P-ISSN: 2964-0121
E-ISSN: 2963-3699
Homepage: https://return.publikasikupublisher.com/index.php/return
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Waluyo Budi Atmoko
, Finisha Mahaestri Noor
, Ariefah Yulandari
Setia Budi University, Surakarta, Indonesia
, finishanoor@setiabudi.ac.id
, yolan_fe@setiabudi.ac.id
Received: 02-02-2023
Revised: 10-02-2023
Approved: 26-02-2023
The issue of green consumerism has been extensively researched, but its impact
on the growth of the green product market is small. This happens because
intentions that did not manifest in behavior. Emotions had the potential to
encourage individuals to carried out the intended behavior. Therefore intentions
that reinforced by emotions will soon turn into behavior. The research was
conducted with an experimental design. The results show that emotions
strengthen the relationship between behavioral intentions to buy and green
products buying behavior. Research findings became valuable input for the
creation of a green product marketing communication strategy. Giving
advertising exposure with emotional appeal was expected to change intention
to buy green product to actual purchases.
Keywords: Green Products; Buying Behavior; Intention To Buy Behavior;
Most human problems and the destruction of nature are rooted in consumption (Dauvergne,
2010; Gregory-Smith et al., 2013). This issue has encouraged human awareness about the
importance of consuming ethically. Ethical consumption centers on ethical buying behavior. One
form of ethical buying behavior is green product buying behavior. Green product buying behavior
is central to green consumerism. Green consumerism is defined as a movement to buy and sell
goods that are beneficial for improving the quality of human life and the environment.
Various models of explanatory green buying behavior have been tested to predict green
product buying behavior. However, the green product market segment is still a niche market
segment. This reality indicates: academic studies on green consumption are weak in
conceptualization and methodology. The basic arguments are: first, conceptually, most studies on
green consumption assume that consumers are rational (Antonetti, 2013; Elliott, 1998) and make
decisions through a linear process (Antonetti, 2013). Second, methodologically the scale used to
measure green values and beliefs tends to be biased, so it has low validity (Antonetti, 2013). The
logical consequence: the prediction of green consumption behavior is weak (Antonetti, 2013).
The phenomenon of green products buying behavior does not develop because consumers
who say they will buy green products do not carry out their intentions. Therefore, there is a gap
between intention and behavior (Carrington et al., 2010). Ajzen and Madden (1986) stated:
behavior often does not occur because there is a time lag between the intention that arises and the
behavior. The long time span since the arise of the intention until the behavior occurs, allows the
occurrence of a number of events that will weaken translation intention into behavior. Therefore,
in order to bridge the gap between intention and behavior, the transition period from intention to
behavior should be shortened (Ajzen & Madden, 1986).
Zajonc (Zajonc, 1980) in his theory of emotion states that the immediacy characteristics of
emotions can play an important role in overcoming the inaction of an action. Someone who is
angry, spontaneously hits or someone who experiences happiness spontaneously hugs, is a picture
of an immediate reaction of emotion. In line with Zajonc (Zajonc, 1980), Loewenstein and Lerner
(Loewenstein & Lerner, 2003) identify immediate emotion as one of the explanations for decision
making. Emotions arise immediately as a result of anticipated and incidental influences.
This thinking further strengthens the notion of the important role of emotions in driving
purchase decision making. The immediacy characteristic of an emotion has a strong potential to
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encourage individuals do not to delay their intended buying behavior. Therefore, the intention
that has been formed, with emotional reinforcement is expected to soon turn into buying behavior.
Green Products Buying Behavior
Green products are products related to a sense of security, do not cause negative impacts
on human health, and do not damage the environment. Green product buying behavior can be
defined as decisions, purchases, and experiences of consuming green products that are influenced
by safety and environmental considerations (Bray et al., 2011; Oh & Yoon, 2014).
In the perspective of cognitive theories (TRA and TPB), behavior is a function of salient
beliefs (Ajzen, 1991; Ajzen & Madden, 1986; Dharmmesta, 1998) . The cognitive process starts
from exposure of stimuli in the form of events or ideas that form cognition that manifests in the
form of behavioral beliefs. This belief then evokes feelings as a result of evaluating behavioral
attributes from the most unpleasant to the most pleasant. The evaluation conditioning the
formation of behavioral intentions (Assael, 2005, p. 216). If there is no time constraint, the
intention becomes actual behavior. Behavior occurs following a linear process.
In fact, in the realm of green consumption, the intention to buy green products does not
lead to the green products buying behavior. Researchers on the phenomenon of ethical buying
behavior have long suspected the weak role of intention as a predictor of behavior (Antonetti,
2013; Carrington et al., 2010), so that when there is a long transition period, intentions are easy
to change. Ajzen and Madden (1986) and Ajzen (1991) stated, although the Theory of Planned
Behavior (TPB) successfully predicts behavior, there are still a number of fundamental problems
related to the conditions that restrict the validity of the theory that have not been resolved. This
condition relates to the transition from verbal responses to actual behavior. Kotler and Keller state
that the behavioral intentions that are formed are very likely to change with the presence of other
people's attitudes and unanticipated factors. Unanticipated factors are situational in which the
behavior occurs (Kotler & Keller, 2016, p. 199). Grimmer and Miles divide situational factors
into: situational context and shopping context. They tested and found that the situational context
and the shopping context moderated the relationship between planning implementation intentions
and pro-environmental behavior (Grimmer & Miles, 2017).
The presence of a number of constructs between this intention and attitude, caused the
intention is not immediately implemented. Therefore, in order to defend behavioral intentions,
there must not be a long lag between intention and behavior.
Behavioral Intention buy Green Products
In line with the green products buying behavior, the behavioral intention to buy green
products is defined as the intention to decide, buy, and consume green products which is
influenced by safety and environmental considerations (Bray et al., 2011; Oh & Yoon, 2014).
In addition to the presence of other people's attitude factors and unanticipated factors,
someone cancels consuming green products can be caused by a number of factors. First, in
general, green products (eg environmentally friendly products, safe products for health) are
expensive (Hassan et al., 2016), so for certain consumer segments, this arise a price sensitivity
problem (Bray et al., 2011). Second, someone who has the intention to consume ethical products
may cancel the purchase due to lack of information about availability and the procedure for
obtaining them, so they are forced to re-consume generic products. During the transition between
purchase intention and actual buying behavior, individuals interact physically and socially with
their environment. Interaction with these environmental factors raises the possibility of
occurrence of events that weaken intention and influence purchase decision making. In a situation
like this, emotions with their immediate or instantaneous characteristics have the potential to
accelerate the change of intention into behavior, thereby preventing the occurrence of events that
would weaken the intention to buy ethically.
Bagozzi et al. (1999) defines emotion as a person's mental readiness that arises from
cognitive assessments of events or thoughts, is described physiologically (in gestures, facial
expressions), and causes certain actions depending on the meaning of the person experiencing it.
There are two kinds of emotions: positive emotions and negative emotions. Positive emotions
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arise in the form of: satisfaction, joy, pleasure, pride, attention, or love. Behavioral responses to
the emergence of positive emotions can be realized in the form of: intentions to maintain, improve,
share, or enjoy the outcome (Bagozzi et al., 1999). Negative emotions include: dissatisfaction,
anger, fear, worry, anxiety, shame, guilt, sadness, disappointment, disgust/disgust, or regret.
Negative emotions can cause behavioral responses in the form of an intention to avoid unpleasant
results or reinterpret threats, intentions to stop, cancel damage, seek help or support, reduce the
outcome of actions, re-evaluate, or redouble the efforts that have been made so far. In a number
of studies, negative emotions (feelings of guilt for buying environmentally damaging products)
were reported to be more effective in conditioning the formation of ethical behavior (Antonetti &
Maklan, 2014; Gregory-Smith et al., 2013).
Emotion is a state of affect. There are three affective states: attitude, emotion, and mood
(Bagozzi et al., 1999). Emotion is an affective state that has an object. The object of emotion is
intention (Clore & Ortony, 2000; Clore & Palmer, 2009). In consumer behavior research, it is
generally accepted that intention is a proxy for behavior, so that effort to predict behavior enough
to do with predicting intention alone. Therefore, we can deduce that emotions have behavioral
objects. This can be interpreted: the end of emotion is behavior.
In his debate with Lazarus about which affect or cognition comes first in the formation of
behavior (Lazarus, 1984), Zajonc (1980) hold belief that emotion is the beginning of behavior.
Therefore, behavior is a function of affect. Furthermore, Zajonc (1980) states: emotions have
important characteristics, namely immediacy or instantaneously. This characteristic explains why
people exposed to emotions can take immediate action without consideration (Zajonc, 1980).
Loewenstein and Lerner (Loewenstein & Lerner, 2003) also identified two types of
emotional constructs that influence decision making, namely immediate emotions and expected
emotions. This immediate emotion is relevant to the immediacy characteristic of emotion as
theorized by Zajonc (Zajonc, 1980). The "immediate" characteristic of this emotion has the
potential to accelerate the transition from the intention to buy green products to green products
buying behavior. This explanation leads to the hypothesis:
H1: Emotions moderate the relationship between behavioral intentions to buy green
products and green products buying behavior.
Research Model
The model of the relationship between the constructs of behavioral intention to buy green
products, emotion, and green products buying behavior can be shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1
Research Model
Theoretically, the long transition period between the intention to buy green products and
the green products buying behavior has been the reason why the intention to buy green products
does not manifest the green products buying behavior. Gap try to overcome by including an
emotional construct as a moderator of the relationship between behavioral intentions to buy green
products and green products buying behavior.
The focus of the research was identified and examined the significance of the role of
emotions in strengthening the relationship between intentions and behavior. This implied the
importance of the strength of the causal relationship between constructs in the model under test.
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Therefore, the research design that was relevant to these needs was an experiment. The
experimental design was widely known to be superior in internal validity, which was strong in
causality between research variables (Nahartyo, 2012, p. 30). The experimental design according
to the model was the post-test control group design. The experimental stages was described in
Table 1.
Table 1
Experimental stages
Controlling the threat of subject
characteristics to internal
Observing behavior changes
Measuring the behavior of di not
consumed plastic
Symbolically, the research design forms a 2×1 factorial design:
Control group:
Treatment group:
Figure 2
Experiment Design
R= random assignment
X= exposure
O = observation
Variables Measurement
Green product buying behavior
Green product buying behavior could be defined as decisions, purchases, and experiences
of consuming green products that were influenced by safety and environmental considerations
(Bray et al., 2011; Oh & Yoon, 2014). Green product buying behavior was measured by buying
or not buying green products. Therefore, the appropriate measurement scale was a nominal scale
because the data are categorical data (buying or not buying green products).
Behavioral intention to buy green products
Behavioral intention to buy green products was defined as the intention to decide, buy, and
consume green products which was influenced by safety and environmental considerations (Bray
et al., 2011; Oh & Yoon, 2014). Behavioral intention to buy green products were measured by a
five-point Likert scale based on indicators: (1) intentions as wants, (2) intentions as expectations,
and (3) intentions as plans (Soderlund & Ohman, 2005). The measurement of behavioral intention
to buy green products could be shown in Table 2.
Table 2
Measurement of behavioral intention to buy green products
Do not
I plan to buy green products
I hope to buy green products
I want to buy green products
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Emotion could be defined as a person's mental readiness that arose from cognitive
assessments of events or thoughts, was described physiologically (in gestures, facial expressions),
and caused certain actions depend on the meaning of the person experienced it (Bagozzi et
al.,1999). Emotions were measured based on the presence of positive/negative emotions in
response to advertising video stimuli exposure.
Method of Data Collection
Data collected through experiments, where exposure to emotional stimuli was manipulated
in the form of advertisements about the dangers of consuming plastic for the safety of human,
animal, and the environment. The experiment was carried out in a special room, and the behavior
was measured when participants determine the choice did not to use plastic (choose paper cups)
or use plastic (choose plastic cups) after stimuli exposure. As a thank you has participated in the
study, the participants were welcome to choose snacks and drinks. Drinks were provided with a
choice of paper cups and plastic cups.
Experimental Protocol Participant
Participants were subjects who get manipulation or treatment independently of other
subjects (Lazarus, 1984). The participants were students of Setia Budi University.
Manipulation check
Manipulation check of emotional stimulus were intended to determine the effectiveness of
emotional stimulus in changing the purchase intention of green products into buying behavior of
green products. Manipulation check of emotional stimulus were manifested in the form of
advertisements about the dangers of consuming plastic for health and the preservation of the
natural environment. Behavioral responses were measured using a five-points Likert scale. The
agree/disagree responses were measured using the questionnaire shown in Table 3: “After
watching the video, give your response to the following statement:”
Table 3
Questionaire of check manipulation
Respon (give sign)
I will not use plastic packaging anymore
The effectiveness of advertising stimuli was identified by the significant difference between
the agree and disagree groups using plastic packaging. Manipulation checks were carried out on
30 participants who were given a video advert showing the dangers of consuming plastic. The
difference between the agree and disagree groups using plastic packaging tested using the
Binomial test. The results of the Binomial test were presented in Table 4.
Table 4
The result of Manipulation checks
Proportion test
The group agree with the advertising message
The group did not agree with the advertising
Source: primary data that has been processed (2019).
Table 4 explained that there was a significant difference between the proportion of
participants who agree with advertising message did not consume plastic packaging and did not
agree to consume plastic packaging. So it could be concluded that the video advertising about the
dangers of consuming plastic was effective in influencing participants did not consumed plastic.
Pilot Test
A pilot test was an experiment run an experiment with a small number of participants. The
pilot test aimed to determine whether the overall experiment was plausible (Cozby et al., 2012, p.
194). The pilot test involved 40 participants.
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Prior to the pilot test conducted, participants were measured their intention to buy green
products. After the intention measurement, given one week lag time to simulate the existence of
a time span between intention and behavior. The pilot test was carried out by dividied the
participants into two groups based on a random assignment procedure
Twenty participants in the treatment group (given exposure of emotional stimulus in the
form of video advertising) and 20 participants in the control group (not given exposure of
emotional stimulus in the form of video advertising). The treatment group was asked to watch a
video with repeated 3 times. The control group was only invited to discuss the environment
preservation issues.
After finished the video showing in the treatment group and discussion in the control group,
participants were asked to write their responses in the form of their opinions on a piece of paper
after seeing the video/discussion on environmental issues. Researchers categorized the responses
into positive or negative emotional responses. These positive and negative emotional responses
were used as measurement data for emotional constructs. After the pilot test was completed, all
participants were invited to take snack and Coca-Cola drinks which were provided in a choice of
plastic and paper cups.
Green product buying behavior data was nominal data, because it contains a score of 0
(choosing drinks in plastic cups) and 1 (choosing drinks in paper cups). Data were analyzed using
binomial logistic regression analysis. The regression mathematical model with the interaction
relationship is written as follows:
Y = β0 + β1X1+β2X2 +β3X1*X2 + e ……………………………… 1)
Y= Green product buying behavior
X1= Behavioral intention to buy green product
X2= Emotion
β 1-β3= Regression coefficients
β0= Regression constant
Logistic regression analysis was performed by bootstrapping up to a sample size of 1000. The
results of the pilot test were shown in Table 5.
Table 5
The result of Pilot test
Determination coefficient
Significance test of
Significance test
of regression
R Square
R Square
* significant at significance level: 0,05.
Table 5 explained the interaction relationship between emotional construct and behavioral
intentions to buy green products construct (moderation): first, moderation had a coefficient of
determination Nagelkerke R Square of 0.247 (Cox & Snell R Square = 0.187). It meant that
intentions and emotions together explained the variation in green products buying behavior by
24.7 percent, the rest (75.3 percent) was explained by other variables that did not accommodated
in the model. Second, the significance value of the Hosmer & Lemeshow test is 0.741. These
results conclude: the model was significant for predicting green product buying behavior. The step
three of regression coefficient values of interaction (moderation) are 0.011 (p < 0.50). So it could
be concluded that emotional stimulus moderates the relationship between behavioral intentions to
buy green products and green products buying behavior.
The results of the pilot test shown that the experiment run according to plan, where emotions
moderated the relationship between behavioral intentions to buy green products and green
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products buying behavior. Based on these results, the actual experiment was expected to run in
accordance with what has been produced in the pilot test.
The experiment was carried out with the same procedure as in the pilot test. Before the
experiment was carried out, participants were measured their intention to buy green products.
After the intention measurement, given a one week lag time to simulate the existence of a time
span between intention and behavior. The experiment was carried out by dividing the participants
into two groups. Participants were divided into two groups using a random assignment procedure.
This is important to be done to avoid a confounding effect. There were 84 participants divided
into two groups. The treatment group consisted of 42 participants (given the video exposure) and
the control group consisted of 42 participants (not given the video exposure).
The course of the experiment was guided by the researcher based on the guidelines that had
been prepared. The treatment group was given a video advertising about the dangers of consuming
plastic. The video show was repeated 3 times to create a link between the unconditioned stimulus
(endorser artist) and the conditioned stimulus (message not to consume plastic).
The control group was invited to enter another room and only invited to discuss
environmental issues. Discussions were guided by trained moderators. The two groups were
separated in separate rooms in order to prevent diffusion effects and to avoid demand
characteristic bias. After finished the display of advertising stimuli in the treatment group and
discussion in the control group, participants were asked to write down their opinions on a piece of
paper about video stimulus in treatment group or special issues in control group. This opinion was
further classified into positive or negative emotional responses and used to measure emotional
The Result of Analysis
After the experimental session was over, as a thank you for participated in the experiment,
both groups were invited to take snacks and Coca-Cola drinks. Drinks are poured in paper and
plastic cups. Researchers noted the choice of drinking glass as a measure of green products buying
behavior. The choice of paper cups was given a score of 1 and plastics were given a score of 0.
The data were analyzed using binomial logistic regression analysis by bootstrapping up to a
sample size of 1000. The experimental results were shown in Table 6.
Table 6
The Result of Analysis
Determination coefficient
Significance test of
test of
R Square
R Square
* significant at significance level: 0,05.
Source: primary data that has been processed (2019).
Table 6 explained the interaction relationship between emotional construct and behavioral
intention to buy green products construct: first, moderation has a coefficient of determination
Nagelkerke R Square of 0.848 (and Cox & Snell R Square = 0.636). It meant that intentions and
emotions together explained the variation in green products buying behavior of by 84.8 percent,
the rest (15.2 percent) is explained by other variables not accommodated in the model. Second,
the significance value of the Hosmer & Lemeshow test is 0.478. These results conclude: the model
was significant for predicting green product buying behavior. The step of three of regression
coefficient values of the interaction relationship (moderation) are 0.001 (p < 0.50). The coefficient
of determination of the relationship between behavioral intentions to buy green products and
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green products buying behavior is 0.839 (Nagelkerke R square) and this value increases after
interaction occured between behavioral intentions to buy green products and emotions, so it could
be interpreted: emotions strengthen the relationship between behavioral intentions to buy green
products and green products buying behavior. So it could be concluded that emotional construct
moderated the relationship between behavioral intentions to buy green products and green
products buying behavior. The hypothesis was supported.
An important result of the study: behavioral intentions to buy green products are reinforced
by immediate emotions that arose from exposure to advertisements that could encourage green
products buying behavior. This fact is in line with the theory proposed by Zajonc (1980), in which
the immediacy of emotions plays an important role in the formation of behavior. The statement
by Loewenstein and Lerner (2003) that immediate emotion is one of the important components
of emotion that condition the formation of decisions is supported by research facts.
This study answers the doubts of scholars about the failure of a number of models that
predict the green products buying behavior. These doubts are related to the assumption of linearity
of the relationship between constructs in the model and the use of a measurement scale that has
low validity (Antonetti, 2013). The answer to the linearity problem: the influence of emotion
(affect) on behavior was theorized in Pavlov's classical conditioning. Classical conditioning
theory is still effective today. This is evident from the widespread use of advertising in encouraged
consumers to buy. The weakness of classical conditioning theory is that the mechanism of the
influence of affect on behavior has not been fully explained. In order to find an explanation of the
influence of emotions on behavior in the context of green product consumption, research is
succeed in confirming the moderating role of emotions in the linear relationship between
intentions and behavior. The existence of emotions and their role in moderating the relationship
between intention and behavior indicated the relationship between intention and behavior is
The answer was related to the measurement scale: the research used a behavioral
measurement method based on direct observation. The advantage of this measurement method is
that the research results are free from social desirability bias, so that the measurement result are
free from issues of validity and reliability of measurement instruments. This research hypothesis
is tested based on experimental research design, result in strong internal validity. Strong internal
validity is a guarantee of the strong causality relationship between constructs in the explanatory
model of the phenomenon of buying green product behavior. The moderating role of emotion in
the relationship between intention and behavior is expected to provide a solution to the problem
of not developing market share for ethical products that promote sustainability and environmental
The results of the data analysis concluded: emotions strengthen the relationship between
behavioral intentions to buy green products and green products buying behavior. Limitations and
Suggestions for Future Research: This study manipulates emotions using only video. In everyday
reality, emotional responses can be generated by various stimuli, for example real events
(exploding cases of Covid 19 infection after the Eid holiday, ethics in consuming which is framed
by citing religious values). Therefore, future research can explore various stimuli that cause
emotional responses in order to accelerate the realization of actual green product buying behavior.
The results of this study can be input for interested parties: 1) For marketers of green
products, the use of advertising that stimulates emotional responses in their promotional
campaigns can encourage customers to immediately realize the actual purchase of green products.
The immediate realization of product purchases will encourage the demand for green products.
The higher level of demand will increase the market share of green brands. 2) For the government
and environmental conservation activists, this emotional construct can be an inspiration/input in
order to design an effective strategy for implementing environmental conservation programs to
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encourage people to be more concerned with environmental sustainability and the sustainability
of future generations.
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