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Fahmi Faqih Nugraha
Department of Economic Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Siliwangi University
September,1th 2022
September,8th 2022
September,10 th
Background: The problem in this study is about the low economic learning
outcomes obtained by students based on the average score of the national exams
for SMA Negeri in Kuningan Regency in 2015-2019 which tends to fluctuate.
AIM: The purpose of this study was to determine the direct and indirect effect of
students' perceptions of teacher competencies consisting of personality, pedagogic,
professional, and social competencies on learning motivation and their
implications for learning outcomes.
Method: This research is quantitative research with a survey method using the
Area Probability Sample technique. The population of this research is all students
of class XI IPS SMA Negeri in Kuningan Regency, totaling 2,676 students spread
over 19 schools. As for the research sample as many as 316 students spread over
10 schools. The data analysis technique used path analysis. Based on the results of
the descriptive analysis of student perceptions of teacher competence, learning
motivation, and learning outcomes, they are in a good category. The results of path
analysis obtained the regression equation = 0.108
1 + 0.301
2 + 0.241
3 +
4 + 0.355
1 and = 0.064
1 + 0.168
2 + 0.290
3 + 0.276
4 + 0.252
2. The results of the path analysis show that there is a direct influence on
students' perceptions of personality competence at 10.8%, pedagogic competence
by 30.1%, professional competence at 24.1%, and social competence by 41.8%
learning motivation. The direct influence of students' perceptions of personality
competence is 6.4%, pedagogic competence is 16.8%, professional competence is
29% and social competence is 27.6% on learning outcomes. The indirect effect of
students' perceptions of personality competence gets a count of 2.24, pedagogic
competence count of 4.35, professional competencies get a count of 2.77, and
social competence gets a count of 2.97, which means it is greater than table 1.97,
which means on the indirect effect of learning outcomes through learning
Findings: Students' perceptions of teacher competencies which consist of
personality, pedagogic, professional, and social competencies have a positive and
significant impact on learning motivation and implications for learning outcomes
both directly and indirectly.f
Teacher, Results, Competence, Motivation, Personality, Pedagogy, Perception,
Professional, Social
Education is the learning of knowledge, and skills acquired through training or
studying in educational institutions (Dzisi & Odoom, 2017). In law no. 20 of 2003
concerning the national education system states: Education is a conscious and planned effort
to create a learning atmosphere and learning process so that students actively develop their
potential to have religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble
character, and the necessary skills. himself, society, nation, and state. This is supported by the
opinion(Intania & Sutama, 2020). "education is a process to influence students to be able to
adapt as best they can to their environment and thus will cause changes in themselves that
Students' Perceptions About Teachers' Competence Through Student Learning Motivation Its Implications on
Learning Outcomes of Economic Subjects
20 Return: Study of Management, Economics and Bussines, Vol(No), Nov 2022
allow them to function strongly in people's lives" (Hobfoll, 2001). In the PISA (Program for
International Student Assessment) ranking report made by The Organization for Economic
Co-operation and Development (OECD), the organization for economic cooperation and
development indicates the quality of education in the world (Woodward, 2009). Indonesia is
under Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam. Indonesia scored 371 in terms of reading 379 for
mathematics and 396 related to science. Based on the report from the OECD, it can be
concluded that education in Indonesia is still relatively low.
The quality of education in Indonesia cannot be separated from problems in the world
of education, such as educators who do not have competence (Sulisworo, Nasir, & Maryani,
2017). The teacher's low awareness of responsibility in educating students. Inadequate
learning facilities and lack of support from family (Comer, 1988). The quality of educators
can be assessed from the results of students' national exam (UN) scores, if students get
satisfactory scores, it means that the learning process carried out in the classroom is
successful and vice versa. Although in its implementation the government's policy of
implementing the Computer-Based National Examination or 2, known as UNBK, received
various responses from the community (Hadi, Susanti, & Rais, 2019).
The National Examination is currently used as a benchmark for student learning
outcomes while studying in educational institutions ranging from elementary to high school
levels (Engzell, Frey, & Verhagen, 2021).
According to "research method is the method used by researchers in collecting research
data" (Dewi, Fitriani, & Effendi, 2021). In this study, the researcher used a survey research
method with a quantitative approach. According to "survey research design is a procedure in
quantitative research where the researcher administers a survey on a sample or on the entire
population of people to describe attitudes, opinions and specific characteristics of the
population" (Rahi, 2017).
The quantitative method states that "quantitative research methods can be interpreted as
research methods based on the philosophy of positivism, used to examine certain populations
and samples, sampling techniques are generally carried out randomly, data collection using
research instruments, analysis data are quantitative or statistical in nature to test the
established hypothesis". 3.2 Research Variables "Research variables are everything that is
determined by the researcher to be studied so that information is obtained about it, then
conclusions are drawn". The title of the author's research, namely Student Perceptions About
Teacher Competence Through Learning Motivation, Its Implications on Learning Outcomes
of Economics Subjects for High School Students in Class XI Social Sciences in Kuningan
Regency, the research variables are.
a. Variabel Independen (X)
According to "the independent variable or independent variable is the variable that
affects or causes the change or the emergence of the dependent variable". In this study,
the independent variables were students' perceptions of personality competence (X1),
pedagogic competence (X2), professional competence (X3), and teacher social
competence (X4).
Students' Perceptions About Teachers' Competence Through Student Learning Motivation Its Implications on
Learning Outcomes of Economic Subjects
21 Return: Study of Management, Economics and Bussines, Vol(No), Nov 2022
b. Variabel Dependen (Y)
According to "the dependent variable or dependent variable is a variable that is influenced
or that becomes a result, because of the independent variable" (Plümper, Troeger, &
Manow, 2005). In this study, the dependent variable is learning outcomes.
c. Variabel Intervening (Z)
According to "intervening variable is an intervening variable that lies between the
independent and dependent variables so that the independent variable does not directly
affect the change or emergence of the dependent variable" (Trice & Treacy, 1988). In
this study, the intervening variable is learning motivation.
Research Design
According to "research design, or research design, is an investigation plan and structure
that is structured in such a way that researchers will be able to obtain answers to their
research questions" (Kothari, 2004). In this research design, the researcher uses an
explanatory research design. According to that "Explanative research provides explanations
and reasons in the form of causal relationships" (Chetty, 1996).
This study aims to determine the effect of students' perceptions of teacher competence
through learning motivation and its implications for economic learning outcomes (Lizzio,
Wilson, & Simons, 2002). This research was conducted in class XI Social Sciences of SMA
Negeri in Kuningan Regency for the academic year 2019/2020 which consisted of 19
schools, with a total population of 2,676 students. The sampling technique used in this study
uses a probability sample area, researchers use this technique by considering the time
required, as well as the size of the area to be studied. So that the schools selected for research
amounted to 10 state high schools. It consists of SMAN 1 Kadugede, SMAN 1 Cigugur,
SMAN 1 Mandirancan, SMAN 1 Cilimus, SMAN 1 Ciwaru, SMAN 1 Cidahu,
SMAN 1 Garawangi, SMAN 1 Subang, SMAN 3 Kuningan and SMAN 1 Kuningan.
Meanwhile, to determine the number of student samples for each school, proportional
random sampling was carried out, so that the number of respondents obtained was 316
Based on the results of the data analysis, several conclusions can be drawn as follows:
1. There is a direct influence of students' perceptions of personality competence positively
and significantly on students' learning motivation in economics subjects in class XI Social
Sciences in Kuningan State High School by 0.108 or 10.8%.
Students' Perceptions About Teachers' Competence Through Student Learning Motivation Its Implications on
Learning Outcomes of Economic Subjects
22 Return: Study of Management, Economics and Bussines, Vol(No), Nov 2022
2. There is a direct influence of students' perceptions of pedagogical competence positively
and significantly on students' learning motivation in economics subjects in class XI Social
Sciences throughout SMA Negeri Kuningan by 0.301 or 30.1%.
3. There is a direct influence of students' perceptions of professional competence in a
positive and significant way on students' learning motivation in economics subjects in
class XI IPS in Kuningan State High School by 0.241 or 24.1%.
4. There is a direct influence of students' perceptions of social competence in a positive and
significant way on students' learning motivation in economics subjects for class XI IPS in
Kuningan State High School by 0.418 or 41.8%.
5. There is a direct influence on students' perceptions of personality competence in a
positive and significant way on student learning outcomes in economics subjects in class
XI Social Sciences throughout SMA Negeri Kuningan by 0.064 or 6.4%.
6. There is a direct influence on students' perceptions of pedagogical competence positively
and significantly on student learning outcomes in economics subjects in class XI IPS in
Kuningan State High School by 0.168 or 16.8%.
7. There is a direct influence of students' perceptions of professional competence in a
positive and significant way on student learning outcomes in economics subjects in class
XI Social Sciences in Kuningan State High School by 0.290 or 29.0%.
8. There is a direct influence on students' perceptions of social competence in a positive and
significant way on student learning outcomes in economics subjects for class XI IPS in
Kuningan State High School by 0.276 or 27.6%.
9. There is a direct influence of positive and significant learning motivation on student
learning outcomes in economics subjects in class XI IPS in SMA Negeri Kuningan by
0.252 or 25.5%.
10. There is a positive and significant influence on students' perceptions of personality
competence on student learning outcomes in economics subjects for class XI IPS
throughout Kuningan State High School through learning motivation, this is because the
value2.24 > fromof of 1, 97.
11. There is a positive and significant influence on students' perceptions of pedagogic
competence on student learning outcomes in economics subjects in class XI IPS
throughout Kuningan State High School through learning motivation, this is because the
value4.35 > fromof of 1, 97.
12. There is a positive and significant influence on students' perceptions of professional
competence on student learning outcomes in economics subjects for class XI IPS
throughout Kuningan State High School through learning motivation, this is because the
value2.77 > fromof of 1, 97.
13. There is a positive and significant influence on students' perceptions of social competence
on student learning outcomes in economics subjects in class XI IPS throughout Kuningan
State High School through learning motivation, this is because the value is 2.97of >
from1.97 of
Students' Perceptions About Teachers' Competence Through Student Learning Motivation Its Implications on
Learning Outcomes of Economic Subjects
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