P-ISSN: 2964-0121
E-ISSN: 2963-3699
Homepage: https://jurnalreturn.staiku.ac.id
96 This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
(Study on Tourist Who Wish Visit The New York City)
Ghassani Herstanti
Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
ghassaniherstan[email protected]
Received : 14
February 2023
Revised: 17
February 2023
Approved: 20
February 2023
The largest market in the US for overseas visitors, who often stay longer and
spend more, is New York City. Depending on past tourist behavior, there are
two approaches that should be taken when promoting New York City (NYC)
as a destination. When promoting a destination to tourists who have already
been there before, the emphasis should be on updating them on new
information and luring them back. The purpose of this study is to examine the
effects of social media marketing initiatives, destination image, attitude,
awareness, and perceived value on visit intention to New York City. The
SEM-PLS approach was employed in this study's data analysis. 42 travelers
who intended to visit New York City filled out a 15 scale questionnaire that
was used to obtain the data. Ten theories pertaining to the 6 factors under
investigation were put up. The study's findings indicate that Social Media
Marketing Activity has no relationship with the Destination Image,
Destination Attitude, Destination Awareness and Perseced Value variables.
While the variables that have a relationship with Visit Intention New York
City are Destination Awareness and Perceived Value. This study has
consequences for giving tourists who want to visit New York City an overview
and an explanation.
SEM-PLS; Destination Image; New York City; Social Media Marketing
Activity; Visit Intention
One of the most well-liked tourism destinations in the world, New York City welcomed
a record-breaking 60.7 million visitors in 2016. Notably, New York City is the biggest
destination in the US for tourists from other countries, who typically stay longer and spend more
money. New York received over 10 million foreign visitors in 2015, nearly twice as many as
Miami, who came in second place, and accounting for 26 percent of all visitors to the city,
according to the most recent statistics from the U.S. Department of Commerce's National Office
of Travel and Tourism (New York City Department of City Planning, 2017). Visitors from all
over the world go to New York City for its museums, entertainment, dining, and shopping.
Conventions, trade exhibits, and important sporting occasions like the U.S. Open and the New
York City Marathon are also held in the City. More than 376,800 jobs are supported by New
York City's tourism industry, making it a key part of the local economy (representing nearly 10
percent of all private sector employment). The sector runs as a dynamic ecosystem of events,
attractions, shopping, and food held together by the industry's primary infrastructures of
hospitality and transportation (DiNapoli & Jain, 2021).
Depending on the visitors' prior visits, there are two approaches that should be taken while
promoting New York City (NYC) as a destination. The goal of promotion for travelers who
have already been to the location should be to entice them back by providing updates about it
and serving as a reminder of their previous visits. However, advertisements should also try to
The Visit Intention of New York City: The Influence of Social Media Marketing (Study on Tourist Who
Wish Visit The New York City)
Return Management Studies, Economic and Business , Vol 2 (No 2), Feb 2023
convey accurate information about the area for the benefit of tourists who have never been there
(Phillips & Jang, 2010).
A number of tourism-related enterprises, including websites and social media channels
that make mention of travel experiences and tourist destinations, have also undergone
modifications. In addition to asking your closest friends or family members for
recommendations, you can also receive them via social media (Nugraha & Tania Adialita,
2021). In the current era, which is the online era and is dominated by the millennial generation,
the importance of social media in introducing a product or service is crucial, thus businesses are
compelled to follow these wishes and trends by promoting products/services through social
media (Isman et al., 2020). Visitor interest may rise as a result of promotional operations
conducted by social media businesses. Through social media, customers are eager to participate
and offer feedback to the company, which can boost purchase intent (Pratama et al., 2019).
The idea of perceived value is crucial to conventional consumer behavior. The influence
of perceived value on online customer behavior, as well as its effects on behavioral loyalty and
online word of mouth (OWOM), has been successfully demonstrated by recent study. Because
it increases people's perceptions of the reliability and value of the source of the information,
this critical information from family and friends can be extremely important in decision-making
(Nguyen et al., 2021).
Tourist satisfaction is important to the tourism industry since it affects passengers' loyalty,
includes recommendations from other tourists, and determines whether they want to return to
certain locations (Kanwel et al., 2019). Other elements, such as Destination Attitude, have an
impact on behavioral intention. One of the key factors in understanding the motivations and
behavior of tourists is destination attitude. Destination Attitude and behavioral intent are
positively correlated (Muslim et al., 2020).
Every business owner's promotions on numerous social media platforms can help increase
destination brand awareness. Tourist participation on social media can enhance a location's
reputation in addition to raising brand awareness of the destination (Ningrum & Roostika,
2021). A person's mental picture of their knowledge (beliefs), emotions, and general view of a
certain place is known as their destination image (Kanwel et al., 2019).
Using the information provided above as a foundation, the researcher seeks to examine
the impact of social media marketing activity, destination image, attitude, and awareness,
perceived value on visit intention for New York City (Hidayat & Alifah, 2022). The function
of social media marketing activities to improve e-women and visit intentions to Indonesian
tourist destinations through brand equity was investigated in relevant research by (Pramudhita
& Madiawati, 2021) The data analysis strategy used in this study and that used in SEM-PLS is
similar, but what sets the two apart is the quantity of latent variables. (Pratama et al., 2019)'s
study, which looked at the connection between social media marketing activities and visit
intention, is another pertinent example. The methodologies used for data analysis in this study
are different. This study has the potential to inform travelers about the findings of an
investigation of social media marketing activity, destination image, attitude, and awareness, and
perceived value on visit intention to New York City.
The Visit Intention of New York City: The Influence of Social Media Marketing (Study on Tourist Who Wish
Visit The New York City)
Return Management Studies, Economic and Business , Vol 2 (No 2), Feb 2023
The SEM-PLS approach was employed in this study's data analysis. 42 travelers who
intended to visit New York City filled out a 15 scale questionnaire that was used to obtain the
data. Social Media Marketing Activity, Destination Image, Destination Attitude, Destination
Awareness, Perceived Value, and Visit Intention to New York City are some of the seven latent
variables used in this study. Figure 1 depicts the fictitious model used in this investigation.
Figure 1.
Research Hypothesis Model
The following is the hypothesis in this study
H1 : Relationship between Social Media Marketing Activity (SM) and Destination Image (DI)
H2 : Relationship between Social Media Marketing Activity (SM) and Destination Attitude
H3 : Relationship between Social Media Marketing Activity (SM) and Destination Awareness
H4 : Relationship between Social Media Marketing Activity (SM) and Perceived Value (PV)
H5 : Relationship between Destination Image (DI) and Visit Intention New York City(VI)
H6 : Relationship between Destination Attitude (DAT) and Visit Intention New York City(VI)
H7 : Relationship between Destination Awareness (DAW) and Visit Intention New York
H8 : Relationship between Perceived Value (PV) and Visit Intention New York City(VI)
First, by examining the AVE value with a minimum standard above 0.5, the convergent
validity of each link between indicators and constructs or latent variables is checked (Purwanto
& Sudargini, 2021). Additionally, make sure the composite reliability is accurate in reflecting the
validity of the questionnaire constructs. A composite reliability value greater than 0.7 is an
excellent reliability criterion. Table 1 displays the values for composite reliability and
convergent validity.
The Visit Intention of New York City: The Influence of Social Media Marketing (Study on Tourist Who
Wish Visit The New York City)
Return Management Studies, Economic and Business , Vol 2 (No 2), Feb 2023
Table 1.
AVE Value and Composite Reliability
Variabel Laten
Average Variance
Extracted (AVE)
DAT (Destination
DAW (Destination
DI (Destination Image)
PV (Perceived Value)
SM (Social Media
Marketing Activity)
VI (Visit Intention)
Table 1 demonstrates whether the AVE and composite reliability values acquired in this study
meet the requirements for drawing the conclusion that there is a connection between the
production of reliable indicators and latent variables.
Table 2.
Cross Loading Value
The Visit Intention of New York City: The Influence of Social Media Marketing (Study on Tourist Who Wish
Visit The New York City)
Return Management Studies, Economic and Business , Vol 2 (No 2), Feb 2023
The Cross Loading value, also known as the Factor Loading shown in Table 2, is
examined in the second step to determine the Discriminant Validity, which serves as a measure
of validity. If the Cross loading value for each indication is greater than or equal to 0.70, the
indicator is said to have strong validity (Katopo, 2015). The Cross Loading values for each
indicator are displayed in Table 2. All indicators employed in this study are valid based on the
Cross Loading values that were obtained, which satisfy the criteria. Figure 2 also displays the
Cross Loading value for each indication shown in the path model.
Figure 2.
Path Model and Cross Loading Value for Each Indicator
Hypothesis testing comes next. By examining the P-Values in the output of the Bootstrapping
procedure, hypothesis testing was done to determine the influence or relationship between the
variables that have been modeled. If the P-Value is lower than 0.05, the hypothesis criteria are
accepted. Table 3 displays the P value for the research hypothesis test.
The Visit Intention of New York City: The Influence of Social Media Marketing (Study on Tourist Who
Wish Visit The New York City)
Return Management Studies, Economic and Business , Vol 2 (No 2), Feb 2023
Table 3.
Bootstrapping Output Results - P Values
Latent Variable
SM -> DI
Hypothesis Rejected
Hypothesis Rejected
Hypothesis Rejected
SM -> PV
Hypothesis Rejected
DI -> VI
Hypothesis Rejected
Hypothesis Rejected
Hypothesis Accepted
PV -> VI
Hypothesis Accepted
Table 3 shows the P-Value along with the conclusions of hypothesis testing between
variables. The accepted hypothesis is the hypothesis of the relationship between Perceived
Value (PV) and Destination Awareness (DAW) relationship with Visit Intention New York
City(VI). While the hypothesis that was rejected was the relationship between Social Media
Marketing Activity (SM) with Destination Image (DI), relationship between Social Media
Marketing Activity (SM) with Destination Attitude (DAT), relationship between Social Media
Marketing Activity (SM) with Destination Awareness (DAW), relationship between Social
Media Marketing Activity (SM) with Perceived Value (PV), relationship between Destination
Image (DI) with Visit Intention New York City (VI), and relationship between Destination
Attitude (DAT) with Visit Intention New York City (VI).
Relationship between Destination Image and Social Media Marketing Activity (SM) (DI)
In this study, there is no connection between Social Media Marketing Activity and
Destination Image. In contrast with research that has been done, according to which social
media influencers are one type of promotional medium that must be developed favorably to
enhance the destination image and brand image of a tourism destination (Jaya & Prianthara, 2020).
The promotion of intriguing tourism attractions that can draw visitors should also be a priority
for management. A robust infrastructure for supporting tourism should also be planned. In its
entirety, a tourism location appears distinctive and unusual to visitors.
Relationship between Destination Attitude and Social Media Marketing Activity (SM)
The assumption that social media marketing activity and traveler attitudes related is
rejected as a hypothesis. According to study, social media marketing has a favorable and
considerable impact on travelers' perceptions of tourist locations (Priliana, 2020) and (Husin et
al., 2020). Social media offers travelers a platform for two-way connection and involvement.
When making vacation decisions, they can instantly share their positive trip experiences as well
as seek for and use other people's tourist review information. The attitude that will be displayed
from the tourist destination that potential customers will choose has a significant impact on how
one chooses a vacation spot. Social media marketing activity can be used to indicate destination
attitude. A person with a certain trip in mind is said to have a travel intention. The reasons
behind one's travel aspirations have a big impact on whether or not one decides to go. Positive
The Visit Intention of New York City: The Influence of Social Media Marketing (Study on Tourist Who Wish
Visit The New York City)
Return Management Studies, Economic and Business , Vol 2 (No 2), Feb 2023
travel motivation will significantly influence someone's decision to take a vacation (Fadlullah &
Nurlatifah, 2020).
Relationship between Destination Awareness and Social Media Marketing Activity (SM)
According to the findings of this study's analysis, there is a connection between social
media marketing activity and destination awareness. The results of earlier research by
(AKGÜN, 2020), which is referenced in this study, suggest that social media marketing
activities (SMMA) are crucial awareness tools for establishing a presence in consumers' minds.
and separating distinct brands from one another. It is anticipated that positively enhancing the
brand's image and motivating consumers to learn more about it will enhance their purchasing
decisions. A favorable image and awareness will be created through creating content,
campaigns, and competition programs on social media in order to retain relationships with
clients. By creating sustainable brand collaboration, it will also be feasible to measure consumer
perceptions focusing on awareness and image. Additionally, this impression will become a
genuine buy. The findings indicate that brands should increase their SMMA spending since an
innovative approach to SMMA will assist build strong brand equity and positively influence
consumer behavior.
Relationship between Perceived Value and Social Media Marketing Activity (SM) (PV)
Tourists typically feel perceived value from direct experience rather than only from
social media marketing activities, hence there is no correlation between social media marketing
activity and perceived value. This study contrasts with that of (Ceyhan, 2019), who found that
all social media marketing initiatives can influence how customers perceive their worth, which
can have a favorable impact on purchase intent and brand equity.
New York City Visit Intention and Destination Image (DI) Relationship (VI)
The aim of a visit has nothing to do with the destination image. According to a study
(Isman et al., 2020), the perception of a place does not significantly influence travelers' plans to
visit. The idea of a destination image can be characterized as the manifestation of one's or a
group's acquired subjective information, preconceptions, imagination, and emotional ideas
about a specific region. According to (Kanwel et al., 2019), visitor satisfaction is closely
correlated with destination image because it refers to emotions produced by cognitive aspects
of tourism-related activities and the cumulative evaluation of a variety of traits and components
of the destination image. Destination image has two crucial effects on behavior: it shapes the
decision-making process for choosing a destination and shapes actions taken in the aftermath,
such as engagement (on-site experiences), appraisal (satisfaction), and plans for future conduct
(intention to revisit).
New York City Visit Intention and Destination Attitude (DAT) Relationship (VI)
The association between the attitude of the destination and the intention to visit New York
City is acknowledged as a hypothesis. The results between attitude and intention suggest that
locations and tourism operators should continue to develop marketing strategies to spark travel
intents from the favorable attitudes of Millennial Social media users, according to research done
(Han & Chen, 2022). To raise brand awareness and boost sales, a variety of marketing tactics and
influencer campaigns can be used, such as giving out special coupons and providing giveaway
vacations to a location.
The findings of this study run counter to studies (Joo et al., 2020) that claims attitudes
have little bearing on travelers' intentions with regard to rural tourism. Although individuals
The Visit Intention of New York City: The Influence of Social Media Marketing (Study on Tourist Who
Wish Visit The New York City)
Return Management Studies, Economic and Business , Vol 2 (No 2), Feb 2023
have a favorable perception of rural tourism as a form of sustainable tourism as a result of their
education, this perception rarely serves as a primary motivator for booking a trip. It's possible
that there is a big difference between travelers' convictions about the value of sustainable
tourism and their readiness to make sacrifices for the cause. Additionally, tourists' behavior
intentions are significantly influenced by how well-known a destination is as a tourist attraction.
Rural tourism is a very underwhelming experience devoid of memorable experiences, in
contrast to travel to popular areas characterized by breath-taking landmarks and sights to
behold. Despite having a favorable reputation in society, travelers' intentions may not be
changed by their attitude.
Relationship between Visit Intention and Destination Awareness (DAW) New York City
According to the examination of this study's data, there is a connection between
knowledge of the destination and intention to visit New York City. According to previous
research (Priskila, 2018), social media marketing and online marketing increased customer
awareness, which in turn increased customer intention. Social media marketing and online
marketing also increased customer awareness both directly and indirectly through customer
Perceived Value (PV) and Visit Intention: A Relationship in New York (VI)
In contrast to research by (Nguyen et al., 2021), which claims that useful information from
family and friends can play a crucial role in decision-making because it gives people the
trustworthiness and perceived value for the sources of information, there is no correlation
between perceived value and visit intention in New York City. Perceived value has a direct
impact on satisfaction, which in turn drives plans to return, participate, and make a purchase.
Value is the primary factor influencing individual choice and behavior in terms of consumer
behavior. Customers will become more loyal to the service provider if the perceived value is
higher based on their entire evaluation (Chen & Lin, 2019).
It is possible to draw the conclusion that Social Media Marketing Activity has no
relationship with the Destination Image, Destination Attitude, Destination Awareness and
Perseced Value variables. While the variables that have a relationship with Visit Intention New
York City are Destination Awareness and Perceived Value. Future studies could include using
other variables to gauge visitors' intentions at various tourism hotspots.
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