Socioeconomic Factors And Participation Of Kb Suku Bajo Jaya Bakti Village, Pagimana District Banggai
County Town, Central Sulawesi Province
119 Return Management Studies, Economic and Business , Vol 2 (No 2), Feb 2023
namely shellfish collector, fish processor, nener collector, retail fi traders, intermediary traders
and stall owners (Kusnadi, 2002). The activities of the fisherman's wife also apply to the Bajo
tribe research area in Jayabakti Village.
According to Zacot,(Zacot, 2015, p. 25), that their homes are on the water or near the
sea, that is their custom" more lsaid Zacot. Of course, we used to live in boats, now here, yes
this is how it is" means they've gone from boat people to land people. Obviously, the transitional
life of the Bajo tribe has an impact on the process of demography and also changes in the
structure of the economic tour, therefore the transition of the sea Bajo people to the land Bajo
people , not It is only limited to berinfluence on demographics, but also on fertility. It is proven
that after they live and settle on land the fertility rate increases every year. The data source of
Pagimana Subdistrict in 2016 figures shows that the population of Jaya Village every year
shows a significant increase. In 2012 the total population of Jayabakti Village was 4,298
people. In 2016 it increased to 4,624 inhabitants. The area of Jaya Bakti Village is 0.50 km
So that the population in 2016 was 9,248 per Km
, (Source: Pagimana Dalam Angka District,
2017). This means that the number of births increases every year, so that Jayabakti village
becomes the most populous village in the Pagimana District area.
The figures mentioned above, indicate the high population growth every year, it is
suspected that the factors that cause it are, low level of education, high birth rate, low use of
contraceptives (Alkon) Family Planning (KB). Rosalia Sciortino (Sciortino, 1999, p. 143)
argues that population policy considers it important to reduce and limit the number of children
to improve the status and health of women. However, in fact the upaya has not fully shown
signs of optimal success, in controlling fertility levels in theBajo tribal community, due to
jumlah The population is increasing every year. Therefore, efforts to control fertility levels are
associated with maternal and child health services (MCH), and health education.
Nurturing family planning participants to reduce fertility high, requires integrated
activities between PLKB and health workers, requires good and careful planning , by paying
attention to high age of early age which can increase the population density in Jayabakti
Village. This condition is influenced by the number of family members who live in one house,
reaching 3 to 5 heads of families. They are structured in a broad family, in Bajo language
terms " Danakang Rubbang" karena in the house live their children who have married with
their parents, according to Koentjaraningrat, (Koencaraningrat, 1992, p. 117), put forwad that
this kinship group always consists of more than one nuclear family, but is entirely a unity very
closely social and usually they live and live together in one house.
From the descriptions above, it is interesting to study in more depth, because the Bajo
tribe in Jayabakti Village is one of the sea nomadic tribes that switched to permanently settling
on land, living together in one house consisting of several nuclear families. Even they did not
want to leave the territory, and still survive as Bajo people, in a narrow and dense area of land.
Although it has not yet revealed any significant changes in their socioeconomic life, because
they live not entirely at sea and not entirely on land. They are in an unfortunate ambiguity in
regulating their socioeconomic needs in the family.
Problem Formulation: What is the socio-economic situation of the Bajo Tribe community
in Jayabakti Village and how is the Bajo people participating in the family planning program?
Research Objectives : Toanalyze the economic situation of the Bajo Tribe community in
Jayabakti Village. To describe the participation of the Bajo Tribe community of Jayabakti
Village in the outgoing program.
Literature review
The Bajo tribe is one of the tribes that is classified as unique in Indonesia, because this
tribal group not only depends on marine resources, but also almost completely lives in the sea.
They are generally born and live in the sea, so they have a tough character in navigating the