P-ISSN: 2964-0121
E-ISSN: 2963-3699
Homepage: https://jurnalreturn.staiku.ac.id
132 This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
Kevin Alexander Tjubandi
, Hardijanto Saroso
Student Management at Bina Nusantara University
, Lecturer of Bina Nusantara Management Department
Received: 14
February 2023
Revised: 17
February 2023
Approved: 20
February 2023
Business analysis, especially with an objective to encourage company
development, is a common thing to do today. However, conducting an
integrated analysis of all operational activities is still a new thing.
Furthermore, the demand for sustainable business management encourages
companies to collect company operational data in a consistent, strategic and
sustainable manner. This research will try to find patterns of internal business
analysis in the insurance industry. This research was conducted using
secondary data from insurance companies listed on the Indonesia Stock
Exchange during the period 2017 to 2021. The research analysis used was
carried out using E Views ver 10. Based on the results of the research and
discussion, several conclusions can be drawn, as follows: Human resources
have a significant influence on sales at insurance companies during the
research period. The highest the number of human resources in the company
in the area of knowledge, experience can increase the level of sales (sales) of
insurance products. The second resources that boost company performance
is fixed assets, followed by advertising, training and agent. This key finding
is important because the perception of the existence of an insurance agent
that should be the focus of the sales team is not proven here. By increasing
the skills, experience, and knowledge of employees for better operational
tasks, sales planning, product development, this can improve the sales
performance of insurance products. The company assets such as IT, software
application, and advertising are playing a strategic role. The business trend
moves toward onlines commerce. Advertising can form brand awareness and
can provide information to consumers, persuade them to achieve company’s
sales targets.
Business; Operation; Data Analytic; Resorce; Govermance; Control
In this modern era, companies must be more creative and active in increasing the consumer
values of their company. The intended consumer value is the ability of a company's product or
service to provide solutions to consumer needs. The bigger the problems and solutions provided,
the higher the value of the product or service in the eyes of consumers. With the increasing level
of competition, due to the increasing number of player, the shifted of consumer preference and
transforming business toward online commerce give a significant pressure to the industries
including the retail industry. New products are also offered to consumers. The increasing number
of retail companies has resulted in a high level of competition, thus requiring retail companies
to maintain their existence.
Companies that cannot survive in the competition will slowly be pushed out of their
industrial environment and some of them experience bankruptcy. Long before the pandemic, the
retail industry was already in an alarming position, because of the new comfort resulting from
the use of technology. Changes in public consumption were one of the reasons why many
companies in this industry closed their outlets. Meanwhile, the increasingly existing marketplace
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on the IDX)
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or online commerce has caused the retail industry to experience a decline in growth and is even
on the verge of bankruptcy. The condition of the company when it is on the verge of bankruptcy
to the extent that it exceeds the safe value limit will cause a decrease in interest from investors,
will affect the market which includes stock prices and the level of stock returns of a company.
Other factors driving stock prices according to Rinaldo, et al (2021) as the Covid-19 outbreak
press down the stock price unless the company implementing good governance, prudent
management. The companies that continously improve their capability in innovation,
governance, planning, monitoring, and control could have a chance to survive during this crisis.
One of the activities is implementing business analytic across its operation.
Every single business consists on many business unit, and process that is supported by
business resources. Business resourcess play important part in determining the company
performance and profitability. Analysing the correlation between resources in the companies,
now it becomes necessity. CEO must identify which resources is giving the highest influence to
the company sales, operation cost, company profitability. Before, accounting department use
financial ratio, accounting ratio to determine the relation between cost center or accounting
account. However, today company have to take into account the other process or methodology
that might easily identify trend, symptom, or even business sign to be used for decision making
process. This research will try to initiate a simple concept of business analytic and rationlize it
for decision making process.
This concept will be the basis for data analytics for the company's internal team to support
the company's business analysis. There are hundreds of activity units within the company. Each
unit will help each other and contribute to each other in producing the goods and services offered
to consumers. Internal business analysis will be the basis for developing dashboards for internal
control and monitoring system on company activities and performance which are very important
for management, especially if the scale of operations is already very large.
Literature Review
Company grow using its resources
The company always targets profit, but competition always puts pressure on the company.
According to Edith Penrose's theory of the growth of the firm (Penrose & Penrose,
2009)Companies always have to survive and continue to grow. A firm, according to Penrose, is
a grouping of (productive) human and physical resources. It is described as "an administrative
planning unit, the operations of which are related and are coordinated by policies which are
formed in light of their effect on the enterprise as a whole. However, business resources continue
to grow and vary.
According to Barney's resource-based view theory (Barney, 1991) the company is very
dependent on its business resources. According to the resource-based view (RBV), a company's
ability to maintain a competitive edge depends on its access to valuable, uncommon, unique, and
non-replaceable resources. The ability of businesses to produce or acquire these resources has
an impact on their performance and competitiveness against rivals. Competition encourages
companies to continue exploring and exploiting their business resources.
In the era of dynamic competition with Teece's theory, dynamic capabilities are needed.
Responses to the need for change or new opportunities, which can take many different forms,
are known as dynamic capacities (Ambrosini, Bowman, & Collier, 2009). During pandemic situation
the company has to face a great shift of customer preference and requirement to go online. The
need to go to E platform has been in the vision of every company. However the pandemic drive
the shifted of this condition faster then the company prediction. Currently companies need
guidelines, decisions, guidance so that their resources are able to handle problems. The required
business resources must also follow business needs. Changes that are made must be carried out
precisely, quickly and according to the wishes of consumers or business strategy.
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Data-based decision making
Current problems cannot be separated from data-based decision making. Data is critical,
therefore a way of assessing, guiding and managing operational data is needed. This is where
research is needed that captures the condition of the company through Resource Based Analysis.
Data analysis has been around for a long time. The process of making decisions using data will
be very good. Consumer theory assumes that if consumers are perfect informed, they maximize
their utility as a function consumption of various goods, given relative prices, their income and
preferences. Changes in prices and incomes affect the way many different goods will be bought
by rational consumers (Begg, Vernasca, Fischer, & Dornbusch, 2014).
Measuring risk and uuncertainty using time data series
An interesting challenge is if the product offered is related to a very wide variety such as
health, accident, building, labor insurance products which are very dependent on detailed
calculations and a long process. This insurance product relies heavily on the concept of risk and
uncertainty. In the following theories that analyze decision-making uncertainty is expected
utility, state-dependent utility, The endowment effect, status quo bias, the regret and
disappointment paradigm, and prospect theory. According to the expected utility theory (EU),
the demand for insurance is Choose between indeterminate losses that could have occurred if
you were uninsured and specific losses such as paying premiums Premium (Manning & Marquis,
Accordingly, Insurance demand reflects an individual's degree of risk aversion, The need
for safety implies that the more risk-averse people are, the more they will buy insurance (Begg
et al., 2014). Based on US statistics, Phelps (1973) concludes that the demand for insurance is
positively correlated with income and other factors that are frequently linked to income, such as
education level, location of the households. Using time-series data, Phelps finds a positive
correlation between user fee levels and greater mean disease levels, as well as a negative
correlation between insurance demand and premium level (Phelps, 1973). The choice is about
the prospects of benefits or losses, not the degree of uncertainty, according to prospect theory,
which challenges the premises of EU theory.
For every anticipated gain or loss, people assume an ideal degree of risk. The point at
which a person sees gains and losses may affect their decision, and gambles are assessed based
on how much they deviate from this ideal risk level (Kai-Ineman & Tversky, 1979). People give
various weights to the likelihood that an event will occur, according to the cumulative
prospective theory, which blends state-dependent utility and prospect theory.
For instance, Tversky and Kahneman (Kahneman, Knetsch, & Thaler, 1991) explain why
people buy lottery tickets by over-weighting minor possibilities. According to the endowment
effect, people's risk aversion toward anything novel influences their decision-making. People
believe that letting go of something has more costs than it does rewards. As a result, they will
sell a good for more money than they would be willing to pay for it.
Theories of regret and disappointment are predicated on the notion that humans are loss
averse and have conservative preferences. As opposed to what the EU theory would have us
believe, people try to avoid regret and disappointment and do not only think on the end result.
They take into account their regret in the event that the choice was the wrong one and their
disappointment in the event that the result differs from what they had anticipated (Bell, 1985)
(Bell 1982, 1986). People may therefore want to remain uninsured because they fear regretting
their choice or feeling let down if they do not receive a settlement from insurance.
Manning and Marquis (1996) tested the robustness of expected utility and prospect theory
using data from the RAND research and discovered that the outcomes were not significantly
impacted by either theory. The influence of other elements in the decision-making process will
not change the outcomes, even if risk aversion is not the primary driver of insurance purchase
(Manning & Marquis, 1996). The theory says nothing about the level of consumers Income and
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its impact on insurance choices from the company's data, sales research activities, operations,
and new product creation are developed. All data is time series data.
Internal System-Internal Control
Decision making becomes accurate with data. What is critical is how the internal system
is developed including its internal resources. Internal resources are important because they can
be controlled by the company. It is made evident that different types of internal control have
evolved as a result of two significant developments in an early work by Haun (Haun, 1955) on
the emergence of internal control. The separation between investors and management is
represented by the first development. The second change illustrates the growing disconnect
between top management and business operations.
As a result, both owners and managers have implemented a variety of internal-control
regimes to further guarantee the protection of assets and to further control for agency issues
(Fama & Jensen, 1983; Jensen & Meckling, 2019). The limited internal control strategy that heavily
focused on accounting control has since evolved in close connection with the auditing industry
(Lee, 1971); (Heier, Dugan, & Sayers, 2005): (Pfister, 2009, p. 16). A technique for guaranteeing that
an organization's goals in operational effectiveness and efficiency, accurate financial reporting,
and compliance with laws, rules, and policies will be met can be acknowledge as internal control
systems. Internal controls were considered by the independent accountant as a strategy to
enhance the efficacy and efficiency of the audit process.
A proper evaluation of the efficiency of controls that management had installed became a
method of locating weak or potentially dangerous regions in the systems, on which the
accounting records and financial statements were created (Dicksee, 1892). Following a thorough
understanding of the underlying internal-control system, the requisite audit tests were then
implemented see (BROWN, 2020); also (Sherer & Turley, 1997); (Sherer & Turley, 1997).
According to Heier et al. (Heier et al., 2005, p. 63), the development of internal control
has primarily been a reactive process, with changes to internal control-related legislation,
regulations, audit standards, and procedures being a direct outcome of events in the business
environment. These incidents also served as the impetus for the Treadway Commission's
Committee of Sponsoring Organizations to create the internal control architecture that is now
generally recognized. Internal control is now a comprehensive process where non-financial goals
are also taken into account and controls are no longer limited to the accuracy of financial
reporting (Kinney Jr, 2000); (Maijoor, 2000);(Spira & Page, 2003, p. 648); (Power, 2007, p. 49).
According to Brown (1962), the importance of this internal check system grew alongside the
growth of audit objectives and procedures.
The separation of owners from managers, as well as the expansion in size and complexity
of enterprises, are largely to blame for the growing demand for internal control (Haun, 1955);
(Wallace Kirkpatrick, 1962); (Zannetos, 1964). Internal control is a long-standing practice, as
Lee (Lee, 1971) has demonstrated. However, the practice of internal control has mostly grown
within the accounting and auditing areas (Haun, 1955; Heier et al., 2005; Kinney Jr, 2000;
Maijoor, 2000; Power, 2007).
Enterprise Risk Management
Internal control has always had a direct correlation to risk, and it continues to be a key
component of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) strategies today (Coso, 2004); Sobel &
Reding, 2012). According to corporate objectives and plans, internal control is a step that comes
after entity-wide risk assessment processes (Power, 2007, p. 35).
Internal control systems are a set of corporate policies and procedures that guarantee all
transactions are handled correctly in order to prevent resource theft, waste, and misuse. Internal
control systems are a necessary element that aids management in upholding its legal and
corporate governance responsibilities. Although the technical approaches to risk are still plainly
crucial (Renn, 2008, p. 15), discussions of risk and internal control have developed to place more
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of an emphasis on organizational governance (Power, 2007, pp. 1819); (Renn, 2008); also see
(Aebi, Sabato, & Schmid, 2012; Kaplan & Mikes, 2012; Mikes, 2011).
Internal control is defined as "the entire system of controls, financial and otherwise,
created by the management so as to foster the business of the venture, in an organized and
proficient manner, ensure adherence to management policies, and also safeguard the assets and
secure the completeness and accuracy of the records.". Formal laws, regulations, and standards
all have provisions for external supervision. As a result, it would seem reasonable to offer a few
points of reference for current internal control definitions. There is no need to get into the
specifics of any description because most are relatively similar (Pfister, 2009, p. 19).
Internal control is often described as the entire system of financial and other controls put
in place by the management to ensure that the enterprise's operation is conducted in an organized
and effective manner and to protect the assets and ensure the completeness and accuracy of the
records. Control actions make up the internal control component. They are the core control rules
and practices that can be found at all organizational levels and commercial operations (Trenerry,
Performance evaluations, physical controls, information processing controls,
reconciliation procedures, and separation of roles are examples of typical control activities.
Although there are various kinds of controls, various control classification schemes have been
studied and contested over time (Bower & Schlosser, 1965); (Heier et al., 2005).
Despite the fact that there are few empirical studies that look at the function of ERM in
the context of corporate governance and internal control, it is commonly acknowledged that
ERM is a fundamental business process. ERM marks the pinnacle of the current risk-
management expansion, however implementation and integration are challenging for businesses
since approaches vary (Arena, Arnaboldi, & Azzone, 2010). A few studies might however be
interesting to take further notice of, also from our internal-control perspective.
In the quantitative study by (Aebi et al., 2012) on corporate governance, risk management
and firm performance in banking in the financial crisis, the authors find that companies with
chief risk officers reporting to the board of directors generally perform better. (Arnold, Benford,
Canada, & Sutton, 2011)investigate the connection between organizational flexibility,
regulatory readiness, and ERM processes and discover a strong correlation between
organizational flexibility and regulatory responsiveness as well as between organizational
flexibility and the strength of ERM processes.
An intriguing analysis of operational risk in relation to the financial crisis is carried out by
(Andersen, Häger, Maberg, Næss, & Tungland, 2012). They examine the data from brokers,
banks, insurance firms, credit rating services, and investment banks, and discover that these
organizations' subpar operational risk management contributed to the financial crisis. The study
offers a valuable contribution and demonstrates the critical significance of effectively managing
operational risk in addition to traditional financial risk.
Using a contingency approach, Gordon et al. (Gordon, Loeb, & Tseng, 2009) investigate
whether ERM processes have an impact on firm performance and discover that they do. There
is no documented and approved contingency model for ERM procedures, just as there is none
for internal-control design. Their quantitative analyses demonstrate a relationship between ERM
and business performance, however it depends on how well the ERM process fits with the
variables of uncertainty, complexity, size, competition, and board monitoring procedures. Their
quantitative research yielded significant results.
Administrators and managers must From this internal part, innovation begins. In order to
identify the business the firm is in or plans to be in and the type of company it is or is to be, a
strategy is a pattern of primary objectives, purposes or goals and fundamental policies or plans
for reaching organizational goals (Drucker, 2014). One of the most essential decisions a
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corporation must make is whether to innovate or not. If the business decides to innovate, it will
have to pick which sort of innovation strategy to use or a combination of several different types.
Product innovation, process innovation, marketing (market) innovation, and
organizational innovation, which correspond to four pure innovation strategies, are the four basic
types of innovation that the OECD (2005) distinguishes. However, these four types of innovation
can be combined to form other types of innovation.
Insurance Companies
Insurance companies are no exception. In the context of active digitalization processes,
modern insurance businesses must refocus their operations on what are known as customers' soft
demands. Due to the wide range of innovative products and technology available today,
consumers occasionally lack the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively use these
advancements (Ciubotariu, Socoliuc, Mihaila, & Savchuk, 2019); (Ianchuk, 2021).
When it comes to the insurance market, the problem of financial inclusion, as a willingness
to be an active user in the financial services market, and financial literacy of the public, as its
capacity to absorb new financial products Numerous scientific advancements have occurred in
this context. These include papers by (Gatsi, 2020); (Rehman, 2020);(Mihalcova, Gallo, &
Lukac, 2020); (Korcsmaros, Seben, Machova, & Feher, 2019), among others.
Numerous academic publications on the idea of big data and its use in diverse spheres of
human activity have been published during the past ten years (Delanoy & Kasztelnik, 2020) ; (Giebe,
Hammerström, & Zwerenz, 2019); Njegovanovi, 2018). The research of scientists like Porrini
(Porrini, 2018), (Starostina, Pikus, & Kravchenko, 2020), (Umadia Sr & Kasztelnik, 2020),
(Yanyshyn, Bryk, & Kashuba, 2019), Keliuotyt-Staniulnien & Kukarnait (2020), and Vargas-
Hernández & Rodrguez (2018) examined a wide spectrum of provision of novel products and
services in the insurance industry
This can include significant advancements in technical specifications, components and
materials, integrated software, user friendliness, or other functional aspects (Oecd, 2005).
Product innovation, according to Damanpour (Damanpour, 1990), is the introduction of a new
or significantly enhanced good or service that expands the variety and caliber of the existing
available goods.
Product innovation is regarded as an obvious way to increase revenue and, consequently,
performance. According to Camison and Lopez (2010), product innovation serves as a way to
reduce costs while also enhancing and securing quality. It is also praised for preserving and
improving a firm's competitive position and maintaining a strong market presence. Products that
are regularly enhanced are especially crucial for the long-term performance and growth of
businesses (Bayus, Erickson, & Jacobson, 2003). Product innovation is common among new
entrants in any business because it has been used to increase their market popularity in a
surprisingly short amount of time (Hult, Hurley, & Knight, 2004). As a result of the belief that product
innovations will draw a variety of clients with a range of wants, it is also utilized as a business
strategy by any company seeking to increase its market share (Oke, Burke, & Myers, 2007).
In the literature, some facilitating variables for product innovation have been noted. It is
believed that marketing orientation favorably affects innovation because it fosters the behaviors
needed to provide higher value for customers and consistently superior business performance
(Cano, Carrillat, & Jaramillo, 2004). Additionally, market orientation offers crucial data to businesses
that must contend with fierce international competition. Business executives are reassured that
the methods they implement will help them keep or even improve their position among other
insurance companies in terms of competition.
Product innovation is sometimes considered as being facilitated by organizational culture,
which is described as the shared beliefs, ideologies, or values of members of an organization.
An organization that grows and maintains a culture that sees the benefit of product innovation
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and encourages its stakeholders, mainly its employees to develop new products is more likely to
succeed (Julienti, Bakar, & Ahmad, 2010).
Regulation, however, is a major barrier to the success of product innovation, which is why
it is not always effective (Lado & Maydeu‐Olivares, 2001). Governments impose laws to safeguard
policyholders from illegal actions taken by insurance companies against them, but in certain
cases these regulations also restrict the variety of potential products that the companies may
offer. Literature has also identified consumer mistrust as a barrier to product innovation (Bhalla
& Bhalla, 2011). This limits innovation because it makes customers skeptical of new products when
they are introduced to the market. They continue to be wary about getting scammed by insurance
Implementing a novel or significantly enhanced production or delivery method, involving
considerable adjustments to methods, apparatus, and/or software, is referred to as a process
innovation (OECD) (Oecd, 2005). Process innovation aims to lower production unit costs, raise
quality, and enhance the delivery of goods and services(Oke et al., 2007). Hippel (von Hippel,
2006) asserts that process innovation leads to the deployment of quality functions and the
reengineering of business processes.
This kind of innovation is occasionally regarded as sophisticated and challenging to
understand, but recent research and inquiry have made it simpler to comprehend. There is a
strong possibility that goods can be developed that give the same performance at a cheaper cost
when a mastery of productivity improvements is gained through time.
The OECD (Oecd, 2005) defines market innovation as the adoption of a new marketing
strategy comprising material modifications to product positioning, promotion, pricing, or design
or packaging. Market innovations aim to better serve customer requirements, create new
markets, or reposition a company's product on the market with the goal of boosting sales (Gunday,
Ulusoy, Kilic, & Alpkan, 2011). According to the four Ps of marketing, market innovations are closely
tied to price tactics, product package design characteristics, product placement, and promotional
activities (Kotler, 1991).
Process innovation is defined as the use of a different or jointly improved creation or
delivery approach that comprises significant modifications to procedures, equipment, or
software. Handle improvement may be aimed to decrease unit costs for production or delivery,
increase item and delivery quality, or both (Tavassoli & Karlsson, 2015)
In order to enhance sales revenue, marketing innovation creates new markets or positions
the company's products in new markets. They have a close connection to price tactics, product
offers, design elements, product placements, and/or marketing initiatives (Tavassoli & Karlsson,
2015). Last but not least, firm technical innovation refers to the adoption of a new organizational
strategy in the company's operations, workplace structure, or external interactions.
According to Tavassoli and Karlsson, every managerial effort to restore the authoritative
schedules, methodology, instruments, and frameworks that promote collaboration, data sharing,
coordination, joint effort, learning, and creativity is strongly associated with firm technological
developments (Tavassoli & Karlsson, 2015).
It has been known for a long time that insurance companies rely heavily on agents. Agents
are resources looking for customers and the commission system is an attractive system for
workers. Farkas (Farkas & Tetrick, 1989) avoids saying that Most businesses and independent
agencies prefer to hire college graduates for jobs as insurance sales agents, especially those who
majored in business or economics. However, high school graduates may also be hired if they
have a track record of success in other fields or have demonstrated sales prowess. In actuality,
many people who become insurance sales agents transition from other professions.
Rohinton (Aga, 1994) asserts that agents have the honorable responsibility of analyzing
statistical data, including mortality, accident, sickness, and disability rates, and creating
probability tables to forecast risk and liability for the payment of future benefits. Agents may
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determine the necessary premium rates and cash reserves to ensure the payment of future
benefits. On the other hand, the insurance company's internal resources continue to develop new
products needed by the market. These new products require processing and enrichment of ideas,
and all come from data. Internal company data, market data, competitor data, etc .
The data used is secondary data from the Indonesian Stock Exchange. The variables used
are sales as the dependent variable, while the independent variables are human resources,
agents, training, advertising, fixed assets.
The equation model of this research is:
= β0 + β1X1it + β2X2it + β3X3it
+ β4X4it
+ β5X5it + εt
Y : Sales;
X1 : Human resources;
X2 : Agent;
X3 : Training;
X4 : Advertising;
X5 : Fixed assets;
β0 : Constant;
β1-5 : Variable coefficient;
j : Company;
t : Time;
ε : Error term.
The data analysis technique uses multiple linear regression analysis with panel data with
the help of EViews v.10 software. The three methods used are Common Effect Model (CEM),
Fixed Effect Model (FEM), Random Effect Model (REM) (Porter & Gujarati,
2009);(Widarjono, 2018b). Chow test to see which common effect model or fixed effect model
is appropriate for determining panel data. The Chow test hypothesis is as follows:
H0 = modelsfollowCommon Effects Model
= modelsfollowFixed EffectsModel
The decision is seen from the Cross-Section F value. If the Cross-Section F value < (α =
0.05) then H0 is rejected, and the selected model is the fixed effect model. Meanwhile, if the
Cross-Section F value > = 0.05) then H0 does not reject and the selected model is the
common effect model. Furthermore, to obtain the most appropriate model, it is necessary to
carry out further testing, namely the Hausman Test (Porter & Gujarati, 2009); (Widarjono,
2018a). The Hausman test aims to select a Fixed effect or Random effect estimation model.
Hasuman Test Hypothesis, namely:
H0 = ModelsfollowRandom Effects Model
= ModelsfollowFixed Effects Model
The decision is seen from the Cross Section-F value. If the Cross-section Random value
< = 0.05) means that H0 is rejected and the most appropriate type of model to use is the
Fixed Effect Model. Meanwhile, if the Cross-section Random value > = 0.05) means that
H0 is not rejected and the most appropriate model to use is the Random effect model (Porter &
Gujarati, 2009); (Widarjono, 2018a). Next, the Lagrange Multiplier test (LM test), which is a
statistical test to determine the correct estimation model for the Random Effect Model or
Common Effect Model. The hypothesis is as follows:
H0 = Modelsfollow the Common Effect Model
= The model follows the Random Effect Model
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on the IDX)
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Test Lagrange Multiplier(LM test)seen from the chi square distribution with the degree
of freedom of the number of independent variables. If valueLagrange Multiplier the statistic is
greater than the critical value of the chi square statistic, so reject H0, meaning that the most
appropriate model is Random Effect. Conversely, if the valueLagrange Multiplierstatistic is
smaller than the statistical value of chi square as a critical value, then H0 is not rejected, which
means that the estimate used in the panel data regression is the Common Effect model(Gujarati
and Porter, 2009; (Widarjono, 2018a).
After carrying out the Chow test, Hausman test, and LM test, the researcher will carry
out the classical assumption test with the aim of ensuring that the regression equation used has
accuracy in estimation, no bias, and is consistent. This classic assumption test was carried out
because this study used the OLS (Ordinary Least Square) approach or the least squares method.
The classic assumption test in this study includes: normality test, multicollinearity test,
and heteroscedasticity test. The normality test aims to determine the independent variables and
the dependent variables are normally distributed. The normality test in this study used the
Jarque-Berra (JB) Test. The decision is that if the JB-count value < the X2 table value or the
JB-count probability value > the probability value α = 5% (0.05) then the residual, µt, is
normally distributed. On the other hand, if the calculated JB value > X2 table value or the JB-
count probability value < α = 5% (0.05) then the residual, µt, is not normally distributed (Porter
& Gujarati, 2009);(Widarjono, 2018a).
The multicollinearity test aims to determine whether the regression model equation used
by the researcher has a correlation between the independent variables. This test is done by
looking at the value inflation factor (VIF) of the independent variables. If the VIF value > 10
then there is multicollinearity, conversely if the VIF value < 10 then there is no
multicollinearity (Porter & Gujarati, 2009) ; (Widarjono, 2018a).
The heteroscedasticity test aims to find out the data used by researchers, including data
that has deviations or not.The researcher's Heteroscedasticity Test used the Glesjer Test. On
the Glesjer test resultsie if the significance value < probability valu= 5% then there are
symptoms of heteroscedasticity. Conversely, ifsignificance value > probability valueα = 5%,
there are no symptoms of heteroscedasticity in the model.
Next, the researcher tested the research hypothesis using the coefficient of determination
test (R2), t-test, and F-test. The Coefficient of Determination Test (R2) is used to measure the
ability of the model that the researcher has created to explain the dependent variable. If R2 is
getting smaller or closer to 0, then in explaining the variation the dependent variable is getting
weaker, but if the value of R2 is getting bigger or closer to 1, then in explaining the variation
the dependent variable is getting better.
The t-test aims to see whether or not the significance of each independent variable is
partially dependent on the dependent variable. The research hypothesis is as follows:
H0 = The independent variable (X) partially has no significant effect on the dependent
variable (Y)
H1 = The independent variable (X) partially has a significant effect on the dependent
variable (Y).
The decision is made if the t-count value < t-table or t-count probability > α = 5% (0.05),
then H0 is not rejected, meaning that the independent variable has no significant effect on the
dependent variable. But on the contrary, if the t-count value > t-table or t-count probability <
α = 5% (0.05) then H0 is rejected, meaning that the independent variable has a significant effect
on the dependent variable.
Furthermore, the F-test aims to see whether or not the independent variable is significant
to the dependent variable simultaneously or together. If the F-count value < F-table or F-count
Analysis of Business Resource Variables Affecting Insurance Sales (A Study of Insurance Companies Listed
on the IDX)
141 Return Management Studies, Economic and Business , Vol 2 (No 2), Feb 2023
probability > α = 5% (0.05); it means that the model in this study is not good. On the other
hand, if the F-count value > F-table or the F-count probability < α = 5% (0.05); it means that
this research model has a good model.
Since this research use panel data regression using E Views software, several test have
been initiated to determine which models are used either, the Common Effect Model (CEM),
Fixed Effect Model (FEM), and Random Effect Model (REM). The following are the results
of the Chow test, Hausman test, and Lagrange Multiplier test for selecting the right model.
Table 2. Chow Test Results, Hausman Test, Lagrange Multiplier Test
Selected Outcome Description
Prob 0.0000 < α = 0.05
The selected model is the Fixed Effect
Prob 0.0000 < α = 0.05
The selected model is the Fixed Effect
Prob 0.0000 > α = 0.05
The selected model is the Common Effect
In Table 2, the results of the Chow test show the probability value of the test is 0.0000.
The probability result is smaller than α = 0.05. So it can be concluded that H0 is rejected, and
the selected model is the Fixed Effect Model. Furthermore, the probability of the Hausman test
is 0.0000, where the probability result is smaller than α = 0.05. Then it can be concluded that
H0 is rejected, so the chosen model is the Fixed Effect Model. For the probability of the
multiplier lagrange test, namely 0.5834, where the probability result is more than α = 0.05. So
it can be concluded that H0 is rejected, so the chosen model is the Common Effect Model. Base
on these three result, this research will use Fixed Effect Model. below is the data from the
results of calculations from the secondary data that has been collected, using E View using the
Fixed Effect Model
Table 3. Multiple Linear Regression Results (Fixed Effect Model)
Human_Resource (X1)
Agents (X2)
Not significant
Training (X3)
Advertising (X4)
Fixed_Asset (X5)
Dependent Variables
Adjusted R2
F-statistics (sig.)
: Sales (Y)
: 64170.03
: 0.9458
: 137.3082 (0.0000)
Analysis of Business Resource Variables Affecting Insurance Sales (A Study of Insurance Companies Listed
on the IDX)
142 Return Management Studies, Economic and Business , Vol 2 (No 2), Feb 2023
Based on the results in Table 3, the regression equation model of this study is as follows:
Sales = β0 + β1Human_Resourceit + β2Agentit + β3Trainingit + β4Advertisingit
+ β5Fixed_Assetit
Sales= 64,170.03+1,845,612Human_Resource+ 0.458Agent + 1.510Training
+ 6,611 Advertising + 33,324 Fixed_Asset
The regression equation shows that the constant affects the level of sales of 64,170.03.
The regression coefficient of the human resource variable of 1,845.612 will affect sales, if there
is an increase in the value of 1 point and the value of other variables is equal to 0. Likewise the
agent variables (0.458), training (1.510), advertising (6.611), and fixed assets (33.324) ) each
will affect sales positively by the regression coefficient, if there is an increase of 1 point.
Classic assumption test
Classical assumption testing is carried out so that the model used is the model obtained with
the best estimation results (Best Linear Unbiased Estimate). In this study, the classical
assumption test includes: normality test, multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test, and
autocorrelation test.
Table 4. Results of the Classical Assumption Test
Assumptions &
Test Value
Regression Models
< 10
Regression Models
1.774 - 2.225
Analysis of Business Resource Variables Affecting Insurance Sales (A Study of Insurance Companies Listed
on the IDX)
143 Return Management Studies, Economic and Business , Vol 2 (No 2), Feb 2023
Source: Processed data, 2022
Normality test
Table 4 shows the results of the Jarque-Bera normality test of4.7425with a probability
value of 0.09, which is more than the value of α (0.05) (0.09 > 0.05). Thus it can be concluded
that the normality test using Jarque Berra that the regression model is normally distributed.
Multicollinearity Test
Table 4 shows the results of the non-multicollinearity test using a comparison of the value
inflation factor (VIF) with the critical value, where for each independent variable the VIF value
is not more than the critical value (number 10). Thus it can be concluded that there are no
symptoms of multicollinearity.
Heteroscedasticity Test
Table 4 shows the results of the non-heteroscedasticity test using the Glesjer test. Glesjer
test results show the significance value of each independent variable is more than the valueα
(0.05). Thus it can be concluded that there are no symptoms of heteroscedasticity.
Autocorrelation Test
In Table 4, the DW-calculated result is 2.106, which is between the dU and 4-dU values.
In Table 4, the DW-table value is obtained by dU1.7741and for 4dU (41.7741) results were
obtained2.2259. Thus the DW-count value is between the DW-table values, so that the
regression model of this study is free from autocorrelation symptoms.
Model Testing (F-Test), Hypothesis (t-test), and Coefficient of Determination (R2)
Model Test (F-Statistics)
From Table 3, the F-statistic is equal to137.3082with a probability value of 0.000 which is
smaller than the valueα5% (0.000 < 0.05). That is, variablesagent, training, advertising,and
fixed assetssimultaneously and significantly affect sales variables. Thus, it can be said that the
model built in this study is a good research model.
Hypothesis Test (t-statistic)
1. Human Resources variable
The formulation of the hypothesis states that the human resources variable partially has no
significant effect on the sales variable. Based on Table 3, the probability value (p-value)
of the human resources variable is 0.0002, which is smaller than the α value (0.0002
<0.05). These results prove the rejection of hypothesis 0 (H0), meaning that the human
resources variable has a significant effect on the sales variable. The regression coefficient
of 1,845.61 means that if there is an increase in the value of the human resource variable
by 1 point, it will increase the value of the sales variable by 1,845.61. Thus human
resources have a positive and significant influence on sales.
2. Agent variable
The formulation of the hypothesis states that the agent variable partially has no significant
effect on the sales variable. Based on Table 3, the probability value (p-value) of the human
resources variable is 0.5627, which is more than the value of α (0.5627 > 0.05). From these
results it proves that hypothesis 0 (H0) is not rejected, meaning that the agent variable has
no significant effect on the sales variable. The regression coefficient of 0.458 means that
if there is an increase in the value of the human resource variable by 1 point, it will increase
the value of the sales variable by 0.458. Thus the agent has a positive but not significant
influence on sales.
3. Training Variable
The formulation of the hypothesis states that the training variable partially has no
significant effect on the sales variable. Based on Table 3, the probability value (p-value)
of the training variable is 0.0473, which is smaller than the α value (0.0473 <0.05). From
these results it proves the rejection of hypothesis 0 (H0), meaning that the training variable
Analysis of Business Resource Variables Affecting Insurance Sales (A Study of Insurance Companies Listed
on the IDX)
144 Return Management Studies, Economic and Business , Vol 2 (No 2), Feb 2023
has a significant effect on the sales variable. The regression coefficient of 1.510 means
that if there is an increase in the value of the training variable by 1 point, it will increase
the value of the sales variable by 1.510. Thus the training variable has a positive and
significant influence on sales.
4. Advertising Variables
The formulation of the hypothesis states that the advertising variable partially has no
significant effect on the sales variable. Based on Table 3, the probability value (p-value)
of the advertising variable is 0.000, which is smaller than the α value (0.000 <0.05). From
these results it proves the rejection of hypothesis 0 (H0), meaning that the advertising
variable has a significant effect on the sales variable. The regression coefficient of 6.611
means that if there is an increase in the value of the advertising variable by 1 point, it will
increase the value of the sales variable by 6.611. Thus the advertising variable has a
positive and significant influence on sales.
5. Fixed Asset variable
The formulation of the hypothesis states that the fixed asset variable partially has no
significant effect on the sales variable. Based on Table 3, the probability value (p-value)
of the fixed asset variable is 0.000, which is smaller than the α value (0.000 <0.05). From
these results it proves the rejection of hypothesis 0 (H0), meaning that the fixed asset
variable has a significant effect on the sales variable. The regression coefficient of 33.324
means that if there is an increase in the value of the fixed asset variable by 1 point, it will
increase the value of the sales variable by 33.324. Thus the fixed asset variable has a
positive and significant influence on sales.
Coefficient of Determination (R2)
Evaluation of the coefficient of determination of the regression model in Table 3 shows
an adjusted R-squared (R2) value of 0.9458. This means that the research model is able to
explain sales by 94.58%, while the remaining 5.42% can be explained by other variables that
have not been included in this research model.
The Effect of Human Resource One Sales
Human Resources (Human Resources) has the highest, positive and significant influence
on sales (sales). These results are in accordance with Lestari's research (Lestari, 2017);(Batt,
2002), which states that human resources has the influence the results of sales. Cohen &
Kaimenakis (Cohen & Kaimenakis, 2007) say that human capital includes knowledge, experience,
and skills that are used for companies to create higher economic value will provide a big
opportunity for innovation, product development and simultaneously the internal control
system. Qualified human resources as the company’s employee are considered as the main
factor in increasing insurance sales. Based on several studies have revealed that 50% to 90%
of the value created for companies in the economy is due to their human capital (Lestari, 2017).
It has been realized through product innovation or product development, market engagement
and operation collaboration. However, the results of this study are not in accordance with the
findings of (Batt, 2002), which states that human resources do not have a significant effect on
increasing sales, because major issues with the corporate management of personnel, such as
the position of human resources management (HRM) in corporate decision-making, the
function of personnel staff, and a lack of enough human resources management expertise at
senior management levels, remain unresolved. Insurance firms experience a variety of HR
issues. Depending on the difficulty and the location of the company's operations, they also
range in seriousness and complexity.
The Effect of Fixed Assets on Sales
The effect of Fixed assets (fixed assets) have the second biggest positive and significant
influence on sales (sales). The results of the research are according to Hapsila (Hapsila, 2018)
and Rachmawati (2018), fixed assets in the form of IT infrastructure, IT application, facilities
Analysis of Business Resource Variables Affecting Insurance Sales (A Study of Insurance Companies Listed
on the IDX)
145 Return Management Studies, Economic and Business , Vol 2 (No 2), Feb 2023
have a positive influence on the level of sales. The competition on IT apps become the major
field and center of attenttion among the CEO. Through this online system, the company could
engage the customers, and create market. Nevertheless, consider the size of investment, fixed
assets should be managed effectively and efficiently. However, the results of this study are not
in accordance with the findings of Pratiwi (Pratiwi, 2020), Setiawan (Setiawan, 2020), Priatna
& Yuliana (Priatna & Yuliani, 2018), and Rahandri (Rahandri, 2020), which state that fixed assets
do not have a significant effect on insurance company sales results, because since fixed assets
are frequently bought in "lumps," their value does not rise in step with sales.
The Effect of Advertising on Sales
Advertising (advertising) is in the third position that has a positive and significant
influence on sales (sales). The results of the research are in accordance with the findings of
Sembiring and Purba (2019) and Herdana (Herdana, 2015) that promotions carried out through
advertising have a positive effect on increasing insurance sales. This can happen because
advertising can form brand awareness among potential consumers (Herdana, 2015).
Furthermore, advertising is a form of impersonal communication where advertising has a role
in marketing services to build awareness of the existence of the services offered, persuade
potential customers to buy and use these services. From advertising, companies can provide
information to consumers, persuade them to achieve their sales targets. However, the results of
this study are not in accordance with Tobing and Bismala (Tobing & Bismala, 2015) which state
that advertising has no significant effect on increasing sales. This is because potential insurance
consumers tend to pay more attention to other things outside of advertising, namely product
quality, price and ability to buy. Thus the existence of advertising, does not make consumers
interested in buying products or becoming customers at insurance companies. This is because
potential insurance consumers tend to pay more attention to other things outside of advertising,
namely product quality, price and ability to buy. Thus the existence of advertising, does not
make consumers interested in buying products or becoming customers at insurance companies.
This is because potential insurance consumers tend to pay more attention to other things outside
of advertising, namely product quality, price and ability to buy. Thus the existence of
advertising, does not make consumers interested in buying products or becoming customers at
insurance companies.
Effect of Training on Sales
Training (training) is in the fourth position that gives a positive and significant impact on
sales (sales). The results of this study are in accordance with Widianto's research (2016);
Pratiwi (Trisia Pratiwi, 2017); (Masuku, Lengkong, & Dotulong, 2019), training has a positive
effect on performance as measured by sales results. This can happen that with job training it is
able to increase the knowledge and skills of employees, so that employees' responsibilities
towards their work will be even greater. Training is an activity to increase skills, experience,
and knowledge and to better direct employees towards short-term fulfillment of operational
Effect of Agent on Sales (Sales)
The last finding is rather shocking. The agent does not have a positive and significant
impact to the sales. This result is contrary to the general perception of insurance agents who
should be able to have a large effect on sales. The data currently being taken is data for the last
5 years related to the Covid 19 pandemic period. During the Covid 19 period, agency activities
decreased sharply and were replaced with an online access system to insurance company
websites or apps.
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146 Return Management Studies, Economic and Business , Vol 2 (No 2), Feb 2023
This research is still in its early stages, and uses a simple method in the research model.
However, from this simple example an interesting conclusion is obtained and provides new
ideas for future development. Business evaluation and analysis will become a strategic
initiative that cannot be overlooked. In a situation of intense competition, internal analysis is
one of the inputs for the CEO to anticipate, innovate, further develop a product or company
strategy. In mature companies, internal evaluation is the basis for operational optimization. In
companies that are in the process of developing long-term planning, trend analysis of markets
and business resources requires sufficient data to make decisions. The decisions that can have
a major impact on the company's sustainability in reaching markets, increasing profits or
expanding its business.
In the current era of sustainability, data collection is an effort to evaluate operational
activities related to "non-financial activities" related to sustainable development goals.
Monitoring and control activities for non-financial activities are also gradually integrated into
corporate and tax reporting standards, especially those related to sustainability management
and carbon issues.
The next stage of this research is to develop a process-based research model, so that in
stages a complete process analysis can be made that is integrated with the financial reporting
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