Marketing Communication Strategy for Coffee Through Digital Marketing


Agus Rohmat Hidayat 1*, Nur Alifah2

Institute for Islamic Religion, Bunga Bangsa Cirebon1*

Institute for Language Education in Cirebon2

[email protected] 1*, [email protected]2



Received: 14th December 2022

Revised: 17th December 2022

Approved: 20th December 2022

Background: Marketing communication is one step that has a major influence on the success of a company. Along with the development of technology, the economy, and the market, competition becomes more stringent. For this reason, marketing communication media are needed to be able to reach the target market. For this reason, marketing communication media are needed to be able to reach the target market.

Aim: This study aims to explain SCI Coffee's marketing communication strategy, which includes message strategy and media strategy, as implemented through Instagram

Method: This research uses a descriptive qualitative method. This research was conducted at the café SCI COFFEE. The population and sample used were all workers at the Syntax Corporation Indonesia office, totaling 100 respondents.

Findings: The results of the message strategy research study conducted by SCI via Instagram are information contained in the form of a service model that is close to consumers, offers a place with a comfortable atmosphere, and has a unique café concept that is different in each branch. While the message strategy is through creative message forms in the form of unique photo content and captions. The choice of language for writing captions uses slang. The media strategy carried out by SCI through Instagram as a marketing communication medium, media strategy through target audiences that are tailored to the habits of the target audience, using the current trending Instastory  feature, and the hashtag feature to make it easier for consumers to find places to enjoy good coffee, and election Instagram post time.


Marketing Communication Strategy, Social Media, and Instagram



In aggregate, economic growth is still used as an indicator of economic progress. Economic growth shows an increase in the production of goods and services in the economy, so this economic growth is an important indicator in conducting an analysis of economic development (Aryanto and Sudarti 2017). Economic development starts in the smallest sector and is evenly distributed to all levels of society. Resource management resources are utilized for national development in order to increase economic growth (Aryanto and Sudarti 2017). The business sector that is currently developing is the trade sector. The trade sector is the non-agricultural sector, which provides the smallest contribution to total income (Yuli 2011).

Economic development is a process that must be carried out to advance the country's economy. Important indicators in determining increased economic development can be seen in the increased production of goods and services (Setiawan and Soelistiyo 2017). The business or trade sector is a sector that has an important role in the process of producing goods and services. The business that is currently popular in Indonesia is the culinary business, such as restaurants, cafes, and bars (Hermawan, Brahmanto, and Hamzah 2018). In addition, Indonesia is a country that has the greatest culinary wealth in the world because it is the largest country and has many tribes and cultures (Nugroho 2019), so that there is an increase in the number of culinary entrepreneurs in Indonesia.

The phenomenon of an increase in the number of people opening culinary businesses occurs due to government support in the process of opening a culinary business. One of the government's roles in supporting the increasing number of culinary entrepreneurs in Indonesia is through the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Empowerment Program. Business synergy between the government and other parties is needed for the effectiveness of micro, small, and medium enterprise empowerment programs (Humam 2012). In practice, the culinary business can be run by all groups, from those with high low levels of education.

In Indonesia, we are no strangers to the sights and daily activities of various services and goods produced by micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). We buy our basic needs at the shop, beginning with the morning activities of looking for porridge to eat and snacks cakes sold by UMKM (Ayodya 2016). According to Law Number 99 of 1998, MSMEs are small-scale people's economic activities, with the business sector being the majority of small business activities, and need to be protected to prevent unhealthy competition (Hakiki, Rahmawati, and Novriansa 2020).

According to the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises, what is meant by MSMEs are small businesses, including microbusinesses. With the role of the government, it is very helpful for MSME actors to accelerate their movement to develop their businesses (Andriyanto 2019). Various methods have been carried out by the government, starting from regulatory support, facilitating licensing, taxation, and broad market access coverage, plus funding that is carried out only at low interest for business actors. Of course, this support will assist business actors in the agile MSME movement to be accessible to the challenging global market. Even though UMKM stands for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises, they have a very large contribution to the economy in Indonesia.

In the process of transactions with consumers, as many as 3.79 million, or around 8 percent, of the 59.2 million micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), have used online platforms to market their products (Yuliani 2017). The food and beverage business sector will continue to grow and become a mainstay of industries engaged in non-oil and gas processing, given the strong domestic market demand. The food and beverage business is currently attracting a lot of attention from young people and is created through various innovations. Along with the creations, many types of food and drink have sprung up and become hits.

Indonesian cuisine is one of the richest culinary traditions in the world. It is full of strong flavors (Wijaya 2019). Marketing communication strategies are designed to tell consumers how and why products are used, when, by whom, and where. Applying marketing communications when communicating products to the target market is something that can be done to achieve company goals (Harmayani et al. 2019). Many kinds of media can be used as channels for conducting marketing communications, such as advertisements on television, radio, newspapers, magazines, brochures, and social media.

Along with the development of technology, the economy, and the market, competition becomes more stringent. The existing market also expanded from a small level in the local environment to a global level. so that marketing communications become more complicated and sophisticated. followed by marketing communication media, which are considered to be even more effective at reaching the target market (Andriyanto 2019). In terms of media, small and large businesses are increasingly using the internet to market their products.This increase indicates that internet penetration in Indonesia has reached 51%, or that there are already more internet users than non-internet users (Onsomu et al. 2022). Of a total of 132 million internet users, as many as 106 million people actively use social media. According to Mix Magazine (2017), Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms in Indonesia.Indonesia occupies the top position on the list of the largest markets in Asia Pacific, with 45 million active users per month. The number of users has more than doubled compared to 2016, when it reached 22 million users (Istiqomah 2022).

Susan Buckner Rose, Product Marketing Director of Instagram and a member of the Interactive Advertising Bureau's Native Advertising Task Force, stated that Indonesia attracted her attention because of the high interest of the Indonesian people in using the Instagram platform, both for sharing information and for business. What are the benefits of Instagram for micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and how do they affect their business activities? Currently, 80% of Instagram users follow at least one business account, and a third of the most viewed Instagram Story content comes from business accounts. Sourced from CNN Indonesia, most Instagram users in Indonesia are 18–24 years old, with a percentage of 59%; then, as many as 30% are aged 25–34 years; and for Instagram users aged 34–44 years, the percentage is 11% (Harmayani et al. 2019).

According to some of the descriptions, the Instagram trend as a marketing strategy is used as a form of marketing communication in the coffee shop business, or what is cooler is called a coffee shop in Cirebon, namely, SCI COFFEE.SCI Coffee, which is in the company environment and is also a branch of the business of a large company, namely PT. Easily Rich Worldwide, which was originally a CV. Syntax Corporation Indonesia (SCI), SCI Coffee is currently only available in the Cirebon area. SCI COFFEE only uses one Instagram account, namely, with account management for posting and providing captions for photos or videos that will be uploaded directly managed by SCI COFFEE with consistent posting every day.

This research focuses on the marketing communication strategy carried out by SCI Coffee through Instagram social media. What is the message strategy carried out by SCI Coffee through Instagram as a marketing communication medium? What is the media strategy carried out by SCI Coffee through Instagram as a marketing communication medium? This study aims to explain the message strategy and media strategy carried out by SCI Coffee through Instagram as a marketing communication medium.


In this study, the data collected was in the form of observations and interviews. Thus, this study aims to describe reality in depth regarding the collected datas. Thus, this study aims to describe reality in depth regarding the collected data. The method used in this research is descriptive-qualitative. In this case, qualitative research involves a naturalistic interpretive approach to the world. The qualitative research method is a research method based on the philosophy of postpositivism, used to conduct research on natural object conditions (as opposed to experiments), where the researcher is the key instrument, data collection techniques are carried out by triangulation (combined), data analysis is inductive/qualitative, and the results of qualitative research emphasize meaning rather than generalization (Creswell and Poth 2016:9).


The Effect of Production, Selling Prices, Exchange Rates and Exports on Indonesia's GDP Per Capita

In today's digital world, marketing has touched on the use of social media in implementing marketing strategies. At least now almost all companies or business people use social media, starting from conveying information, persuading, to offering their products to consumers. Social media is currently widely used by business people as one of their marketing communication mediums. There is a strategy that supports each other to achieve success according to the desired target before marketing communications are carried out. In this study, the planning of marketing communication strategies carried out by SCI through Instagram social media includes message strategies and media strategies. Message Strategy in Marketing Communication via Instagram Marketing a product necessitates careful planning of a strategy capable of being dynamic in change.

Organizations or companies need marketing strategies and plans to achieve a goal. The message strategy consists of the content of the communication information and the creative form of the message. content of communication information. In conveying messages through Instagram, the informational content that SCI wants to convey is that of a coffee shop with a service model that is close and familiar to consumers, up to the baristas who are willing to teach coffee making. Besides that, SCI wants to be known as a place that has a comfortable atmosphere and a unique café concept. It chooses an unusual location because it is not strategically located and is hidden, so the concept of a place is different in each of its branches. Messages in Novel WaysIn addition to some of the informational content that SCI wants to convey, there is also a strategy related to the creative forms of messages packaged by SCI via Instagram (, namely photo content and captions that are relaxed, eccentric, and odd.

In addition to the photo captions that use everyday language, making Instagram look not like a business account but someone's personal account, this is used as a strategy so that SCI's Instagram is more interactive with its target audience, which is a discussion about the products offered only 50% of the time. The interactive form carried out by Instagram is in the form of questions related to uploaded photos and captions that provoke the audience to respond in the form of likes or comments.

This is what attracts consumers to interact with Instagram SCI. The next creative form of message is content. The content in question is photo content that is shared in the form of photos of all SCI locations, showing the atmosphere of drinking coffee at home, next to the hotel, and in the warehouse. The content in question is photo content that is shared in the form of photos of all SCI places, showing the atmosphere of drinking coffee at home, next to the hotel, and in the warehouse. information to the target audience.

The first is the selection of media, which is the channel to deliver the message. Second, there is the target audience, to whom the message is conveyed. Instagram's media selection is considered successful in conveying marketing communications well because Instagram plays with a visual language that is capable of having the strongest binding power compared to other social media. Based on the research results, the advantages of Instagram are used by SCI to be able to maintain the loyalty of its consumers, such as those who come with various activities carried out at SCI, as well as repeated arrivals of consumers, so that they get to know consumers who often come to SCI. Target Audience In addition, to get the maximum reach among the target audience, SCI adapts to the habits of the target audience, which currently tends to use Instagram as a platform for finding references to places. This is also an opportunity to incorporate Instagram into the SCI marketing communication media strategy.

The next strategy is to use the Instagram Story feature, which is now a trend and is considered capable of reaching many viewers, on the grounds that the advantage of Instagram Stories is playing on moving visuals so that the audience is interested in seeing the contents of the Instagram Stories uploaded by Instagram SCI in the form of photos or videos that show a different atmosphere. was in SCI at the time. Apart from using Instagram Stories, the hashtag is also used on Instagram ( to reach the target audience. because it is considered to make it easier to find a place, especially the SCI coffee shop. SCI also determines the time for uploading photos to the Instagram account, which is every day from 06.00 to 22.00. Based on research, there is no specific schedule for how many photos and exactly what time must be posted every day by Instagram user




The message strategy carried out by SCI via Instagram ( is in the form of informational content to be conveyed to consumers about SCI as a coffee shop with a service model that is close to consumers, offers a place with a comfortable atmosphere, and has a unique café concept because it is different in every branch. While the message strategy is through creative forms of messages, namely in the form of content such as photos and captions that are unique because they show the relaxed, quirky, and weird side of SCI, The content in question is in the form of product content, atmosphere, and consumers who come. The choice of language for writing captions on Instagram ( uses slang for more interesting reasons than the use of corporate language, which is considered boring. Because of this, SCI's Instagram is more interactive with its consumers.

The media strategy carried out by SCI through Instagram (@sci) The reason for choosing Instagram as a marketing communication medium is because Instagram plays on visual language and words, which have the strongest binding power among other social media, and are used as an opportunity to maintain consumer loyalty. The media strategy through SCI's Instagram target audience is also adapted to the habits of the target audience, where currently the audience tends to choose Instagram as a platform to look for place references, with the use of the Instastory feature, which has become a current trend, and the hashtag feature to make it easier for consumers to find places to enjoy good coffee. refers to SCI, and the selection of posting times from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. is felt to be able to reach SCI's target audience.


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