P-ISSN: 2964-0121
E-ISSN: 2968-3699
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Ega Januardi
Magister of Management, Muhammadiyah University Prof. Dr. Hamka, Jakarta, Indonesia
Received: 01-02-2023
Revised: 25-02-2023
Approved: 15-03-2023
Human resources largely determine the process of successful performance of an
organization. Human resource development, aims to facilitate the realization of
organizational goals, because the quality of human resources is considered
capable in carrying out their duties and functions as employees in a company.
Therefore, it is necessary to increase even better human resources in the
company's brand. The method in this study is the library research method, with a
qualitative approach. The result of this study is that through better and more
optimal HR planning and implementation, the right men in the right place. Efforts
that can be made by a company in improving the quality of human resources are
by conducting employee training and development and rewards that stimulate
someone to be able to increase knowledge, dedication and development of human
resources in a company.
Keywords: Management; Human Resources; Company
Human Resources are human resources. While development is development, which if
united in the same context, Human Resource Development has a deep meaning to help develop
all the resources that exist in every human being. Because the quality of human resources is
considered capable in carrying out their duties and functions as employees in an organization.
Therefore, to realize the desired goals of an organization, there needs to be a leader's commitment
to realize it in the organization.
Human resources greatly determine the process of running the performance of an
organization in completing the tasks and functions of the organization itself. The success of an
organization depends largely on the quality of its resources, especially human resources
(Apriliana & Nawangsari, 2021). Success in this case can be interpreted as an achievement
achieved by the organization in the form of improving the performance of each employee.
Performance improvement that occurs in the organization is a form of developing existing human
Human is closely related to employee development, including a leader or leader can find
out how his subordinates can develop. Human resources are often referred to as human resources,
labor or human power (Palupi & Miranda, 2021). Resources are also called resources, abilities,
strengths, expertise possessed by humans. Education and training is an effort to develop apparatus
resources, especially for the improvement of professionalism related to, administrative skills and
management skills (leadership) (Mukhlison Effendi, 2021). Leaders must have subordinates with
various characters. One way is to do mentoring or coaching to subordinates.
Human Resource Development has a very important role for human development,
especially employees in Indonesia. That is why we need to think about important strategies in the
development of Indonesian Human Resources, which can all be done through special training for
employees working in the Human Resource Department. Human Resources Management (HRM)
aims to utilize, develop, research existing human resources (HR) so that they can be managed
effectively and efficiently (Purnama & Nawangsari, 2019).
Human Resource Department means people who work in a department that is responsible
for handling the management of human resources or employees in a company or organization. In
other words, HRD means a department consisting of people who have the responsibility to select
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qualified candidates to work in a company or organization. The company will always aim to seek
maximum profit (UU Nomor 25 Tahun 2009, 2009).
However, in today's conditions of intense competition, in conditions of increasing
globalization pressure of the business environment, human resources are very limited both in
number and quality, then increasing resources is becoming an increasingly important aspect for
Based on the above problems, this research is important to do, so that it becomes a new
breakthrough in the world of companies. Therefore, this study aims to find out how strategies and
efforts to improve good human resources in a company's image.
Method is a way of working that can be used to obtain something. While the research
method can be interpreted as a way of working in the research process, both in searching for data
and revealing existing phenomena (Anggraini & Agustiningsih, 2022). This research is
descriptive qualitative research with library research methods and is supported by data and facts.
So that this research has accuracy with the phenomena and theories that support it, related to
strategies and efforts to improve good human resources in a company's image.
Human Resource Improvement Strategy in a Company
Human resources in an organization consist of all the efforts, skills or abilities of everyone
working in an organization (Tampubolon, 2014). Some organizations refer to human resources as
staff or labor or labor or labor, but the basic meaning remains the same. Therefore, it is very
necessary for management and company leaders to examine the methods and strategies they use
to lead the company (Purwo & Puspasari, 2020).
According to Mustafa, the strategy in creating a positive image of an organization can be
through creating a comfortable atmosphere within the organization (Mustafa. N, 2017). One of
the strategies in the company is planning, planning is a very important activity, where in
management the planning function is positioned as a fundamental function, which marks that the
application of this function becomes very basic and strategic (Fania Mutiara Savitri, Aldhania
Uswatun Hasanah, Alfithrah Madya Fasa, & Septya Lie Mahesti, 2022). The success or failure of
an activity in a company is very influential and is supported by the optimization of the activity
planning to the maximum (Sinambela. L. P., 2016).
Human resource planning is assessing the needs of people in the future, both in terms of
number, level of expertise, skills, and formulating and implementing plans to meet needs through
recruitment, training, development, even related to shrinking (reducing costs) by increasing
productivity and ownership levels which is done to introduce flexibility in hiring people (Setiyati
et al. 2019).
Strategic planning is the process of determining company goals and the overall program of
actions to achieve the goals that have been designed, because with it human resource planning is
a liaison between the organization and human resource management that can integrate personnel
decisions towards human resource goals and the company (Sugianingrat, 2021). In other words,
strategy in a company is a form of planning related to a series of activities designed to achieve
the goals of a particular company (Ahmad. A., 2020).
The basic strategy in every business includes four problems each, namely:
1. Identification and determination of specifications and qualifications of results that must be
achieved and targeted by the effort by considering the aspirations of the community that
needs it.
2. Consideration and selection of powerful keys to achieve goals,
3. Consideration and determination of the steps taken from beginning to end
4. Consideration and determination of benchmarks and standard measures that will be used to
assess the success of the business carried out (Fania Mutiara Savitri et al., 2022a).
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In addition to planning strategies, companies in developing human resources are by
carrying out implementation strategies. Strategic HR planning emphasizes the proactive role in
the HRD function, as a partner in formulating the company's strategic plan, and providing the best
HRD program to ensure effective implementation in planning (Fania Mutiara Savitri et al.,
Every organization needs to have various provisions that must be obeyed by workers by
trying to create rules or rules that become signposts and must be met by all workers in the
organization, namely by implementing work discipline (I Putu Ari sanjaya, 2019). Then it must
also be seen aspects that concern the criteria for measuring work success which is the ultimate
goal of the implementation of a job.
Every employee is encouraged to be able to have a professional attitude at work in order to
optimize their skills, time, energy, knowledge and resources in accordance with the field
undertaken, so that it will affect the performance carried out by employees (Aisyah et al., 2017).
Professionalism, reliability, reliability and expertise in carrying out tasks so that they are carried
out with high quality, precise time, meticulous, and with easy-to-understand procedures.
Qualified and professional employees must have a commitment to their company.
According to Moeheriono performance or performance is a description of the level of
achievement of the implementation of an activity program or policy in realizing the goals,
objectives, vision, and mission of the organization as outlined in a strategic planning of an
organization (Sivanissa & Azizah, 2022).
People are an invaluable organizational asset, according to Straub and Attner. Humans
provide their talents, knowledge, and experience to help the company in achieving its goals
(Sivanissa & Azizah, 2022). Operational implementation will not succeed well without the help
of reliable employees, even with abundant facilities and infrastructure and finances. Employees
are valuable assets if handled appropriately, but they can also be a burden if mismanaged.
Based on the description above, the essence of the strategy of planning and implementing
human resource improvement is an effort to develop human resources both through formal and
non-formal education channels, to increase the quantity and quality of productivity, as well as
reducing the learning time required by employees for professional improvement, achieving good
performance, creating a more fruitful attitude, loyalty, and cooperation, meeting HR planning
requirements, reducing the number of workplace accidents, and assisting employees in their
personal improvement and development.
Efforts to improve human resources within the company
Running a business, one must understand and explore the science of good management
such as structural and implementation of management practices that should be. The management
of human resource management today has been considered important for every company so that
in the process of achieving company goals it becomes easier to obtain.
A management in a company plays an important role in the preparation of strategies to
support quality in every aspect contained in the company. One of them is employee performance
and motivation, a human resource development can also be called a preparation process for each
related individual to take on a different responsibility and not infrequently there are individuals
who take a higher portion of responsibility in a company (Krisdiantoro, 2017).
The functions of planning and implementation are in line with what has been explained
above that the components of these functions become an important part of efforts to manage
human resource management to improve employee performance and motivation (Iswandi, 2021).
In addition, to improve human resources in the company, namely with rewards.
Rewards is a form of appreciation given by a company / organization to employees who
make a work achievement. The relationship of variables to problems in improving employee
performance and motivation is very influential on each other, this is because an award can make
employee performance better (Iswandi, 2021). With the Reward System implemented by an
organization or company, there must be careful planning in terms of what must be given to
workers when the worker has achieved the work target. With the lure of awards, the author is very
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confident that workers will be more enthusiastic to carry out their work and will be very motivated
in doing their work (Indah. Rahmawati & Andian. N. D, 2019).
Human resources are a source of potential competitive advantage because their
competencies in the form of intellectuality, traits, skills, personal character and intellectual and
cognitive processes cannot be imitated by competing companies. For this reason, companies are
required to carry out continuous development of the quantity and quality of human resources
through optimal training, an effort to stimulate human resources to always "Learning by doing"
in accordance with the learning organization(Fania Mutiara Savitri et al., 2022a). So the capacity
of HR as a subject of the organization or company, is a determinant of how the qualifications of
a company, so that a competitive company system will be achieved when the human resources
involved in it are competent and qualified human resources as well.
HRD is an effort to identify the organization's need for human resources, so that the
organization can determine the direction to achieve its goals (Hasnadi, 2019). Therefore, it starts
with changes that trigger competition between companies, where each company seeks to improve
the company's existence by developing the quality of human resources as a stepping stone to
achieve the company's competitive advantage (Halisa, 2020).
Walker recommends a five-step approach to linking the process, including:
1. Identify the company's philosophy: This step is done to find out the company's purpose, the
contribution made, and the underlying motives of key managers.
2. Examining environmental conditions: namely trying to find out opportunities or threats that
arise in a company that are likely to affect the company's operations in the future direction.
3. Define goals and objectives: This section will concern the objectives of sales, profits, and
return on investment and the basis for measuring these goals.
4. Strategizing: is an activity that focuses on determining the actions that the company must
take to achieve the goals that have been set (Fania Mutiara Savitri et al., 2022a),
In addition to some of the efforts above, efforts to improve human resources include
training and development. Training and development is carried out as an effort to improve the
skills and knowledge of employees. Especially facing new conditions. This is related to career
and is expected as an effort to overcome the expiration of human resources in the organization
(Palupi & Miranda, 2021). As a form of meeting the needs of employees, namely the need to
develop themselves (self-actualization) which will be related to employee career development.
The human resource management approach takes place within a larger system, the
company. Therefore, human resource efforts must evaluate the contribution of employees given
to company productivity (Kulla et al., 2018). Efforts to successfully improve human resources are
defined as a level of achievement / success achieved.
Compatibility between company strategy and human resource strategy needs to be sought
to encourage employee creativity and innovation in achieving company goals. Human resource
strategy is related to, among others, the establishment of an appropriate corporate culture, human
resource planning, auditing both in quantitative and qualitative terms, and also includes human
resource activities such as procurement (from recruitment to selection), orientation, maintenance,
training and development, human resource development (Safri, 2019).
In determining human resource strategies, external factors need to be considered referring
to future trends and needs, demand and supply, government regulations, human needs in general
and employees in particular, potential competitors, social, demographic, cultural and cultural
changes, and values, technology, Trend of change.
The environment will affect changes in the company's strategy which also means that the
human resources strategy will need to be reconsidered, and most likely will need to be adjusted.
Changes in human resource strategy are not something taboo but need to be done with careful
Human resource redesign needs to be done carefully and wisely so that company goals can
be achieved. Human resource design deals with job design that refers to fashion; In other words,
the redesign of the work can be done by triggering the improvement of these five characteristics.
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For example, streamlining the organization and putting customers at the top of the organizational
hierarchy and the CEO at the bottom.
Based on Human Resource Management problems and discussions. It can be concluded
that the improvement of human resource management in the company is by means of HRD
Planning and its implementation, where its role as a process determines how the organization
should move from the current state of HR to the desired HRD position in the future. The
importance of HRD planning and implementation is measured from the company's activities that
cannot be separated from the need for competent human resources so that through better and more
optimal HRD planning and implementation, the right men in the right place.
Efforts that can be made by a company in improving the quality of human resources include
optimizing employee performance, employee training and development and rewards that
stimulate someone to be able to increase knowledge, dedication and development of human
resources in a company.
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