
2 0,742 0,3550 Valid
3 0,669 0,3550 Valid
4 0,361 0,3550 Valid

Source : result of processed data 2020 by SPSS
The results of the validity test showed that the calculated r value between the

respondents' answers in each question item and the total value of the respondents' answers
resulted in a calculated r value greater than the r table except for the OCB question items
1 and 2 of (0.067 and 0.264) so that the twelve variables were declared invalid. Therefore,
the two variables in OCB were excluded, resulting in a retest as follows:

Table 2. Results of Repeating Questionnaire Validity Test

No. Variable No. Item r count
r table


1. Organizational Commitment
1 0,499 0,3550 Valid
2 0,724 0,3550 Valid
3 0,759 0,3550 Valid


Organizational Citizenship
Behavior (OCB)

1 0,416 0,3550 Valid

2 0,586 0,3550 Valid

3 0,535 0,3550 Valid

3. Work Achievement

1 0,714 0,3550 Valid
2 0,742 0,3550 Valid
3 0,669 0,3550 Valid
4 0,361 0,3550 Valid

Source: Result of Processing data 2020 by SPSS
2. Reliability Test

A reliability test is used to see how far a measurement result can be trusted. The
research results are said to be reliable if there are similarities at different times on the
same subject. The reliability test in this study was carried out using a scale analysis tool
indicated by Cronbach's alpha value > 0.6. Based on the results of the SPSS test, the
following results were obtained:

The Mediation Of Organizational Citizenship Behavior The Effect Of Organizational Commitment On Work
Performance Of Employees In Bawen District, Semarang Regency

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Table 3. Reliability Test Results




Organization Commitment (X) 0,748 0,6 Reliable
OCB (Y1) 0,708 0,6 Reliable
Work Achievement (Y2) 0,776 0,6 Reliable

Source: Results of data processing 2020 SPSS
Based on the results of the reliability test using SPSS as displayed in the table above

show that the calculated alpha value is greater than the table alpha, which is 0.60. Thus,
all the variables used in this study are reliable, so they can continue to be used for further

B. Regression Analysis
The analytical tool used in this research is multiple regression to analyze the influence

of the role of k. The analytical technique used in this research is path analysis. The
analysis is used to determine the effect of the independent variable on the dependent
variable mediated by other variables. The study will examine the effect of organizational
commitment (X) on work performance (Y2) which is mediated by organizational
citizenship behavior (Y1). The following are the regression results used for testing with
Path analysis techniques.

The results of the regression analysis of organizational commitment (X) to OCB (Y1)
can be seen in table 4.

Table 4. Coefficientsa
Model Unstandardized


t Sig.

B Std. Error Beta

(Constant) 3,415 2,457 ,871 ,242

,317 ,130 ,362 3,540 ,023

a. Dependent Variable: OCB
Source: Results of data processing 2020 with SPSS

The regression coefficient value can be seen in the standardized coefficients and
based on the coefficient value, the following equation can be made:

Y1 = a + b1.X
Y1 = 3,415 + 0,362(X)

From the above equation, in general, the following explanation can be interpreted:
a. Constant (a) = 3.415 means that if the independent variable has a value of zero (0)

then the value of the dependent variable is 3.415
b. The regression coefficient for the price variable (b) = + 0.362 means that there is a

positive effect which means that if the organizational commitment variable (X)
increases by one unit while the other variables remain constant, the OCB (Y1) will
increase by 0.362.

The results of the regression analysis of organizational commitment (X) and OCB
(Y1) on work performance (Y2) can be seen in table 5.

Tabel 5. Coefficientsa

Model Unstandardized


t Sig.

B Std. Error Beta

(Constant) ,325 2,717 4,105 ,017

,708 ,330 ,666 7,335 ,006

The Mediation Of Organizational Citizenship Behavior The Effect Of Organizational Commitment On Work
Performance Of Employees In Bawen District, Semarang Regency

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OCB ,846 ,246 ,796 8,440 ,002
a. Dependent Variable: Work Performance

Source: Results of data processing 2020 with SPSS
The regression coefficient value can be seen in the standardized coefficients and based on the
coefficient value, the following equation can be made:

Y2 = a + b3X + b2Y1
Y2 = 0,325 + 0,666(X) + 0,796(Y1)

From the above equation, in general, the following explanation can be interpreted:
a. Constant (a) = 0.325 means that if the independent variable has a value of zero (0) then

the value of the dependent variable is 0.325.
b. The regression coefficient of the organizational commitment variable (b3) = + 0.666

means that there is a positive influence which means that if the directorial commitment
variable (X) increases by one unit while the other variables remain constant, work
performance (Y2) will increase by 0.666.

c. The regression coefficient for the OCB variable (b2) = + 0.796 means that there is a
positive effect which means that if the OCB variable (Y1) increases by one unit while
the other variables remain constant, work performance (Y2) will increase by 0.796.

C. Hypothesis Test
This analysis is intended to determine whether the regression equation obtained can be

accounted for or not. Hypothesis testing is done utilizing a partial significance test
(statistical t-test).
1. T-test

The t-test was used to determine whether there was a significant effect of
organizational commitment (X) and OCB (Y1) partially. The formulation of the
hypothesis is as follows:

Table 6. Coefficientsa
Model Unstandardized


t Sig.

B Std. Error Beta

(Constant) 3,415 2,457 ,871 ,242

,317 ,130 ,362 3,540 ,023

a. Dependent Variable: OCB

Source: Results of data processing 2020 with SPSS
Based on the results of the t-test, it is possible to test the following hypotheses:

a. Hypothesis Test
Hypothesis testing was carried out on the organizational commitment variable
(independent) with OCB (dependent) with a total of 31 respondents. The results of
the analysis using SPSS obtained the t-count value of 3.540, while the t-table value
at a significance level of 5%/2 and df (n-k-1 = 31-1-1) = 29 of 2.045, thus the t-
count value of 3.540 > 2.045 so the research hypothesis that "There is a positive
and significant effect between organizational commitment (X) on OCB (Y1)", is

The t-test is used to determine whether there is a significant effect of organizational
commitment (X) and OCB (Y1) on work performance (Y2) partially. The formulation of
the hypothesis is as follows:

Table 7. Coefficientsa
Model Unstandardized


T Sig.

B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) ,325 2,717 4,105 ,017

The Mediation Of Organizational Citizenship Behavior The Effect Of Organizational Commitment On Work
Performance Of Employees In Bawen District, Semarang Regency

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,708 ,330 ,666 7,335 ,006

OCB ,846 ,246 ,796 8,440 ,002
a. Dependent Variable: Work Performance

Source: Results of 2018 data processing by SPSS
Based on the results of the t-test, it is possible to test the following hypotheses:

b. Hypothesis I Testing
Hypothesis I testing was carried out on the organizational commitment variable
(independent) with work performance (dependent) with a total of 31 respondents.
The results of the analysis using SPSS obtained the t-count value of 7,335 while
the t-table value at a significance level of 5%/2 and df (n-k-1 = 31-2-1) = 28 of
2.048, thus the t-count value of 7.335 > 2.048 so the research hypothesis that "There
is a positive and significant influence between organizational commitment (X) on
work performance (Y2)", is accepted.

c. Hypothesis II Testing
The second hypothesis testing was carried out on the OCB (independent)

variable with work performance (dependent) with a total of 31 respondents. The
analysis result by using SPSS obtained the t-count value of 8.440 while the t-table
value at a significance level of 5%/2 and df (n-k-1 = 31-2-1) = 28 of 2.048, thus the
t-count value is 8.440 > 2.048 so that the research hypothesis that "There is a positive
and significant effect between OCB (Y1) on work performance (Y2)", is accepted.

2. Mediation Effect Test
Path analysis test is used to prove whether the OCB variable is a mediating variable

between organizational commitment to work performance. The analysis is carried out
based on the standardized coefficients from the regression results and path analysis can
be made as follows:

Fig. 1 Path Analysis of Organizational Commitment to Work Performance Through
Organizational Citizenship Behavior/OCB

Based on the path analysis image, it can be analyzed as follows:
Table 8. Path Analysis

Variable Influence

Causality Influence
Direct Indirect

Total by Y1
X toward Y1 1= (0,362)
X toward Y2 2=(0,666) 3= (0,796) 2 + (ρ1 x ρ3)


Path Analysis of Organizational Commitment to Work Performance Through

Organizational Citizenship Behavior/OCB
a. The direct effect of Organizational Commitment on Work Performance is 0.666.

Commitment (X)


0,362 0,796


Work performance

OCB (Y1)

0,471 e2

The Mediation Of Organizational Citizenship Behavior The Effect Of Organizational Commitment On Work
Performance Of Employees In Bawen District, Semarang Regency

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b. The Effect of Organizational Commitment on OCB is 0.362 and the effect of OCB
on Work Performance is 0.796, thus the indirect effect of Organizational
Commitment on Work Performance through OCB is 0.362 x 0.796 = 0.288

The calculation results show that the indirect effect of Organizational Commitment
on Work Performance through OCB is smaller than the direct effect of Organizational
Commitment on Work Performance, so it can be concluded that OCB is could not be a
variable that mediates between Organizational Commitment on Work Performance. It
shows that the tendency of Organizational Commitment to work will not affect the OCB,
and the OCB obtained will not affect the Work Performance applied by the employees.


This study discusses the effect of organizational commitment on work performance
through organizational citizenship behavior/OCB of employees in Bawen District. Based on
the descriptions in the previous chapter the researchers drew the following conclusions: a)
Direct Influence ; Hypothesis testing was carried out on the organizational commitment
variable (independent) with work performance (dependent) with a total of 31 respondents. The
results of the analysis using SPSS obtained the t-count value of 7.335 while the t-table value at
a significance level of 5%/2 and df (n-k-1 = 31-2-1) = 28 of 2.048, thus the t-count value of
7.335 > 2.048 so the research hypothesis that "There is a positive and significant influence
between organizational commitment (X) on work performance (Y2)", is accepted. b) Indirect

Influence First Test : The first hypothesis testing was carried out on the organizational
commitment variable (independent) with OCB (dependent) with a total of 31 respondents. The
results of the analysis using SPSS obtained the t-count value of 3.540 while the t-table value at
a significance level of 5%/2 and df (n-k-1 = 31-1-1) = 29 of 2.045, thus the t-count value of
3.540 > 2.045 so the research hypothesis that "There is a positive and significant effect between
organizational commitment (X) on OCB (Y1)", is accepted.

Second Test : The second hypothesis testing was carried out on the OCB (independent)
variable with work performance (dependent) with a total of 31 respondents. The results of the
analysis using SPSS obtained the t-count value of 8.440 while the t-table value at a significance
level of 5%/2 and df (n-k-1 = 31-2-1) = 28 of 2.048, thus the t-count value is 8.440 > 2.048 so
that the research hypothesis that "There is a positive and significant effect between OCB (Y1)
on work performance (Y2)", is accepted.

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