P-ISSN: 2964-0121
E-ISSN: 2968-3699
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Return: Study of Management, Economic and Bussines, Vol. 2(3), March 2023
, Muinah Fadhilah
Faculty of Economics, Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa University, Indonesia
Received: 01-02-2023
Revised: 25-02-2023
Approved: 15-03-2023
Technological developments are very fast like today. Making companies have
to be able to face competition and be able to win the market. There is a lot of
competition for food and beverage service and sales made. PT. Reska Multi
Usaha is a challenge. For this reason, PT Reska Multi Usaha always innovates
so that it can. Serve consumers, as well as keep abreast of technological
developments and services that move dynamically. For example, providing
discounts, making Indonesian food, holding events, and making sales
applications to offer products to the public. The purpose of this research is to
determine the level of achievement of service, sales, and promotion through
sales and promotion mix in service improvement and sales achievement by
using the lokomart.id application and promotions through advertising, price
discounts, individual sales, direct sales, and sales with application theory. This
research method is a quantitative method with a descriptive approach, through
in-depth interviews and documents relevant to the research. the subjects of this
study were area 6 Yogyakarta managers, junior sales managers, senior sales
supervisors, and sales staff. PT. Reska multi Usaha formed a forum for sales
communication and promotion of food and beverage products through 1.
Advertising, with railroad television, raw food, kai access, and the official
lokomard.id.website. 2. Sales promotion using discounted prices, vouchers, to
users, or purchases through kai access and lokomard.id.3.sales promotion by
holding events at the station, educational tours, and public relations. 4. face-to-
face individual sales to get feedback, 5. Marketing and direct sales and. 6.
Digital marketing to find out direct responses from consumers.
Keywords: Promotion Strategy food and beverage; implementation and sales
In running its business, every company certainly has a goal to get maximum income
Companies engaged in products and services, always involve consumers in achieving Sales (Listi,
2022). So that the products and services offered can provide satisfaction to consumers. All
consumers expect comfort and interest in using train services, therefore the. Train consumers,
want to be pampered with the various facilities offered, one of which is the Api Train Restoration,
which provides food and drinks. Railway Restoration is one of the departments in PT. Reska
Multi Usaha (PT. RMU), has an important role and responsibility when it comes to food and
beverages. Judging from its function, it can be concluded that the railway restoration unit has an
important role in supporting the progress of PT. Reska Multi Business. various strategies and
ways of promotion carried out by PT. In an effort to increase sales of food and beverages on the
train, the promotional strategy is an effort to offer products to consumers. With the right
promotion, it will certainly attract consumers to buy food and drinks on the train. The main key
to the successful operation of PT. Reska Multi Usaha is a promotional strategy that is carried out
(Elida et al., 2019).
PT. ReskaMultiUsaha in embracing consumers, to win the market competition, is carrying
out various promotional strategies and innovations, including conducting a promotion mix
(promotion mix) (Fajri & Arifin, 2013). According to Kotler, advertising, sales promotion, public
relations and publicity, personal selling, direct marketing, and web. Sales app (sales application)
plays an important role in increasing sales (Tybout et al., 2005, pp. 246–321).
Food And Beverage Promotion Strategy To Increase Sales
Return: Study of Management, Economic and Bussines, Vol. 2(3), March 2023
Therefore, this article aims to explore and find out the implementation and inhibiting
factors of food and beverage promotion strategies at PT. Reska Multi Usaha, in an effort to
achieve sales targets,, various things including :
1. To find out the promotion through advertising by PT. Reska Multi Usaha
2. To find out the promotion of food and beverage sales by PT. ReskaMultiUsaha
3. To find out the promotion through time relations, by PT. ReskaMultiUsaha
4. To find out promotions through individual sales, at PT. Reska Multi Business
5. To find out the promotion through direct marketing by PT. ReskaMultiUsaha
6. To find out the promotion through Web-app lokomart.id by PT. ReskaMultiUsaha
Explore the writing of this article, based on a descriptive method, which aims to collect
actual information in detail, which can describe various kinds of existing problems, (Yusri, 2014).
Studies in identifying various conditions or social behaviors. The study tries to observe what
happens for the benefit and future needs of data ng, K.Santana, (Nurrahmawati, 2017).
Theoretical Studies: Promotion is one of the determining factors for marketing success
(MG. Hague-2021). The quality of a product from a company, not necessarily consumers
understand the product has value or is useful for them. if they are not sure the product is useful
for them. them, then they are not necessarily to buy it. The company, to be able to achieve a sales
program, a promotion mix is used, (Tybout et al., 2005). PT. Reska Multi Uonly applies several
kinds of promotional mix including, advertising, sales promotion, mass relations, personal selling,
direct marketing, and digital marketing.
1. Advertising, Advertising is a non-personal form of presentation and promotion of ideas,
goods, or services by a particular sponsor that needs to be paid. Advertising can be
interpreted as a mass communication medium made for the purpose of influencing its target
market. The objects communicated can be ideas/ideas, goods, services, or others, carried out
by companies, and other institutions Kotler.2003:814 (Rangga, 2019).
2. Sales Promotion, Sales promotion is a variety of short-term incentives to encourage the
desire to try to buy a product or service, this sales promotion is usually done by providing
discounts, Gift giving, shopping coupons, and even examples of products that can be given
for free (Kotler, 2003).
3. Mass Relations are various programs to promote products and protect the image of the
company and individual products (Kotler, 2003). In companies and organizations, mass
relations have an important role to build a good image of company products in the wider
community, certainly strengthening The value of the offer, while at the same time being able
to extend the viability of the company's products.
4. Individual Sales, Individual sales according to (Norman. Hart Jo Stapleton), in quotations
komarudin sastrodipoetra (Komarudin, 2003, p. 194). is a process of oral commercial
presentation during which the seller and buyer are in a communication situation. Face-to-
Face sales activities are very beneficial for companies and potential customers. Direct sales
can demonstrate the product, provide instructions about the product, and can explain in detail
various consumer complaints.
5. Direct Marketing, Marketing uses various media to interact directly with consumers
(Armstrong & Kotler, 2003, p. 53). There are various ways it can be done, for example by
calling consumers or SMS, or Washapp, to get a direct response. interactive that companies
can develop to get immediate responses from targeted customers. By doing this promotional
technique, the company will be able to create a good relationship with consumers.
6. Digital Marketing, Digital marketing is a concept that is applied to increase product sales
(Elida et al., 2019) from a brand. Several types of marketing sell products and services that
utilize digital marketing such as social media, Google, and email. The purpose of using this
digital marketing strategy is the speed of dissemination of product information, having a
Food and Beverage Promotion Strategy to Increase Sales
285 Return: Study of Management, Economic and Bussines, Vol. 2(3), March 2023
wide reach, specific targets, ease of evaluation, building product names, and being cheap and
effective (Ana et al., 2021).
Company PT. Reska Multi Uonly in an effort to increase sales, develop promotional
strategies in terms of advertising, mass relations, individual sales, and digital direct marketing To
provide services to consumers, adapted to technological developments (Sukirno, 2017).
1. Advertising, In this study, the author explains the promotion strategy of PT. Reska Multi
Usaha, through advertising, by applying the purpose of using advertising. That is to
encourage, direct and invite the public to recognize the truth of advertising. And maximally
can influence the public to buy and use the products offered. so that the concept of planning,
and integrated corporate communication can be applied in marketing to Provide consistent
understanding to the community (Tjiptono, 2008).
2. Sales Promotion
Sales promotion strategies are carried out to attract consumers to be able to feel and buy the
products offered by PT. Reska Multi Business. Many ways can be done such as giving
discounts on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, giving birthday gifts for buyers who are traveling
on the day and Travel dates by train, as well as providing free coupons to passengers to get
food and drinks, this sales promotion strategy needs more careful consideration so that The
promotion went on target. In this sales promotion activity, the company PT. Reska Multi
Usaha, in providing discounts, promos, and prizes there is a time limit in its exchange. Sales
promo programs often consumers do not know, so many are disappointed because of the lack
of information and notifications. However, this method is still effective in influencing
consumers to be able to buy the products they offer.
3. Mass Relations And Publicity, Public relations have an important role in the company, in
order to maintain a positive image of the company to the public, in addition to being able to
provide information to the public appropriately. promotional activities with public relations,
also more flexible in conveying company ideas and ideas to provide information about
promotions carried out, Conducting marketing communications carried out by public
relations, there are several things that are important in publishing or public relations activities
(Widiana, 2010). A public relations person must be able to manage good relationships and
have a broad and positive view of the company. For example, by carrying out CSR activities
and participating in other social activities, this method will be able to create positive value
for the company.
4. Individual Sales, Face-to-face sales activities are very beneficial for companies and
consumers (Kusniadji, 2017). In this way, the seller can provide instructions about the
products offered, namely in the form of how to access the Lokomart.Id Or Kai Web. Access
and how to use the application. Complaints from consumers can be directly submitted to the
seller. Direct sales as one of the promotional activities orally to prospective buyers with the
aim of creating purchase transactions. Communication carried out is interactive for both
parties so that customers can immediately get responses as feedback about consumer desires.
5. Direct Marketing, Direct marketing is one of PT. Reska Multi Usaha, to know its target
market well, the form of this strategy is to communicate product offers and distribution to
individual consumers without going through third parties. Advertising or social media are
some delivery systems that companies or organizations use to communicate directly to pre-
selected customers and provide methods for immediate responses (Wilastri, 2020).
6. Digital Marketing, Digital marketing is a concept applied by PT. Reska Multi Usaha to
increase service and sales of a product and brand, this type of digital marketing is to utilize
digital media such as social media, google, and email to attract consumers Quickly, has a