Homepage: https://jurnalreturn.staiku.ac.id
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Ade Sobariah Hasanah
STIE STMY Majalengka, West Java, Indonesia
Septembe,1 th 2022
September, 9 th
Background: One of the main elements of working capital in a company is
inventory turnover. Inventory is an asset that will continue to rotate and
change continuously. A company must pay attention to this inventory
turnover because it will indirectly have an impact on the development of the
Aim: This study aims to determine the effect of inventory turnover on
Return On Investment in PG. Rajawali II Cirebon.
Method: The method used is the descriptive verification method. The
population used in this study is inventory turnover data and Return On
Investment (ROI) data from 2015 to 2020, the research sample is inventory
turnover data and PG Return On Investment (ROI) data. Rajawali II
Cirebon for the last six years (20152020) taken by purposive sampling
Findings: The results of the simple linear regression test obtained the
equation = 21.215 + 0.303 X; This means that every increase in inventory
turnover so far has increased the number of returns on Investments. From
the results of the correlation test, the value of r = 0.868 means that the
amount of inventory turnover has a very strong relationship with Return on
Investment. The results of the determination test show that Return on
Investment is influenced by inventory turnover of 75.30%, while the
remaining 24.70% is influenced by other factors not examined. Based on
the results of hypothesis testing using the t-test, the account value is 3,495,
and stable at a = 0.05 and DK = 4 is 2.132; which means Ho is rejected or
Ha is accepted. This means that inventory turnover has a positive and
significant effect on the return on investment in PG. Rajawali II Cirebon..
Inventory Turnover; Return On Investment
One of the main elements of working capital in a company is inventory turnover.
Inventory is an asset that will continue to rotate and change continuously. A company must
pay attention to this inventory turnover because it will indirectly have an impact on the
development of the company (Demeter & Matyusz, 2011). Explains that inventory turnover is
a ratio used to measure how many times the funds invested in this inventory rotate in one
period. So one of the company's performance can be seen in inventory turnover. Inventory
turnover in the company is influenced by several factors, namely the level of sales, the
technical nature and length of the production process, and the durability of the final product
(Wajo, 2021). Inventories in a company will always change, so a manager is needed to be
careful in managing and determining the amount of inventory so that there is no excess or
shortage of inventory (Bonney & Jaber, 2011). If the inventory is too large, then the costs
borne by the company for maintenance and storage in the warehouse increase and increase
the risk of damage due to storage that is too long, thereby reducing the quality and profits of
The Effect Of Inventory Turnover On Return On Investment (Roi) In Pg. Rajawali Ii Cirebon
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the company. However, if the company experiences a shortage of inventory, it will result in a
delay in the production process so that the average production cost increases and suppresses
the company's profit (Forrester, 1968). To prevent this, inventory turnover is very necessary
for a company. Inventory turnover serves to determine the company's inventory that is sold
and replaced within a certain time. Low inventory turnover indicates weak sales while high
inventory turnover indicates influential sales (Gaur & Kesavan, 2015).
The company that will be the object of this research is PG Rajawali Cirebon. The
company belongs to the Manufacturing industry sector which carries out the production
process starting from purchasing raw materials and processing raw materials, to the form of
finished goods in the form of tiles that are ready to be marketed, to obtain the maximum
possible profit. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of inventory turnover on
Return on Investment (ROI). Cash turnover is the ratio between net sales and the average
amount of cash (Eryatna, Eltivia, & Handayawati, 2021). Explain the inventory that forms the
relationship between product production and sales (Blinder, 1986). Explains that high
inventories allow companies to meet sudden demands, but high inventories will cause
companies to require even greater working capital. State inventory can be classified into
supplies, and raw materials. work in process and finished goods. According to (Panigrahi &
Jena, 2020). Inventory turnover is a ratio used to measure how many times the funds invested
in this inventory rotate in one period. It can also be interpreted that inventory turnover is a
ratio that shows how many times the number of inventory items is replaced in one year.
For a company, Return on Investment (ROI) is an important thing in a company.
According to (Walasek & Barszcz, 2017). Return on Investment is a measurement of the
company's overall ability to generate profits with the total amount of investment made by the
company. So this ROI can be used to measure the effectiveness of the company with all
available assets in the company. According to (Hambrick & Schecter, 1983). Several factors
affect ROI, namely: 1) depreciation, 2) Asset book value, 3) Transfer pricing, 4) time and 5)
Company condition.
The uses of ROI according to (Li, Wei, & Zhao, 2017) include: 1) to measure the use of
working capital, product efficiency, and efficiency of the sales department, 2) to be used as a
comparison of the efficiency of the use of capital in companies with other similar companies,
3) to measure the efficiency of various actions taken by the company. carried out by
divisions/sections, 4) measuring the profitability of each product produced by the company,
and 5) for planning purposes.
The method used in this research is the descriptive verification method (Ramdhani &
Ramdhani, 2014). Explains that the descriptive method is a problem formulation related to
the question of the existence of independent variables, either only on one or more variables
(stand-alone variables). While the verification method is a research method that aims to
determine the causal relationship between variables through a test through a statistical
calculation, the results of the verification show whether the hypothesis is rejected or accepted
(Golfarelli, Maio, & Malton, 1997). To find out the relationship that occurs between
inventory turnover and Return On Investment (ROI), then the data is processed using a
simple linear regression test, correlation test, the test of determination (Hu & Plant, 2001).
The Effect Of Inventory Turnover On Return On Investment (Roi) In Pg. Rajawali Ii Cirebon
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Explain that the regression test is used to prove the extent of the influence of the independent
variable on the dependent variable, the correlation test aims to measure the functional
relationship between the independent and dependent variables, while the determination test
aims to determine how much influence between the independent and dependent variables
dependent variable (Riyanto, Sutrisno, & Ali, 2017). To test the hypothesis is done by
comparing the sig value with the error rate or by comparing the t count with the t table. Data
analysis and hypothesis testing were carried out with the help of SPSS version 23 software..
Based on the results of statistical tests conducted regarding the effect of inventory turnover
on return on investment at PG Rajawali Cirebon, it can be explained in the table below:
1.Simple Linear Regression Test
A simple linear regression test was used to determine the functional relationship between
inventory turnover and return on investment. The results of the simple linear regression test
are presented in table 1 below:
Table 1. Results of Simple Linear Regression Analysis
Std. Error
a. Dependent Variable: Return On Investment
From table 1, the regression coefficient values a = 21.215 and b = 0.303 so that the regression
equation = 21.215 + 0.303X is obtained. From this equation, it can be explained that any
increase in inventory turnover in PG. Rajawali II Cirebon has so far increased return on
investment of 0.303 X.
2. Correlation Test
A correlation test is used to determine the close relationship between inventory
turnover and return on investment. The results of the correlation test analysis are presented in
table 2: Table 2. Hasil Analisis Korelasi
Return On Investment
Sig. (2-tailed)
Return On
Sig. (2-tailed)
The Effect Of Inventory Turnover On Return On Investment (Roi) In Pg. Rajawali Ii Cirebon
10 Return: Study of Management, Economi and Bussines, Vol(1), Sep 2022
Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
Based on table 2, the correlation coefficient (r) is 0.868. By referring to the interpretation
guideline, the correlation value (r) of 0.868 means that the inventory turnover at PG. Rajawali
II Cirebon has a very strong relationship with Return on Investment.
3. Coefficient of Determination Test
The coefficient of determination test is used to determine the percentage of the effect
of inventory turnover on return on investment. The results of the analysis of the coefficient of
determination are presented in table 3:
Table 3. Determination Analysis Results
Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R
Std. The error
in the
a. Predictors: (Constant), Perputaran Persediaan
Based on the data in table 3 the magnitude of the coefficient of determination is 75.30%,
meaning that the amount of return on investment that is influenced by inventory turnover is
75.30%. While the remaining 24.70% is influenced by other variables or factors not
examined in this study.
4. Hypothesis Test
The test further clarifies the results of testing the effect of inventory turnover on
return on investment in PG. Rajawali II Cirebon, further testing is needed to test the
hypothesis that has been stated previously. The results of the hypothesis test are presented in
table 4: Tabel 4. Hypothesis Test Results
Std. Error
a. Dependent Variable: Return On Investment
From the calculation results, it is known that the count is 3.495 and stable at a = 0.05
and DK = 4 is 2.132; this means Ho is rejected or Ha is accepted. This means that inventory
turnover has a positive and significant effect on the return on investment in PG. Rajawali II
Cirebon. The results of this study are in line with the results of research by Haryanti and Siti
(2019: 1) which explains that inventory turnover has a positive and significant effect on
Return on Investment (ROI). Meanwhile, Pratiwi and Dini (2017: 12) explain that partial
cash turnover has a positive and significant effect on the profitability that will be obtained by
the company. So it can be concluded that the size of the inventory turnover in a company can
affect the amount of Return on Investment in the business concerned.
The Effect Of Inventory Turnover On Return On Investment (Roi) In Pg. Rajawali Ii Cirebon
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The results of hypothesis testing indicate that inventory turnover has a positive and
significant effect on the return on investment in PG. Rajawali II Cirebon, this is because the
higher the inventory turnover, the company's Return on Investment (ROI) will increase,
causing efficiency in the company.
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