P-ISSN: 2964-0121
E-ISSN: 2963-3699
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Management Planning and Its Development To Improve The Performance
of Company Employees
Ahmad Zaelani Adnan
, Endrixs Endrianto
, Ninin Asmiah
, Aisyandani Muqsitha
Institut Teknologi Petroleum Balongan Indramayu, Indonesia
, nininasminah@yahoo.com
Received: 14
December 2022
Revised: 17t
December 2022
Approved: 20
December 2022
Background: Management planning in improving employee performance in
a company, namely providing training, applying discipline and providing
motivation at work
Aim: This study aims to find out how management planning in improving
employee performance in a company.
Method: This research is qualitative research, so the data analysis applied
is qualitative. Data collection is the activity of deciphering or collecting all
data that has been obtained from the field in the form of observations,
interviews and data in the form of certain documents without exception Data
presentation, efforts to present data to see the overall picture or certain parts
of this research, Data reduction is the process of selecting the focus of
attention on simplifying, abstracting, and transforming emerging data and
written records in the field Conclusion and verification, that is, an attempt
to achieve meaning to the collected data, by looking for patterns,
relationships of equations of things that often arise
Findings: The implementation of management in improving employee
performance in a company is conducting training, applying time in work and
providing motivation in the form of rewards and punishments. Evaluation of
management planning in improving employee performance runs effectively
and efficiently, if this is associated with syarah management then this is in
accordance with the three principles of sharia management, namely fairness,
trust and accountability as well as communicative.
Management planning, Performance, Employees
One of the determining factors of a company's success is the performance of its
employees. Every organization or agency in implementing directed programs is always
empowered to achieve company goals. One way is to improve employee performance
(Muzakki and Ariyanto 2019). Management is the planning, organization, direction, control,
activities of members of an organization, and activities that use all the resources of an
organization to achieve predetermined organizational goals (Stoner, Freeman, and Gilbert)
(Wahab 2022). Management development or called management development is a program in
an organization to encourage managers and prospective managers to develop their skills,
knowledge, so that it will increase their responsibilities in an organization. While the definition
of performance (work performance) is the result of work in quality and quantity achieved by
an employee in carrying out his duties in accordance with the responsibilities given to him
(Suryani and SE 2019). Performance is basically what employees do or don't do so they
influence how much they contribute to the agency or organization including the quality service
presented. Performance can also be assessed against expected behaviors that must be
predetermined in advance.
Management planning is a company's way to improve employee performance so that
company goals can be achieved (Nursam 2017). In order for the management to be successful,
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the company needs to know the performance goals. Performance goals that define the
individual specifically, in projects, processes, routine and core activities for which the
employee will be responsible. If the performance goals from within the employee then form a
self-strength, and if the environmental situation supports it, the achievement of performance
will be easier (Nursam 2017).
Planning in management is a dynamic process because it takes place continuously in an
organization. Every management always requires review and maybe even changes in the future,
one of the main reasons why this is the case is because of the ever-changing conditions also In
other words, management planning is intended for the organization to be a unit capable of
displaying high performance because a successful organization is an organization whose level
of effectiveness and productivity is getting higher and higher. Only then can its goals and and
various goals be achieved with satisfactory results.
Various influences of changes that occur due to reforms require companies, both private
and government companies, to hold innovative innovations to face the demands of change and
strive to formulate policies that are in line with environmental changes A company must be
able to formulate the right policies to overcome any changes that will occur. One of the policies
that are of concern to management concerns the empowerment of human resources (Yustiana
and Almashari 2014).
Human resources are one of the key factors in economic reform, namely how to create
quality human resources and have skills and are highly competitive in global competition that
we have neglected. Human resources are a very important factor in life activities (Adwiyah
2015). Whether or not an organization or ordinary company is successful depends on human
resources High-quality human resources will have a high effect on the success of a company,
but the low quality of human resources will have a low effect on the success rate of a company
(Adwiyah 2015). In this case, humans as the driving force of a company in building a successful
company. They create strategies, goals, create innovations, and achieve company goals.
Employees are essentially one of the elements that become resources in the company
This human resource is what carries out daily activities Employees are living organisms that
allow the functioning of an organization or company and become an important element in
management (Aprilia Risanti 2012). Each individual has a unique personality and differs from
one another. Employees who have high morale will improve the life of the organization or
company Loyalty and morale can be seen from them feeling happy with their work.
Bibliography Review
The definition of Management is the science and art of managing the process of utilizing
human resources and other resources effectively and efficiently to achieve a certain goal.
Management is a science as well as an art to make others willing and willing to work to achieve
goals that have been formulated together, therefore management requires basic concepts of
knowledge, the ability to analyze existing situations, conditions, human resources and think of
appropriate ways to carry out interrelated activities to achieve goals. In essence, human activity
in general is managing to manage here an art is needed, how others need work to achieve
common goals (Susan 2019).
Management Level
Top Management/Coorporate : Usually referred to as a Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
which consists of several leaders. The CEO has the task and obligation to make various
strategic policies for the long term and the nature of his work is more of a managerial task
(Herlinda 2017).
Middle Management/Business : Usually referred to as Divisional Manager. This division
manager has duties and responsibilities in making tactical planning and execution (Herlinda
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First Line Management/Fungsional : Commonly known as functional manager. The
lower management has supervisors and foremen who are in charge of directing operational
work to the executor based on the planning made by the top-level managers (Herlinda 2017).
Management Activities And Elements
Scientific Management : Scientific management is a classic approach to management that
emphasizes the application of scientific principles, including increased efficiency, performance
and productivity through rational analysis of the components of production. Taylor describes
scientific management as "the use of the scientific method to determine the best way to get a
job done"(Waring 2016).
Human Relations Management and Approach : This approach emphasizes individual and
group attitudes and behavioral processes, and recognizes the importance of behavioral
processes within the organization or in the workplace. This approach to human relations was
first developed by Munsterberg 1863-1916, who is recognized as the father of industrial
psychology. The first book he wrote was Psychology and Industrial Efficiency.
Quantitative Management : Quantitative Management / Operations Research /
Quantitative Methods is the application of scientific methods to problems that arise in the
direction and management of a large system in humans, machines, raw materials, or capital in
an industry, business, government, or defense.
Management with a System Approach : As a management approach, 'systems' includes
both general and specialized systems and both closed and open analysis. The general systems
approach to management can be attributed to the concepts of formal and technical,
philosophical and socio-psychological organization. Meanwhile, the analysis of specific
management systems covers areas such as organizational structure, job design, accounting,
information systems, and planning and supervision mechanisms.
Management with a Contingency Approach : The contingency approach is a way of
applying concepts from various management streams in real-life situations. This contingency
approach is the answer to the problems faced in corporate practice, where there are often
methods that are very effective in one situation but will not work well in other situations. The
contingency approach is developed by various business actors in various fields of expertise,
such as: managers, consultants and researchers(Waring 2016).
Management Development
The development of management science can be classified into 4 stages, namely :(Kamal 2020)
Survival Stage (1886-1930). The year 1886 was the birth year of management science
which was marked by the birth of the scientific management movement pioneered by Frederick
Winslow Taylor.
Consolidation and Refinement (1930-1945). At this stage it is the effort of the pioneers
of management to perfect the principles, formulas, systematics, methods, and others of
management, so that their correctness can be accounted for.
Human Relations Stage (1945-1959). After management science is recognized for its
correctness and accepted as a branch of science, the next attention of experts is on the human
factor and its relationship and all its problems for the implementation of activities that must be
carried out in a humanitarian atmosphere.
Stage of Behaviouralism (1959-present). This stage is a time to study the role of the
human factor in the context of achieving goals.
The definition of performance or performance is a description of the level of achievement
of the implementation of a program of activities or policies in realizing the goals, objectives,
vision and mission of the organization as outlined through the strategic planning of an
organization (Lengkong, Lengkong, and Taroreh 2019). Performance can be known and
measured if an individual or group of employees already has criteria or benchmark success
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standards applied by the organization(Gede and Piartini 2018). Therefore, if without the goals
and targets set in the measurement, then the performance on a person or the performance of the
organization is impossible to know if there is no benchmark for success. According to Robbins
in (Massie, Areros, and Rumawas 2018), performance is an optimal achievement in accordance
with the potential of an employee is something that is always a concern for organizational
leaders. This performance describes the extent of a person's activity in carrying out tasks and
striving in achieving the goals set.
The methods used in this study are as follows : litherature studies. This method is actually
commonly done, namely by reading sourcebooks or other written sources of information, either
literature available in lectures or available in companies
Management planning
Planning involves defining organizational goals, determining strategies to achieve those
goals, and developing plans to integrate and coordinate their work activities Planning relates
to the end result (what) and goals (how).
Planning is basically a process to determine at the beginning of the various final results
that the company wants to achieve in the future Between planning activities and the final results
that are achieved, it is assumed that there is a time lag, where the longer the plan is made, the
time lag between planning and the final result to be achieved the greater and the degree of
uncertainty of the achievement also increases. Conversely, the shorter the time lag between the
planning made and the target results^ to be achieved, the degree of uncertainty of achieving the
results will decrease,
Planning is often called the primary management function because it determines the basis
for everything else managers do when managing, leading, and controlling Planning involves
two important aspects. Objectives and Planning
A goal (goal) is a desired or targeted result. It guides management decisions and forms
criteria for measured work results That's why goals are often called the basis of planning. You
must know the desired target or outcome before you can determine a plan to achieve it. A plan
is a document that defines the framework for how that goal will be met, A plan typically
includes the allocation of resources, schedules, and other actions necessary to achieve that goal.
When managers do planning, they develop both goals and plans.
Management planning is the process that an organization undertakes to determine
management or direction, as well as take decisions to allocate its resources to achieve this
strategy. Management planning is a management tool used to manage current conditions to
project future conditions, so a strategic plan is a guide that organizations can use from current
conditions to their work towards the next 5 to 10 years.
To achieve a management that has been determined by the organization in order to have
a competitive advantage, the company's leaders, operations managers, must work in a system
that exists in the management planning process.
Improves performance
As has been estimated by (Atkinson 1992) that on average, 10% to 25%, of all employees
are poor performers. What, then, needs to be done? Performance improvement as part of a
continuous performance management process needs to be applied at the organizational and
individual levels.
Improving organizational actions Poor performance may be the result of insufficient
leadership, poor management or an effective work system. All of them are perhaps the result
of the failure of whoever is at the top of the organization to cultivate well-set and undecided
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expectations. As Robert Schaffer (1991) puts it: "Demand-making capacity may be a
managerial skill that is overall underdeveloped."
Performance management is more than just about providing support and understanding.
If this is done excessively in accordance with the 1960s model of human relations of managers
as loving father figures, understanding and support, expectations and performance need not be
low. Managers, as Schaffer states, sometimes use various psychological mechanisms to avoid
unpleasant truths so that performance gaps appear. These mechanisms include:
Circumvention by means of rationalization. Managers may run away from the demands
of better performance by convincing themselves that they have done all they can to bring out
hope. They ignore the possibility of achieving greater results from the available resources.
When they are expected to truly trust employees when they state that they are already heavily
burdened, they may engage in their own extra work. Or they may move to extreme positions
and suppress workers with arbitrary demands, without being accompanied by the specifics of
the requirements and deadlines for results.
Trust in the procedure. Management may believe in various procedures, programs and
systems to get better results. Top managers stated, "Such is wages-based performance, or
performance management or whatever it is" and sat down while waiting for a panacea to
commit cheating, which of course they would not do unless they were part of a continuous
effort guided from above, and based on a vision of the need for what needs to be done to
improve performance
Serangen that surpasses the target. Managers may set firm goals and they insist that they
can be achieved, while still failing to generate accountability for their subordinates.
Steps to improve performance
Every company must often do many ways to improve the performance of its employees,
which aims to increase the company's work productivity, because a company can develop and
advance, of course, not only due to capital factors and a strong business strategy, but also
great Human Resources (HR). In this case, HR means employees or workers. Here are some
steps to improve employee performance : a) Transparent Performance Appraisal System; b).
Fulfill Employee Rights; c). Reward Dan Punishment c. Reward And Punishment; d). Career
Path; e). Training and Training; f). Establishing Familiarity.
Based on the analysis of the discussion and the results of the study, the research can conclude
as follows:
Strategic planning in improving the performance of employees of PT Makassar Raya
Motor Parepare Branch, namely that every employee must always be included in various
trainings, both held by the company (in-house training) and outside (principal). In addition, the
company also applies discipline in work. Finally, leaders motivate employees to improve their
performance at work.
Implementation of management in improving employee performance in a company,
namely each employee is included in various trainings held by the company in house training)
and outside (principal). In applying discipline, the company requires every employee to enter
the work on time The motivation given by the leadership to employees in order to improve
their performance at work is to let employees work based on targets that boil down to rewards
and punishments. The reward given by the leadership is in the form of money while the
punishment given is in the form of a one-month suspension.
Evaluation of strategies in improving employee performance, namely overall employees
perform well because after attending training, the application of discipline and the provision of
rewards and punishments can improve employee performance in working in the Company. In
addition, this is in accordance with sharia management because it refers to the rules on
discipline in entering working hours must be on time, provide an example to all employees,
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create a conducive work atmosphere full of kinship between employees and improve employee
welfare or salary and provide motivation to employees.
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