P-ISSN: 2964-0121
E-ISSN: 2968-3699
Homepage: https://return.publikasikupublisher.com/index
This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
Munir Azhari
, Harries Madiistriyatno
, Sukar Naibaho
STIMA IMMI, Jakarta, Indonesia
Received: 01-02-2023
Revised: 25-02 2023
Approved: 18-03-2023
This research is quantitative, descriptive, and associative type. The population
in this study was 70 employees at the Gambir Tiga Jakarta Primary Tax Service
Office. The sampling technique in this study is total sampling. With the total
sampling technique, a sample of 70 employees was taken at the Gambir Tiga
Jakarta Primary Tax Service Office as respondents in this study. The results of
this study indicate that: 1) There is an influence of work ethic on employee
performance, as evidenced by the count for the X1 variable (Work Ethic) of
13,491, while the value of the t table for n = 70 is 1,994. So t arithmetic> table
or 13,491> 1,994, it can be concluded that the Work Ethic variable influences
partially the Job Performance of Employees. The coefficient regression value
of the. The work ethic variable (X1) to the Employee Job Performance variable
(Y) is 0.405. This means that if the Work Ethics variable (X1) rises by 1 unit it
will increase the. Employee Job Performance (Y) variable by 0.405, assuming
the Work Ethics variable (X1) is considered constant. 2) There is an influence
of the work environment on employee work performance, as evidenced by the
count for the X2 variable (Work Environment) of 16,862, while the value of the
table for n = 70 is 1,994. So tcount>table or 16,862>1,994, it can be concluded
that partial Work Environment variables affect Employee Work Performance.
The value of the regression coefficient of the Work Environment variable (X2)
to the Employee Job Performance variable (Y) is 0.605. This means that if the
Work Environment variable (X2) increases by 1 unit, it will increase the
Employee Job Performance (Y) variable by 0.605, assuming the Work
Environment variable (X2) is considered constant. 3) There is an influence of
work ethic and work environment together on employee work performance, as
evidenced by the ANOVA or Ftest or Fcount test in the value of 302,319 which
is greater than Ftable of 2.74 with a significant level of 0,000 because 0,000
<0.05, so it can be said that the Work Ethics variable (X1) and Work
Environment variable (X2) together influence the Employee Performance
variable (Y). While the Adjusted R. Square value of 0.900. This shows that 90%
of the work ethic and work environment simultaneously (jointly) affect
employee work performance, while the remaining 10% is influenced by other
factors not examined in this study.
Keywords: Supervision; Discipline; Employee Work Effectiveness
Competition in various sectors makes the process of managing and maintaining
organizational management increasingly receive serious attention from all elements of an
organization. Based on Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government, it has logical
consequences for local governments, namely by developing and empowering apparatus to be
more professional, responsive, and transparent. Given this fact, improving the quality of human
resources is a must for every government apparatus. The improvement of employee performance
(Undang-Undang, 2014).
For an organization, work performance is a very important and interesting part because it
has proven to be of great benefit. Without good work performance from all employees, the success
of government agencies in achieving goals will be difficult to achieve.
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Discussing work performance cannot be separated from the factors that support these
achievements. Among them are work ethic and employee work environment because both are an
important part of an employee's work behavior.
Employee work performance can be used as a basis for job promotion (position promotion),
compensation increases, transfers, and layoffs. To find out the work performance of employees,
work performance appraisal is carried out, through the performance appraisal process it can be
seen the results of employee performance every year, whether or not the goals of the organization
are achieved. In general, people who are involved in human resource management evaluate
employee performance, this is a very important part of the entire work process of the employee
The size of an organization's performance cannot be measured by service providers, but
rather by service recipients. This is because performance is output and not input. Parties who can
feel the output are not service providers (bureaucracy) but service users (community). Therefore,
in measuring performance, inevitably must involve consumers who come from the service user
The Jakarta Gambir Tiga Pratama Tax Service Office in its work activities tries to always
emphasize all of its employees to be able to achieve good work performance, where the benefits
of this achievement are not only felt by individuals but also by the organization concerned.
Achieving these achievements it is not as easy as imagined by all employees, the processes and
obstacles in achieving these achievements are influenced by various factors. One of them is the
individual factor where, the relationship between employees can be well established or not,
cooperation among employees in one section, another section, or with superiors, and also
providing good service to the community.
To get good performance, the human resources in the Jakarta Primary Tax Office Gambir
Tiga must also have good quality. If the quality of human resources is not good, then their
performance in carrying out their duties will not be as it should be. In this case, it is assumed that
the work performance of the employees of the Jakarta Primary Tax Service Gambir Tiga is
influenced by the work ethic and work environment factors.
A high work ethic should be owned by every employee because every organization needs
the hard work and high commitment of every employee, otherwise, it will be difficult for the
organization to develop. Every organization that always wants to move forward, will involve
members for its performance, including every organization must have a work ethic.
The phenomenon of services performed by employees at the Jakarta Primary Tax Service
Office Gambir Tiga to the community is still not good, it is related to the work ethic of employees
at the Jakarta Primary Tax Service Office, Gambir Tiga, which is still not good. The work ethic
of the employees is also still not high. Low work ethic can be seen from the fact that employees
are often late for work, otherwise, they go home earlier from working hours. In addition,
employees look relaxed in doing a job, as if there is no workload at all.
This opinion indicates the importance of organizational success which must be supported
by several factors, including work ethic and work environment. Every employee needs to have a
work ethic and work environment to ensure organizational life is safe, orderly, and smooth.
Good working environment conditions will achieve optimal results when humans can carry
out work optimally, and supported by a conducive, healthy, safe, and comfortable work
environment that will encourage the productivity of the institution so that the achievement of
institutional goals becomes more effective. The work environment is everything that is around
employees that can affect the implementation of work. The work environment is the overall work
facilities and infrastructure around employees who are doing work that can affect the
implementation of work including the workplace, facilities, cleanliness, lighting, calm, including
the working relationship between the people in that place.
In principle, the state of the work environment must be appropriate and fair for the
performance or services of employees of the organization in achieving a goal. The work
environment can be used as an important thing for employees where every employee has the right
to it. The work environment is one thing sensitive in the world of work because it can make
The Effect of Work Ethics and Work Environment On Employee Performance
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employees feel satisfied working in an organization that will have an impact on employees in
improving employee performance.
Formulation of the problem
Based on the background of these problems, the core problems in this thesis research are:
1. Is there a significant influence between work ethic and employee performance at the Jakarta
Primary Tax Office, Gambir Tiga?
2. Is there a significant influence on the work environment on employee performance at the
Jakarta Primary Tax Office, Gambir Tiga?
3. Is there a significant influence between work ethic and work environment together on
employee performance at the Jakarta Primary Tax Service Office, Gambir Tiga?
Research purposes
A study conducted by researchers will have a purpose. Therefore, this research has the
following research objectives:
1) To determine the significant effect of work ethic on employee performance at the Jakarta
Primary Tax Office, Gambir Tiga.
2) To determine the significant influence of the work environment on employee performance at
the Tax Service Office Primary Jakarta Gambir Tiga.
3) To determine the significant influence between work ethic and work environment together on
employee performance at the Jakarta Primary Tax Office Gambir Tiga
Literature review
Work ethic
According to Geertz (Kumorotomo, 2005, p. 389) defines ethos is "a fundamental attitude
towards self and the world that is dating life".
Hany Mulyawati (2014: 56), work ethic is the spirit of work that characterizes and
believes a person or a group. According to (Sinamo, 2011, p. 26), a work ethic is a set of positive
behaviors that are rooted in fundamental beliefs accompanied by a total commitment to an integral
work paradigm.
Furthermore, Sinamo in (Arsad, 2017, pp. 136137) says that the work ethic is a set of
positive behaviors rooted in fundamental beliefs accompanied by a total commitment to an
integral work paradigm. According to him, if a person, an organization, or a community adheres
to a work paradigm, believes, and is committed to that work paradigm, all of this will give birth
to their unique work attitudes and behaviors. That will be the work ethic and culture.
From the definitions above, a synthesis can be taken that work ethic is a set of basic
attitudes or views held by a group of people to assess work as something positive for improving
the quality of life so that it affects work behavior.
Dimensions of Work Ethics
Several dimensions influence work ethic, Boatwright and Slate (Lubis, 2017, pp. 1112),
a. Age
b. Gender
c. Educational background
d. Length of work
Nature of Work Ethic
According to Weber in (Tebba, 2003, p. 1) it is necessary to pay attention to the ethical
characteristics that must be developed in the work ethic process, namely:
a. Responsible nature
b. Thrift
Characteristics of High and Low Work Ethics
According to Darodjat, the characteristics of someone who has a high work ethic are:
(Darodjat, 2015).
a. Have work motivation, namely motivation within and from outside the individual
b. Have a future orientation.
c. Morality is an attitude of seriousness at work.
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d. Work hard and value time.
e. Discipline in work, responsibility.
f. Economical and simple.
g. Diligent and tenacious.
Work environment
Nitisemito also argues that the work environment is everything that exists around workers
who can influence themselves in carrying out assigned tasks (Nitisemito, 2011, p. 183). stated
that the work environment is the whole of the tools and materials encountered, the surrounding
environment in which a person works, his work methods, and work arrangements both as
individuals and groups (Sedarmayanti, 2018, p. 21).
According to Sri Widodo (Soedarso, 2018, p. 95), The work environment is an environment
where employees can carry out their daily tasks with all the work facilities and infrastructure
needed to carry out these tasks. Meanwhile, according to Subagyo (Subagyo, 2014) the work
environment can be said to be the conditions that exist in the workplace, both physical and non-
physical, which affect employees in carrying out their work. Sedarmayanti argues that a place
where there is a group where there are several supporting facilities to achieve company goals by
the company's vision and mission (Sedarmayanti, 2018, p. 23).
From the definitions above, synthesis can be taken that the work environment is everything
that is around the employee at work, both physical and non-physical, which can influence him in
carrying out his tasks and daily work.
Work Environment Dimensions
According to Suwatno and Priansa in general the work environment is as follows (Suwatno
& Priansa, 2011, p. 163).
a. Work Space Plan b. Job Plan
b. Working Environment Conditions
c. Overwork
d. Poor Surveillance System
e. Disputes Between Personal And
f. Group
Work Environment Indicators
According to Sri Widodo (Widodo, 2016, p. 96), indicators that influence the formation of
a working environment condition include:
a. On-site lighting Work
b. Setting the air temperature in Place
c. Work
d. Humidity at Work d. Noise at Work
e. Air Circulation in the Workplace
f. Mechanical Vibration at Work
g. Coloring at Work
h. Decoration at Work
i. Music at Work
j. Safety and Convenience in Workplace
Employee Performance
Ivancevich and Matteson (Agustina, 2011), work performance is a result of employee work
obtained from the resultant or a combination of employee and organizational behavior. Robbins
in (Wijono, 2010, p. 79) explains that work performance is an employee's effort to achieve the
objectives or goals of the company.
Meanwhile, Rivai (Rivai Zainal & Jauvani Sagala, 2011, p. 274), work performance (job
performance) is the level of success of employees in completing their work. Work performance
is the process through which organizations evaluate or assess employee performance.
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From the definitions above it can be taken that synthesis work performance is the result of
work in quality and quantity achieved by an employee during a certain period of time in carrying
out his work duties in accordance with the responsibilities given to him.
Dimensions of Work Performance
Jobs with high results should be achieved by employees. Nasution (Nasution, 2011, p.
99) states that measures that need to be considered in work performance include :
a. quality of work
b. Work quantity
c. Work discipline
d. initiative
e. Cooperatio
Work Performance Assessment Factors
According to Steers, in (Edy, 2011), people believe in individual work performance in the
form of a combined function of three factors, namely:
a. Ability and interest of a worker
b. Clarity and acceptance of the explanation of the role of an employee
c. Level of work motivation
Performance Assessment Elements Work
According to (Hasibuan, 2016, p. 10) there are 11 elements of performance appraisal.
Employees who have good work performance must have each of the following elements of work
a. Loyalty (loyalty)
b. work performance c. Honesty
c. Discipline e. Creative
d. Cooperation
e. Leadership h. Personality
f. Initiative
g. Proficiency
h. Responsibility
Thus, the hypothesis in this study can be formulated as follows:
1. The Effect of Work Ethics on Employee Work Performance at the Gambir Tiga Jakarta
Pratama Tax Service Office.
2. The Influence of the Work Environment on Employee Work Performance at the Gambir Tiga
Jakarta Pratama Tax Service Office.
3. The Effect of Work Ethics and Work Environment on Employee Work Performance at the
Jakarta Primary Tax Office, Gambir Tiga.
Population and Sample
The population in this study were 70 employees at the Gambir Tiga Jakarta Pratama Tax
Service Office. The sampling technique in this study is total sampling. The reason for taking total
sampling is because according to Sugiyono (Dr Sugiyono, 2013) the total population is less than
100, the entire population is used as a research sample. With the total sampling technique, a
sample of 70 employees was taken at the Jakarta Primary Tax Service Gambir Tiga as respondents
in this study.
Data analysis technique
The analysis technique used in this study is a quantitative analysis technique using
statistics. Furthermore, to obtain and speed up data input, statistical software is used to support
this research. The software used to support this research is the SPSS (Statistical Product and
Service Solutions) version 20.
Hypothesis Testing Techniques
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The t-test and F-test were used to test the hypothesis. The hypothesis testing technique in
this study used computer assistance, the Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) Version
20 for Windows program. The test statistics used are as follows:
a. t test
To test significance a correlation coefficient, then you can use the student's t-test statistics
with the following formula:
Source: Sugiyono (2014)
t = t test value
r = Correlation coefficient
n = Number of samples
To find out whether the hypothesis is rejected or not, reveal the rules used in testing the
research hypothesis as cited below: (Sunarto, 2013)
1) If t
, then H
rejected means significant.
2) If
then H
is accepted meaning it is not significant.
b. F test
The F test is used to find out whether there is an influence simultaneously between the
independent variables on the dependent variable. The F test formula according to Sugiyono (2014)
is as follows:
F = F value (F count)
R2 = Multiple correlation coefficient
K = Number of independent variables n = Sample size
The basis for decision making is as follows:
1) If F
< F
,, then H
2) If F
> F
,, then H
Coefficient of Determination (KD)
The coefficient of determination is used to determine the influence between the two
variables (X
, X
, and Y), how much influence is between the two variables studied, then the
coefficient of determination (Kd) is calculated with the assumption that other factors outside the
variables are considered constant or fixed (ceteris paribus ). The formula for the coefficient of
determination (Kd) is:
KD = r
x 100%
Sumber: Sugiyono (Sugiyono, 2012)
K = Coefficient of determination
r = Pearson's correlation coefficient
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Hypothesis test
Table 1
Std. Error
Etos Kerja (X1)
Lingkungan Kerja (X2)
a. Dependent Variable: Prestasi Kerja Pegawai (Y)
a. The Effect of Work Ethics (X
) on Employee Performance (Y)
If you pay attention to the results of the coefficients table above using SPSS analysis
calculations version 20, the tcount value for variable X
(Work Ethics) is 13,491, while the
ttable value for n = 70 of 1,994. So t
tabel or 13,491 > 1,994, it can be concluded
that by partial work ethic variables affect employee performance.
b. The Effect of the Work Environment (X
) on Employee Performance (Y)
If you pay attention to the results of the coefficient table above using SPSS analysis
calculations version 20, then the tcount value for variable X2 (Work Environment) is 16,862,
while the ttable value for n = 70 is 1,994. So
> t
tabel or 16,862 > 1,994, it can be
concluded that partially the Work Environment variable has an effect on Employee
F test
Table 2
Sum of Squares
Mean Square
a. Dependent Variable: Prestasi Kerja Pegawai (Y)
b. Predictors: (Constant), Lingkungan Kerja (X2), Etos Kerja (X1
From the results of the table above, namely the ANOVA or Ftest or Fcount test, a value of
302,319 is obtained which is greater than the Ftable of 2.74 with a significant level of 0.000
because 0.000 <0.05, it can be said that the Work Ethic variable (X
) and the Work Environment
variable (X
) together influence the Employee Performance variable (Y).
Summary Models
Table 3
Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R Square
Std. Error of the
a. Predictors: (Constant), Lingkungan Kerja (X2), etos Kerja (X1)
b. Dependent Variable: Prestasi Kerja Pegawai (Y)
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Based on the Model Summary table, the Adjusted R Square value is 0.900. This shows that
90% of the work ethic and work environment simultaneously (together) affect employee
performance, while the remainder is 10% is influenced by other factors not examined in this study.
Based on the chapter on the results of the analysis and discussion of "The Influence of
Work Ethics and Work Environment on Employee Performance at the Jakarta Primary Tax
Service Gambir Tiga", the author will draw conclusions from the results of the research or writing
of this thesis. The conclusions from the results of this study are as follows: 1) There is an effect
of work ethic on employee work performance, as evidenced by the tcount value for variable X1
(Work Ethic) of 13,491, while the ttable value for n = 70 is 1,994. S t
tabel or 13,491 >
1,994, it can be concluded that partially Variable Work Ethics influences Employee Work
Performance. 2) There is an influence of the work environment on employee performance, it is
proven that the tcount value for variable X
(Work Environment) is 16,862, while the ttable value
for n = 70 is 1,994. So
hitung >
tabel or 16,862 > 1994, it can be concluded that partially the
work environment variable has an effect on Employee Performance. 3) There is an influence of
work ethic and work environment together on employee performance, as evidenced by the
ANOVA test or Ftest or
hitung, the value of 302,319 is greater than Ftable of 2.74 with a
significant level of 0.000 because 0.000 <0.05, it can be said that the Work Ethics variable (X
and the Work Environment variable (X
) simultaneously affect the Employee Performance
variable (Y). Meanwhile, the Adjusted R Square value is 0.900. This shows that 90% of the work
ethic and work environment simultaneously (together) affect employee performance, while the
rest by 10% has an effect on other factors not examined in this study.
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