P-ISSN: 2964-0121
E-ISSN: 2963-3699
Homepage: https://jurnalreturn.staiku.ac.id
162 This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
Agus Wandra
, Alisman
, Pola Tengah Pelawi
Universitas Teuku Umar, Indonesia
, Perum Bulog Kabupaten Aceh Barat
, polambo22@gmail.com
Received: 14
February 2023
Revised: 17
February 2023
Approved: 20
February 2023
Distribution is one of the most important marketing activities carried out in
marketing, namely developing and expanding the flow of goods or services from
producers to consumers in accordance with a predetermined amount and time.
The choice of distribution method is a very important point, because an error in
choosing a distribution method can slow down the delivery of goods and
services to consumers or users. Distribution of rice is one aspect of the
marketing mix that also determines the success or failure of the objectives to be
achieved by Perum Bulog, West Aceh Regency in distributing rice to meet
community needs. The problem discussed in this study is how the influence of
rice distribution on price stability at Bulog Public Corporation in West Aceh
Regency. While the aim of this research to be achieved is to determine the effect
of rice distribution on price stability at Perum Bulog, West Aceh Regency.
The analytical method used in this study is simple linear regression analysis,
simple linear regression equation implies that in a regression equation there is
one dependent variable and one independent variable. The simple linear
regression method aims to prove the hypothesis on the effect of joint distribution
variables on price stability at Perum Bulog, West Aceh Regency, both
individually and collectively. Based on the results of the study, it shows that the
effect of the distribution of rice (X) on the stability of rice prices (Y) is very
significant. This is evidenced by the value of Rice Price Stability (Y) at the West
Aceh District Bureau of Logistics Agency, a coefficient of determination of
0.875 (R) where this shows 87.50% is in the category of very high influence and
the remaining 12.50% is influenced by other variables which is not researched.
Rice distribution; Price Stability; and Simple Linear Regression
Indonesia based on its geographical location between two continents, namely Asia and
Australia and two oceans, namely the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, therefore Indonesia
has good and strategic natural conditions that are suitable for agriculture. On the other hand,
due to its astronomical location located between 6°N 11°E and 95°E 141°E, Indonesia has
a tropical climate with the advantages of fairly high rainfall, sufficient solar irradiation, and
altitude. humidity The close relationship between food production and climate can lead to an
increase in production in one situation and a decrease in production in another. This difference
in production volume can affect prices both at the level of farmers as producers and as
consumers in society (Triadi, 2011).
Rice is a basic need of the Indonesian people. There are staple food substitutes such as
corn and wheat. However, rice is the most important food of Indonesians. Its price, especially
when it rises, becomes a barometer of the price of other goods, wages and salaries. When the
price of rice rises, the prices of other goods, wages and salaries also rise, which can also cause
instability in various sectors. Food security is a view of the situation or state of relationship
between humans and their nutritional needs (Rachman, 2018).
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In the order of state life in Indonesia, rice is a commodity that has strategic value, both in
terms of economy, environment, social, and politics. In the context of food security,
stabilization of rice supply and prices is one of the unimportant in food security as one of the
virtues of national development. Therefore, in Indonesia's economic development, rice is
always valued as an economic, social, and political commodity (Maharani & Husni, 2022).
To maintain food availability and food price stability, especially staple rice, the
government makes a rice purchase policy related to government reserves. In implementing the
government's rice purchase policy in Presidential Regulation No. 48 of 2016, concerning the
duties of the BULOGO Public Company (PERUM) in relation to national food security, it is
necessary to be aware of the determination of state purchase prices based on orders. from the
Minister of Commerce. Rice (Peraturan Menteri Perdagangan Indonesia Nomor 24 Tahun 2020
Tentang Penetapan Harga Pembelian Pemerintah Untuk Gabah Atau Beras, 2020).
Perum Bulog West Aceh Regency is a policy enforcement agency established by the West
Aceh Regency Regional Government whose main function is to fulfill the Public Service
Obligation (PSO). However, in its implementation, Perum Bulog also carries out operational
activities in West Aceh Regency, where the main responsibilities of the Bulog Public Service
Agency of West Aceh Regency are the maintenance of the State Purchase Price (HPP), the
management of the State Rice Reserve (CBP) and the distribution of subsidized rice to income
groups. The implementation of the role of Perum Bulog West Aceh Regency in the rice sector
has been going on for a long time and so far it can be said that Perum Bulog West Aceh Regency
lacks the flexibility to intervene in the market. In addition, Perum Bulog's operations in West
Aceh Regency have a very strategic role in securing rice prices and preparing rice supplies,
giving responsibility to take care of food needs, especially rice raw materials in West Aceh
Based on researchers' observations on the price of consumer-level medium rice and high-
quality rice in the harvest season from February to July 2022, the price of high-quality rice at
the consumer level fluctuates between Rp. 11,000-12,000 / kg and the price of medium rice
rice at consumers ranges from Rp. 8,600-Rp. 10,859, this price can be said to be stable due to
the weather that supports cultivation. The laws of supply and demand always affect prices in
the market or consumers. Price stability is urgently needed to ensure that there are no price
spikes at the consumer level. Here the role of Bulog West Aceh Regency is needed to maintain
price stability in the market by absorbing Perum Bulog from West Aceh Regency, beras from
farmers at prices set by the government (HPP).
Settlement policies, particularly in the West Aceh region, include policies on production,
distribution and price stability. The integrated and comprehensive support of the West Aceh
Regency Government for the above measures emphasizes the importance of maintaining the
supply and availability of rice from production to price stability, place and time.
The high selling price of rice in the market does not mean that it benefits farmers and
clearly harms consumers. The facts on the ground show that many traders, especially
processors, are pressuring farmers to lower the price of Dry Harvested Grain (DHP) under the
HPP. Then sell rice at a much higher price in the market at a time when the price gap between
farmers and consumers is very large. In addition, the issue of rice distribution requires
professional attention and handling, in this case Perum Bulog West Aceh Regency is one of the
government agencies that plays an active role in all fields, from production to distribution to
activities related to price issues. Functionally, marketing activities can be directed in accordance
with the prevailing economic conditions.
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In distributing rice, Perum Bulog West Aceh made several efforts to stabilize prices as a
policy implementation, firstly by conducting market operations to determine the price of rice
provided by producers to consumers and secondly by distributing reskin-rice to Therefore, these
two efforts play an important role for Perum Bulog West Aceh Regency in distributing rice to
consumers. In addition to the important role of Perum Bulog in West Aceh Regency, it also has
a utility principle, namely being able to meet the purpose of the government's rice granary to
meet the needs of the community. Consumer demand can also be met within a certain period of
time. While the aim of this research to be achieved is to determine the effect of rice distribution
on price stability at Perum Bulog, West Aceh Regency. Based on the description above, the
author is interested in conducting research on "Analysis of Rice Distribution against Price
Stability in Perum Bulog, West Aceh Regency".
Rice Commodities
Rice is a commodity that has a strategic role in the country's economy. There are four
indicators used to assess the strategic role of rice. First, rice cultivation supports more than
twenty million farmers and farmers and is the lifeblood of the rural economy. Second, due to
the failure of an effective food diversification program, the demand for rice continues to
increase along with population growth. Third, rice production in Indonesia continues to show
an erratic trend due to natural disasters, pest attacks, and rising prices of fertilizers and
pesticides. . Fourth, rice farming is still a mainstay of bringing jobs in rural areas. Rice has a
vital and deadly position. Its position is very vital because rice is a basic need for the Indonesian
people and will be fatal if the supply is limited. Then it can be used as an instrument of power
politics for the powerful and the powerless. Therefore, rice has always been used as the main
raw material in the formulation and implementation of national policies (Suryana & Kariyasa,
From an economic point of view, rice remains a strategic commodity for the economies
of Asian countries because (1) millions of farmers continue to grow rice, (2) in several countries
such as Vietnam, Burma, Thailand, India and China, rice is one of the commodities that is the
main driver of the country's exchange rate, and (3) for the poor, where the number of income
groups in Asia still dominates, rice is still the most important staple. Given this strategic role,
it is not surprising that most Asian countries are mobilizing resources (mainly financial) to
support increased food production, especially rice. The selling price of rice is an amount of
money that buyers pay to sellers to get rice by type (Setyoaji, 2014).
According to Wati (2022), rice on the market is usually perfectly milled rice (100%) or
ordinary rice with different degrees of grinding (release of epidermis up to 80-95%). The shape
and appearance of rice is the first characteristic that consumers pay attention to when choosing
and buying rice. The appearance of rice is more influenced by the operation of the milling
process, which is a combination of the type/variety and characteristics of the machine, the skill
of the operator and the quality of the milled dry grain.
SNI 6128-2015 requires that middle quality I rice contain at least 78 n of parent rice, no
more than 20 broken rice, 95 n freedom and a maximum rice moisture content of 14%. The
lower the medium and medium grade III rice, the lower the main rice content and the degree of
grinding. According to SNI, the best quality of rice is determined based on the main rice content
of at least 95% broken rice at a maximum temperature of 5 °C with a freedom of 100 n and a
maximum moisture content of 14%.
Premium rice on the market is expensive and its nutritional content is lower than ordinary
rice. Medium-sized rice with a yield of up to 63 n contains a lot of nutrients, especially fiber,
the higher the mill, the lower the mineral and vitamin content in the rice. Perfectly ground rice
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is only suitable for white rice, such as Ciherang, Mekongga, and Inpari 30 and other varieties,
except for colored rice, such as brown rice Aek Sibundong, Inpari 24, Inpago 7, and Inpara 7,
and black rice, better. Consume it as Broken Brown Rice (CPC) with a short polishing time of
approximately (30-60 seconds) because the longer the polishing, the paler the red color of the
rice, even though the anthocyanin / antioxidant content in the pigment is very high. Increased
see is the red color of rice grains (Y. Sari, 2018).
When viewed from its properties, medium rice is actually cheaper than high-quality rice,
more nutritious and should be a wise choice for consumers who want economical and highly
nutritious rice for health. By getting to know the properties of rice, consumers can choose
market rice that recommends high quality, which is limited and relatively expensive, but they
are starting to choose medium-sized rice and even brown rice as a functional pigmented rice
variety (red). rice ) consider ). rice, black rice) and rice with a low glycemic index. Its market
share is still limited. Medium-sized rice production is more open to a variety of rice mills,
ranging from small rice mills (PPK) at the farmer or farmer group level to large mills (PPB), so
most rice mills in Indonesia (85-90%) are PPC. Their role is greater as a producer of medium-
sized rice and to market their products directly without a longer chain, thus increasing the
enthusiasm of farmers/groups to process their cropsinto medium-sized rice. (Surindah, 2021).
According to Aryani, 2021, the characteristics of medium and high quality rice can be
seen from the following differences, namely:
1. Medium rice has a smoother color (opaque) than high-quality rice.
2. From the side of the granules break (break). Medium rice has a higher decomposition rate
of more than 10%. At the same time, the degree of damage to superior rice is only 0-10%.
3. Often found in medium-seeded rice mixed with impurities such as stones or skinned grain.
On the contrary, such impurities are not found in high-quality rice.
4. The quality of the high-quality rice produced looks fluffier and better than the average
Based on these traits, rice plays a very important role in the life of Indonesian people in
the economic, labor, environmental, social, cultural, and political fields. The matter of rice is
not an easy matter and is very sensitive, so it must be handled carefully. Mistakes made in the
settlement policy will not only affect the state of national settlement, but also several other
related regions, so that in the history of Indonesian settlement the role of the government has
never been separated from the role of the government. who consciously participate in the
regulation of the national rice economy. The special role of rice is one of the main reasons for
government intervention in rice. The level of government intervention may change at any time
due to changes in the role of the above elements. The government partially made various
changes to political instruments. However, the government has never fundamentally changed
the objectives of the national rice policy implemented to date, which still revolves around
maintaining the sustainability of domestic rice production, protecting rice farmers and ensuring
that enough rice is available for the people to be easily accessible. economically and physically
sustainable. State interference in the food industry, for example, through food institutions in
charge of implementing state policies in the field of agriculture in relation to pre-production,
production processes and post-production. The logistics agency is one of the food agencies
appointed by the government that handles post-production issues, especially in the fields of
pricing, marketing, and distribution (Arjayanti, 2008).
Definition of Distribution
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To achieve the goals of an organization or enterprise in the field of marketing, any
organization or company carries out sales activities. Distribution is an activity in which a
product is delivered to the hands of users or consumers at the right time (Rahmawanti Arifin,
According to Aviola (2016), In a large dictionary of Indonesian, distribution means
dividing the delivery of goods to many people or to many places.
Distribution is one of the most important marketing activities carried out in marketing,
namely. H. develop and expand the flow of goods or services from producers to consumers in
accordance with the established amount and time. The selection of distribution methods is a
very important point, because errors in the selection of distribution methods can slow down the
delivery of goods and services to consumers or users (Nildawati et al., 2018).
According to Itsnaeny (2021), Distribution is a collection of companies and individuals
that acquire rights or help transfer rights to goods or services from producers to consumers. In
general, distribution can be interpreted as a marketing activity that aims to speed up and
facilitate the delivery of goods and services from producers to consumers so that their use is
adjusted to their needs (nature, price, location and needs).
According to Rosyadi (2021), Distribution, in its parts, is a subsystem that works together
to form a system suitable for a specific purpose. This system must be monitored to function
properly. Simply put, this system is also a set of elements that work together for a specific
purpose as follows:
1) Distribution Channel Function
Given that a distribution channel is a structure that describes the different market situations
of different economic institutions (e.g. manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers), the
operation of distribution channels must be observed and implemented effectively and
efficiently. Distributive functions can be classified into two of them, namely:
1. Main Functions of Distribution
The main functions of distribution include:
a. Appointment (Transportation), In general, the location of production activities is
different from the location of consumers. This difference in location must be
overcome by transportation. Along with population growth and technological
advancements, people's needs are increasing. As a result, the goods to be distributed
increase in size, so they must be transported (lifted) using transport.
b. Selling, when goods are marketed, there is always sales activity from
manufacturers. The transfer of rights from producers to consumers can occur
through sales. In sales activities, consumers can use the goods.
c. Purchasing, every time there is a sale, there is a purchase activity. If the goods are
sold by the manufacturer, then the purchase is made by the person who needs the
d. Storage (Stooring), before the goods are distributed to consumers, they are usually
stored. Storage is necessary to ensure the continuity, safety and integrity of the
e. Standardization of Quality of Goods, many sellers and buyers always want
regulations on the quality, type and size of goods that will be traded in every buying
and selling process. Therefore, it is necessary to standardize the type, size and
quality of goods traded as expected for the goods or channels traded.
f. Risk Insurer, distributors bear the risk of damage and loss of goods.
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2) Additional Distribution Functions
As for the additional functions of distribution, among others, they include:
a. Selection
This activity is usually necessary for the distribution of agricultural products and crops
collected by some entrepreneurs.
b. Packing/packing
The goods must be packed properly to avoid damage or loss during shipping.
c. Informing
In order for consumers to be as much as they want, producers must provide sufficient
information to regional representatives or consumers who need information.
Rice Distribution
The distribution or distribution of food, especially rice, is a special order or action to
direct the distribution model to consumers. In order to stabilize the availability of rice and the
price of rice in the market, the Logistics Affairs Agency divided its rice shipments. (Surindah,
According to Marheni (2016), the group of people who become consumers is divided into
three groups, namely:
1. The budget category is a category of rice allocation financed by the Directorate General of
2. Non-Budget Group is a rice consumer outside the Budget Group who conducts buying and
selling transactions based on an agreement between the Divre/Sub Divre and the consumer
concerned and based on the type, amount and price, as well as the term of delivery and
3. Stock transfer is the movement of goods or inventory from one warehouse to another within
the same branch, called regional, and from one warehouse to another within the same branch,
called local.
According to Stanton in (F. R. R. Sari, 2020), Price is a value expressed in dollars and
cents or other monetary exchanges , which more or less means that price is a value expressed
in dollars and cents or other monetary exchanges.
According to Basu Swastha (Dharmmesta & Handoko, 2014), Price is defined as the
amount of money (possibly plus goods) needed to purchase various combinations of goods and
According to Alex (2019), Price is defined as the monetary value of a good or service
when a person or business wants to hand over the goods or services he owns to another party
based on that value. Price is a unit of money or other measure (including goods and services)
that is exchanged to obtain the right to own or use a good or service.
Tjiptono, said that price is the only element of the marketing mix that generates revenue
or revenue for the business when compared to other elements of the marketing mix when setting
price targets (Tjiptono, 2020).
Price fluctuations
According to Marwati (Marwati, 2020), fluctuations are symptoms that indicate prices or
price changes due to demand and supply, often called volatility. Fluctuations can also be
interpreted as spikes in everything that can be described and visualized on a graph. Fluctuations
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in the price of agricultural raw materials today have reached a serious level because the increase
in demand is not offset by sufficient supply. In addition, erratic climatic conditions and global
political instability caused food prices to rise.
According to Anindita (2018) in (Sujai, 2011), one of the ways that the government can
do to reduce the turmoil in agricultural commodity prices is through the implementation of
appropriate fiscal policies in the form of subsidies, tax incentives including tax credits, and
budget optimization. The main results of the study are:
1. Fluctuations in agricultural commodity prices have a significant impact on inflation,
causing instability in food prices and supply.
2. The government uses a variety of fiscal tools to stabilize food and availability.
3. The government's fiscal policy has paid off, as evidenced by inflation continuing to slow
to 6.16 percent.
4. Fiscal policy implemented in the form of tax incentives is only temporary with the aim of
increasing the productivity of agricultural production.
According to Mahpud, Sujai (2017), Anticipating fiscal policy going forward is fraught
with challenges amid increasing pressures from climate change and international geopolitical
conditions. Therefore, the future political recommendations yang can be applied are :
1. The tax policy implemented should not harm farmers and not hinder the development of
the domestic agricultural sector.
2. The reduction in agricultural import trade arrangements must be temporary because it will
harm domestic farmers if implemented over a long period of time.
3. The government must continue to protect the domestic agricultural sector to ensure food
security and people's welfare.
Domestic rice/grain production is essential to avoid price fluctuations and high risks of
rice supply on the world market, and is closely linked to poverty reduction efforts and rural
development. The problem of fluctuations in rice prices is caused by seasonal fluctuations
which are a normal phenomenon in the agricultural economy. To solve this problem, one of the
main goals of agricultural policy is to stabilize prices. Large price fluctuations slow down the
development of agriculture (Damayanti, 2016).
Price Stabilization
Stabilization is an attempt to maintain the price of goods or services at a certain level,
carried out by the government in times of high inflation, in order to stabilize the prices of such
goods and services over a period of time. is based on a situation where the price constantly
fluctuates. The term volatility comes from variability and volatility that are directly related to
the concept of equilibrium or equilibrium. Price volatility reflects an imbalance between supply
and demand, which may be caused by an actual imbalance or expectations of an imbalance that
is incorrect or real by economic agents. Whatever the reason, price volatility always means an
imbalance in the short term. Long-term price movements, usually due to technological changes
or demand, cannot be interpreted as price volatility (Rahmawanti Arifin, 2018).
According to the Ministry of Trade (2022), it says that food price stability is in the
common interest between food producers and consumers. The advantage for food
manufacturers is business security, since stable prices can improve production planning and, of
course, production. On the consumer side, food price volatility can disrupt food security
programs (availability, accessibility, affordability, and nutrition). In addition to the problem of
instability, the price level is certainly a very important issue. A favorable price level for
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producers is very important for business continuity, while a favorable price level for consumers
is very important for the realization of basic rights.
Many indicators are used to measure price volatility, but the most commonly used is the
coefficient of variation, which is calculated from the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean
(average). This indicator is considered appropriate because it is considered that small
fluctuations around the average price are not considered important. Only extreme rates of price
increase or decrease are considered. High food price volatility in developing countries has
important implications for food security, both in the short term on food availability for
consumers and in the long term on incentives for producers to invest and increase production
(Rachman, 2018).
The government understands that the free market has some drawbacks, therefore the
governments of various countries intervene in economic activities. Some forms of government
policy in a perfectly competitive market include the imposition of taxes, producer subsidies,
maximum prices, minimum prices, production quotas, import duties, and import quotas.
According to Steven (2017), said that price efficiency, on the contrary, assumes that the
ratio of outputs or inputs in physical form remains constant. This efficiency is related to price
efficiency and reflects the production costs that move through the marketing system. Many
things can lead to inefficiency of pricing, consumers who do not know very well about the
choice, companies that dominate the market because of their location, or highly experienced
employees where prices do not accurately reflect costs.
The price of a commodity results from the balance of supply and demand. The balance
price level of certain goods, especially staple foods, sometimes generates dissatisfaction. In
some cases, discontent creates political pressure from the public towards the government, which
is expected to keep prices at a certain level so that price policies do not cause prices to rise too
high or fall too low.
Types of Research
This research is classified as descriptive research,which is the result of research that solves
existing problems systematically and factually based on existing data, so this research includes
the collection, presentation and processing of data, as well as analysis and interpretation
(Unaradjan, 2019).
According to Sugiyono (Sugiyono, 2018), descriptive research, namely quantitative
research, is a positivist-based research method (concrete data), research data is assigned in the
form of numbers measured with the help of statistics, as a test tool for calculations, related to the
problem under study to draw conclusions.
Research Location and Time
The location of this study is the West Aceh Regency Bulog Perum Office in Jalan
Nasional No. 15. Gampung Darat Village , Johan Pahlawan District, West Aceh Regency
23681. This research period was conducted from October 2022 to January 2023.
Data Collection Techniques
The data collection methods used are literature research, observation and interviews.
When answering the interview yang sent to the respondents, with a total of ten respondents
consisting of deputy head, rice procurement section, operational and public service procurement
section, rice distribution section and warehouse section while for secondary data using books,
journals and documents available from Perum Bulog District Johan Pahlawan Kabupaten West
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There are several ways to collect data, which consist of the following:
1. Literature research is a way of collecting information by looking for book references
related to an observation, as well as documents and records related to the observations
studied by the researcher
2. Field research is a method of collecting data directly from the subject under study, this field
research is divided into several different methods, including
1) Literature observation where the data collection method consists of examining the
theory of book references, documents and notes related to the problem studied by the
2) In an interview, itu include an open statement and to form a structured statement for
the interview.
3. Reference Data Used
The reference data collected is in the form of primary data and secondary data, including:
1) Primary data is data collected by researchers directly in the field according to the
object studied and installed at the Perum Bulog office of the West Aceh Regency
Office by conducting direct interviews with the object under study.
2) Secondary data is data collected by researchers and is already available at the West
Aceh Regency Logistics Affairs Office in the form of books, documents, number of
employees, organizational structure and data related to the study submitted at Perum
Bulog, West Aceh Regency.
4. Data Processing Techniques
The information obtained from the data collection is then processed. The data
processing method used in this study is a simple linear regression analysis, where a simple
linear regression equation means that the regression equation has one bound variable and
one free variable (Atmaja, 2019). In general simple linear regression can be formulated as
Y = 𝑎 + bx (1)
Where: Y = Price Stability
a = Regression constant
b = Regression coefficien
X = Rice Distribution
Characteristics of Respondents
Based on the results of the research conducted, the data distribution of the characteristics
of the respondents based on gender, age, last education and work experience can be described
in Tables 1 through Table 4 as follows:
Table 1. Characteristics of Respondents Based on Gender
Percentage (%)
Cumulative Percentage (%)
Based on Table 1. above, it shows that the most respondents are male compared to women for
men, namely the total frequency is 8 people with a percentage level of 80.00%, while for
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women, there are 2 people with a percentage level of 20 %, for more details can be seen in
Figure 1. below:
Figure 1. Characteristics of Respondents Based on Gender
Based on Figure 1. above, it shows that the highest number of respondents based on gender of
the total sample is 10 people, namely in men with a total of 8 men with a presentation rate of
80.00% while the number of women is as many as 2 people with a percentage level by 20.00%.
After knowing the characteristics of the respondents based on gender, then describe the
characteristics of the respondents based on the age distribution of the respondents as shown in
Table 2. below:
Table 2. Characteristics of respondents based on age
Percentage (%)
Cumulative Percentage (%)
Based on Table 2 above, the types of characteristics of respondents based on the highest
age distribution, namely the age range of 31-40 years, namely as many as 5 people with a
percentage rate of 50.00%, for the second largest age distribution, namely the age range
between 41-50 years and > 51 years each, as many as 2 people with a percentage rate of 20.00%,
and the lowest age distribution rate is in the age range between 20-30 years, namely as many as
1 person with a percentage rate of 10.00%, for more details, see Figure 2. following:
Characteristics of Respondents Based on Gender
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Figure 2. Characteristics of Respondents by Age
Based on Figure 2 above, the types of characteristics of respondents based on the highest
age distribution, namely the age range of 31-40 years, namely as many as 5 people with a
percentage rate of 50.00% and the lowest level of age distribution, namely in the age range
between 20-30 years, namely as many as 1 people with a percentage rate of 10.00%. While the
characteristics of respondents based on recent education can be seen in Table 3. below:
Table 3. Distribution of Respondent Characteristics Based on Last Education
Distribution of Last Educational Levels
Percentage (%)
Percentage (%)
Based on Table 3 above, it shows that from the results of the distribution of
questionnaires for respondents it is known that the characteristics based on the most recent
education are S1 educated with a frequency of 4 people with a percentage rate of 40.00% and
the lowest education level is at the Masters level of education with 1 person with percentage
rate of 10.00%. So it can be concluded that the most recent total level of education is the
undergraduate education level which is the respondent so it is considered that it is possible to
find out what is the problem in research regarding the analysis of rice distribution on price
stability at Perum Bulog, West Aceh Regency by interviewing respondents, they can answer
interview questions that submitted related research problems and answers are considered more
accurate. For more details, the characteristics based on the last level of education can be seen
in Figure 3 below:
Characteristics of Respondents by Age Group
20-30 Years
31-40 Years
41- 50 Years
> 51 Years
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Figure 3. Characteristics of Respondents Based on Last Education Level
Based on Figure 3 above, it shows that from the results of the distribution of
questionnaires for respondents it is known that the characteristics based on the most recent
education are S1 educated with a frequency of 4 people with a percentage rate of 40.00% and
the lowest education level is at the Masters level of education with 1 person with percentage
rate of 10.00%. While the characteristics of the respondents based on the work experience of
the respondents can be seen in Table 4. below:
Table 4. Distribution of Respondent Characteristics Based on Work Experience
Work experience
Percentage (%)
Cumulative Percentage (%)
1< Years
2-5 Years
6-10 Years
> 11 Years
Based on Table 4. above, it shows that the distribution of the characteristics of the
respondents is based on the work experience of the respondents as a result of interviews from
the 10 total respondents with the highest frequency, namely work experience between 6-10
years, namely 5 respondents with a percentage rate of 50.00%, and the smallest frequency is
experience working range > 11 years as many as 2 respondents with a percentage rate of
20.00%, for more details can be seen in Figure 4. below:
Figure 4. Characteristics of Respondents Based on Work Experience
Based on Figure 4. above, it shows that the distribution of the characteristics of the
respondents is based on the work experience of the respondents as a result of interviews from
Characteristics of Respondents Based on Work Experience
1< Years
2-5 Years
6-10 Years
> 11 Years
Characteristics of Respondents Based on Last Educational Level
Analysis Of Rice Distribution On Price Stability In Perum Bulog, West Aceh Regency
174 Return Management Studies, Economic and Business , Vol 2 (No 2), Feb 2023
the 10 total respondents with the highest frequency, namely work experience between 6-10
years, namely 5 respondents with a percentage rate of 50.00%, and the smallest frequency is
experience working range > 11 years as many as 2 respondents with a percentage rate of
Simple Linear Regression Testing
Simple linear regression tests aim separately and together to prove the hypothesis of the
influence of the rice distribution variable (X) on price stability (Y). Statistical testing in simple
linear regression is supported by the IBM Statistics 26 program as shown in Table 5 below:
Table 5. Rice Distribution (X) to Price Stability (Y)
R Square
Adjusted R Square
Std. Error of the Estimate
A. Predictors: (Constant), Rice Distribution
B. Free Variable: Price Stability
Based on the results obtained in Table 5 above, it can be seen that the correlation between
the influence of rice distribution on the stability of rice prices is high by 0.875 (R). R in linear
correlation, or correlation between two or more independent variables of the dependent variable
shows a simple correlation so that the value of R is 87.50%, the variation in the variable stability
of rice prices can be affected by the distribution of rice. variables and the remaining 12.50%
are affected by other variables that go unnoticed. Where the correlation of variables that affect
the distribution of rice with the stability of rice prices, has a very close relationship. The results
of this value are also in accordance with the hypothesis about the influence of rice distribution
which is suspected to have a large influence on the stability of rice prices in Perum Bulog, West
Aceh Regency. To see the rise and fall of the value of the rice stability variable obtained based
on the variable under the influence of the rice distribution variable, the researcher used a simple
linear regression according to the formula of equation one, or it can be written as follows:
= a + Bx
Y' = Subject in checked dependent variable
a = Price Y when X = 0 (constant price)
b = Directional number or regression coefficient, which shows the number of increases
or decreases of dependent variables based on independent variables. If b (+) then rises,
and when (-) then there is a decrease.
X = Subject on an independent variable that has a certain value
Based on this formula so that the results of the calculations can be obtained with the help
of the IBM Statistics 2 6 Program , such as Table 6. As follows:
Table 6. Simple Linear Regression Relationships
Unstandardized Coefficients
Standardized Coefficients
Std. Error
Analysis Of Rice Distribution On Price Stability In Perum Bulog, West Aceh Regency
175 Return Management Studies, Economic and Business , Vol 2 (No 2), Feb 2023
. 000
a. Dependent Variable: Rice Price Stability
Based on the results obtained in Table 6, the coefficient a is obtained by 0.908 (B).
While the regression coefficient (B) is indicated by the number 12,000,859. Based on these
results, to find out the change in the regression coefficient of the variable Y or the variable
under study, the coefficients a and b obtained must be substituted into a simple linear regression
equation as follows:
Y' = a + b . X
Y' = 12000.859 + 0.908X
Y' = 12000.859 + 0.908 (0)
Y' = 12000.859 + 0.908 (1)
The result obtained shows the value of Y' at the moment X = 0 12000.859. Thus, if the
rice distribution variable is zero then the stability of rice prices is 12 000 859. Conversely, if
the rice distribution is not zero then the stability of rice prices is affected by the distribution of
rice 12 000,859 +bX. Assuming X = 1, then the variable X has an influence of 12,000,859 on
the variable Y.
Each increase of 1 (one) point in variable X affects the change in variable Y by
12,000,859 points. In this study, each 1-point change in the rice distribution variable affected
the change in the rice price stability variable by 12,000,859 points. This shows that the effect
of rice distribution affects the stability of rice prices
Uji F
This test is carried out to determine whether the independent variable (rice distribution)
affects the dependent variable (rice price stability). These tests can be seen in Table 7.
Table 7. Test F
Sum of Squares
Mean Square
1Regress sion Residual
From Table 3 above, it can be seen that the calculated F value is 59.810 at a significance
level of 0.000. The F value of the table at a 95% confidence level (a=0.05) is 10.128. From this
it follows that F-count (59.810) > F-table (10.128), this means that the hypothesis is accepted.
This shows that variable X (rice distribution) greatly affects variable Y (rice price stability) in
Perum Bulog, West Aceh Regency
Analysis Of Rice Distribution On Price Stability In Perum Bulog, West Aceh Regency
176 Return Management Studies, Economic and Business , Vol 2 (No 2), Feb 2023
The effect of rice distribution on the stability of rice prices, where the distribution of rice
greatly affects the stability of rice prices. This conclusion is represented by a simple linear
regression equation as follows;
Y' = 12000.859 + 0.908X
Y' = 12000.859 + 0.908 (0)
Y' = 12000.859 + 0.908 (1)
Where the value of Y' at X = 0 is 12,000,859. Thus if the rice distribution variable is zero then
the stability of rice prices is 12 000 859. Conversely, if the rice distribution is not zero then the
stability of rice prices is affected by the rice distribution of 12 000,859 + bX. Assuming X = 1,
then the variable X has an influence of 12,000,859 on the variable Y. F-test also proves this.
The result of the F test with Fhitung is (59,810) meaning that the distribution of plug rice is
greatly influenced by the stability of rice prices.
The rice distribution variable (X) affects the stability of rice prices. Where the price (Y)
in Perum Bulog, West Aceh Regency, the coefficient of determination of 0.875 (R) shows
87.50%. Fluctuations in rice price stability variables can be influenced by rice distribution
variables, and the remaining 12.50% is another variable that goes unnoticed.
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