Analysis Of Rice Distribution On Price Stability In Perum Bulog, West Aceh Regency
165 Return Management Studies, Economic and Business , Vol 2 (No 2), Feb 2023
is only suitable for white rice, such as Ciherang, Mekongga, and Inpari 30 and other varieties,
except for colored rice, such as brown rice Aek Sibundong, Inpari 24, Inpago 7, and Inpara 7,
and black rice, better. Consume it as Broken Brown Rice (CPC) with a short polishing time of
approximately (30-60 seconds) because the longer the polishing, the paler the red color of the
rice, even though the anthocyanin / antioxidant content in the pigment is very high. Increased
see is the red color of rice grains (Y. Sari, 2018).
When viewed from its properties, medium rice is actually cheaper than high-quality rice,
more nutritious and should be a wise choice for consumers who want economical and highly
nutritious rice for health. By getting to know the properties of rice, consumers can choose
market rice that recommends high quality, which is limited and relatively expensive, but they
are starting to choose medium-sized rice and even brown rice as a functional pigmented rice
variety (red). rice ) consider ). rice, black rice) and rice with a low glycemic index. Its market
share is still limited. Medium-sized rice production is more open to a variety of rice mills,
ranging from small rice mills (PPK) at the farmer or farmer group level to large mills (PPB), so
most rice mills in Indonesia (85-90%) are PPC. Their role is greater as a producer of medium-
sized rice and to market their products directly without a longer chain, thus increasing the
enthusiasm of farmers/groups to process their cropsinto medium-sized rice. (Surindah, 2021).
According to Aryani, 2021, the characteristics of medium and high quality rice can be
seen from the following differences, namely:
1. Medium rice has a smoother color (opaque) than high-quality rice.
2. From the side of the granules break (break). Medium rice has a higher decomposition rate
of more than 10%. At the same time, the degree of damage to superior rice is only 0-10%.
3. Often found in medium-seeded rice mixed with impurities such as stones or skinned grain.
On the contrary, such impurities are not found in high-quality rice.
4. The quality of the high-quality rice produced looks fluffier and better than the average
Based on these traits, rice plays a very important role in the life of Indonesian people in
the economic, labor, environmental, social, cultural, and political fields. The matter of rice is
not an easy matter and is very sensitive, so it must be handled carefully. Mistakes made in the
settlement policy will not only affect the state of national settlement, but also several other
related regions, so that in the history of Indonesian settlement the role of the government has
never been separated from the role of the government. who consciously participate in the
regulation of the national rice economy. The special role of rice is one of the main reasons for
government intervention in rice. The level of government intervention may change at any time
due to changes in the role of the above elements. The government partially made various
changes to political instruments. However, the government has never fundamentally changed
the objectives of the national rice policy implemented to date, which still revolves around
maintaining the sustainability of domestic rice production, protecting rice farmers and ensuring
that enough rice is available for the people to be easily accessible. economically and physically
sustainable. State interference in the food industry, for example, through food institutions in
charge of implementing state policies in the field of agriculture in relation to pre-production,
production processes and post-production. The logistics agency is one of the food agencies
appointed by the government that handles post-production issues, especially in the fields of
pricing, marketing, and distribution (Arjayanti, 2008).
Definition of Distribution