Analysis of Renewable Energy Potential In The Implementation of NZE 2060 To Support Defence In Indonesia
Return: Study of Management, Economic and Bussines, Vol. 2(3), March 2023
area. According to Nurdiansyah (2020), the energy transition is a long process that must be carried
out by countries in the world to reduce carbon emissions that can cause climate change
(Nurdiansah et al., 2020). The agreement in the energy transition aims to go to the same point,
namely the increasing use of clean energy. In a seminar held by ITB on September 2, 2022, the
Head of the Postgraduate Study Program in Nuclear Science and Engineering, Sidik Permana said
that the Government of Indonesia has currently designed a national program, namely the Net Zero
Emission (NZE) 2060 program. This program is a continuation of the follow-up to the Paris
Agreement, with 164 countries participating and followed by the signing and ratification process
by participating countries, while Indonesia itself is one of the countries that attended and signed
and committed to supporting the greenhouse gas (GHG) effect program by adopting new and
renewable energy (EBT). In the NZE program, the contribution of NRE will be dominant and at
the same time fossil energy will gradually decrease before 2060 and the contribution of nuclear
energy becomes one part of NRE.
National Defense is a defense in the form of military and Non-military or commonly said
to be Non-Military. In this article, the author relates government support in order to maximize the
potential of Renewable Energy in the Application of NZE can also support the defense of the
Indonesian state.
Researchers in this study used a qualitative method in the form of an objective literature
review narrative as a reference in conducting a literature review or through a literature study. The
stages in this research began with collecting information, data, and literature, analyzing
information, and writing reviews. The information, data, and literature sought by researchers are
by the theme to be studied, namely related to the NZE Program and its relation to National
Defence in Indonesia. In searching for and obtaining data sources and supporting information,
researchers utilized information from books, journals, and electronic media. After obtaining
sources and information that complement each other, researchers test the truth of the information
and sources that have been obtained or called the historical criticism method. After criticizing the
method, then the interpretation is carried out (Cozby et al., 2012).
The discussion that will be outlined related to the NZE Programme in this research is about
how the readiness and implementation in Indonesia and how the NZE program relates to
strengthening the defense of the Indonesian State. Furthermore, the researcher will elaborate on
the support of the Government of Indonesia in the planning and implementation of the NZE
Programme, in addition, the researcher will explain the challenges that will be faced in facilitating
and supporting the NZE Programme, so that the program is not only beneficial for the earth but
also one aspect in strengthening national defense.
Renewable Energy in NZE Implementation
The NZE program is a program of activities that requires industrialized and developed
countries to support and cooperate to achieve net zero emissions by 2060. The NZE program aims
to encourage new regulations in various countries in the provision of electrical energy. According
to Rahma (2018), conventional power plants that have been using coal such as Steam Power
Plants (PLTU) are the main focus for new policy arrangements that are adjusted to the NZE
program, this is made the main focus because PLTU produces CO2 emissions and its operation
still prioritizes the electricity system in several countries, where Indonesia is one of the countries
in it (Rahman, 2018).
The current policy direction of Indonesia's electricity system refers to the Paris Climate
Agreement, where the role of the Government of Indonesia is to encourage and innovate in the
availability of national electrical energy. The innovations that will be developed should also
consider aspects that also support the NZE program, where the innovations will also support the
reduction of environmental pollution. The government to date has attempted to take various steps