Perbandingan Perilaku Konsumtif di Kalangan Mahasiswa
190 Return: Management Studies, Economics and Business, Vol 1(No 04), Dec 2022
benefit of something (Nasution and Prayogi 2019). According to sharia terminology, infak
means to expel part of it property or income or income for an interest commanded by the
teachings of Islam. If zakat da nisabnya, infak does not know nisab (Wahyuni 2018).
Almsgiving comes from the word shadaqa which means true (Nasution and Prayogi
2019). A person who likes to give alms is a true confession of his faith. If the infak is related
to matter, almsgiving has a broad meaning. Regarding matters of a non-material nature
(Suherman 2019). In sharia terminology, the notion of almsgiving has the same meaning as
infak, meaning to expend part of property or income for the purposes ordered by Islamic
teachings (Hastuti 2017).
Research methods are a scientific way of obtaining data with a specific purpose and
usefulness. This research uses certain approaches (Sugiyono 2012:8). This research uses a
descriptive qualitative method, which is a study that uses qualitative data and then describe
descriptively (Pope, Ziebland, and Mays 2000). This type of research is used to analyze
circumstances socially, events, or a phenomenon. This study also uses secondary data sources,
where researchers obtain existing source data derived from websites, financial report journals
and books (Prasanti 2018).
1. Distribution of Zakat, Infak and Sadaqah Funds (ZIS)
The Zakat Management Law No. 23 of 2011 mandates that zakat management will
be carried out in an integrated manner on a national scale (Zuhri and di Era Reformasi 2012).
With this system, it is hoped that it can protect people's funds so that they are managed
properly. In addition, the potential for collecting zakat will be maximized so that services
to mustahik will also be more optimal.
Baznas and LAZ have demonstrated their involvement in response to this pandemic,
both in terms of health programs and socioeconomic programs. As of May 25, 2020, Central
Baznas has poured funds of IDR 28.32 billion which allocated for health emergency
programs 39%, socioeconomic emergencies 59% and current program safeguards 2%.
Baznas Bandung City is one of the zakat institutions that plays an active role in
overcoming Covid-19. Baznas Bandung City has five programs, namely Bandung Sehat,
Bandung Taqwa, Bandung Cerdas, Bandung Makmur, and Bandung Peduli. The fund
managed by Baznas Bandung City includes zakat, infak and alms funds.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, Baznas Bandung City has carried out various
programs that are in direct contact with the community in the Bandung City area, including:
First, the distribution of direct cash assistance from zakat, infak and alms, both from
zakat collection units and from the community. This direct cash assistance was given to as
many as 1,000 Mosque Marbots and 5,378 Freelance Daily Employees (PHL) which
consisted of Linmas (Community Protection) and Scrooge (Clean Culvert) troops. Each
Marbot Masjid received Rp600,000 in cash and Linmas and Scrooge each of Rp 300,000.
Second, microenterprise capital assistance. At the beginning of each month, Baznas
Kota Bandung will open registration for prospective beneficiaries online. Then the Bandung
City Baznas will hold a selection of each submission from prospective beneficiaries.
Furthermore, as many as 50 people will be determined who will be recipients of micro-
business capital assistance. And for potential recipients who have not passed, they can try
again in the following month.
The requirement for submission to get this assistance is that prospective recipients
already have a business that has been running for at least two years and has not received
assistance from the government.