Economic Problems in Indonesia and Efforts to Solve Them
200 Return: Study of Management, Economic and Bussines, Vol 2 No (2), Feb 2023
4. Mixed Economic System
Mixed economic systems are often applied in developing countries. In this system, private
and government parties are also recognized. This means that in addition to the private
economic sector, there are also state planning agencies that regulate the direction and
development of the economy.
This mixed economic system is basically a combination of a centralized economic system
with a market economic system.
5. Implementation of the National Economic Recovery Program
Facing threats that endanger the national economy and/or financial system stability and
national economic rescue are the main steps taken by the central government in restoring
the national economy. The implementation of the National Economic Recovery (PEN)
program aims to accelerate the handling of threats that endanger the national economy and
maintain financial system stability (Hakim, 2022).
The program was prepared as a form of government response in maintaining, improving,
and protecting business actors in carrying out their business activities. The target recipients of
the PEN Program start from the most vulnerable households, then the business sector including
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) (Aisyah, 2020). The implementation of the
PEN Program is expected to minimize the impact caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, especially
business actors and workers affected by termination of employment.
In the current era of globalization, economic development must involve all parties,
especially the role of the government which must be more dominant because the government
has rules and capabilities that support the growth and development of a region's economy, so
that regional economic development develops which ultimately increases the income level of
the population, employment opportunities increase, purchasing power increases and the
community can enjoy the results of regional economic development aforementioned.
Economic problems faced by the State of Indonesia include low economic growth in
Indonesia, poverty, unemployment, income gap, foreign debt, budget deficit, industrial
incompetence, inability to manage human resources, lack of mastery of science and technology,
corruption, food crisis and centralized development.
Efforts to overcome economic problems in Indonesia are by means of traditional
economic systems, centralized economic systems, market economic systems, mixed economic
systems and the implementation of national economic recovery programs by the government.
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