P-ISSN: 2964-0121
E-ISSN: 2968-3699
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Muhammad Dzul Fikry
, Indri Sudanawati Rozas
, Faris Muslihul Amin
Sunan Ampel State University, Surabaya, Indonesia
, indrisrozas@uinsby.ac.id
Received: 02-03-2023
Revised: 25-03-2023
Approved: 15-04-2023
Service in an organization is highly correlated with the level of customer
satisfaction with the quality of service provided. From this activity,
improvements will be made to the Business Processing Reengineering method
so that the business process can run properly and efficiently. To test whether it
is true that the Business Process Reengineering (BPR) approach has been able
to minimize customer complaints, in this case, PDAM Giri Tirta Gresik will
carry out an identification and analysis stage first on any problems. Based on
the existing problems, the focus of this research was emphasized on the service
process to fulfill clean water in Gresik Regency, especially in the reengineering
process for new installations. A comparison of new installation business
processes before and after the Business Process Reengineering, namely the
percentage of throughput efficiency tests of 94.44% from 73.99% of ongoing
business processes and provides the final simulation results in the form of
BPMN notation which takes maximum time. which is obtained in 24 days 2
hours 20 minutes from 26 days 16 hours 5 minutes in the new installation
Keywords: Business Process Reengineering; Customer Complaints; Service;
Service in a community or organization is highly correlated with the level of customer
satisfaction with the quality of service provided. However, in this case, there are still many
complaints from the community such as drinking water (Rahmawati, 2014) needs that still cannot
be served optimally such as high water loss rates, low water volume sold, and drinking water
supply system management programs have not been integrated for the long term, there are no
tariffs for adjusting water price tariffs, there is no regulation of water networks and meters and
monitoring customer water usage and lack of support functions day-to-day operational services
such as the lack of a quick response in the complaint service. Complaints generally arise due to
dissatisfaction with products or services (Hsiao et al., 2016). Because of problems in the public
service process, customer complaints become crucial, so it is considered to be able to make public
service providers help face various problems and then satisfaction and trust from customers can
return (Tjiptono, 2022).
At the Business Process Reengineering stage, it is expected to be able to find out the
expectations of consumers or customers from each existing service process, whether it has
reached the level of satisfaction provided, and to measure the achievement of the efficiency level
of an organization(Fajriah & Nazar, 2020). Information technology services and business processes
in an organization will always change periodically from time to time. This shows that an
organization must require more effective and efficient business processes to improve services to
the community (Helmi et al., 2018) Identifying business processes is the first step to finding out
what obstacles cause business process performance to run less than optimal so far. This must be
based on the application of information technology and a good business strategy. The use of the
Internet and technology has become an important aspect that must be present in organizational
operations and business processes.
According to Hammer & Champy, (1993) in the study (2010: 2) Business Process
Reengineering is a rethink on the basis of a radical redesign of business processes in order to
Implementation of Business Process Reengineering To Minimize Customer Complaints
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achieve dramatic improvements that can be calculated, such as cost, quality, service, and speed
(Gaol, 2016). Kai. A. Simon (2004) said that many companies are trying very hard to be able to
provide good value for their consumers through various ways, such as re-engineered businesses,
customized business processes, and information technology that is used as a trigger to gain
competitive advantage.
This is considering that competition in the business world is increasingly fierce which
causes an organization to need a method to increase targets in accordance with organizational
goals in order to meet the level of satisfaction with consumers and customers (Paul et al., 2015) A
high level of efficiency will create productivity in carrying out the operational activities of the
organization, where the level of efficiency itself is strongly influenced by the performance of
services provided by an organization as input and capital as well as the results of consumer or
customer satisfaction with the services provided as output in the organization. Efficiency is a
variety of input components used, such as time, energy, and costs that can be calculated for use
and do not have an impact on meaningless expenditure or waste (Aznedra & Safitri, 2018). An
activity that has been carried out is considered efficient if the activity carried out is in accordance
with the target (output) but the sacrifice (input) is minimal so that efficiency can be interpreted as
no waste Nicholson, (2002) in (Moon & Min, 2017).
In line with technology that is growing rapidly, the faster technology is in changing
business processes to be more effective and efficient. The influence of technology has brought a
large and significant impact on organizations or public service agencies in achieving a goal to be
achieved. This is then used by organizations to compete in providing maximum service quality.
Service quality is an assessment given by users/consumers of the service they receive (perceived
service) and whether it is as expected (expected service) (Fitzsimmons and Fitzsimmons, 2001)
in (Setyawan, 2021). The quality of service felt by consumers or customers will greatly determine
the loyalty and satisfaction of consumers and customers to the organization. Service quality has
become a mandatory aspect that must be implemented or carried out by an organization in order
to survive and gain the trust of consumers and customers. Service in this case can be observed in
the form of services delivered by the organization which can be in the form of speed, convenience,
ability, and even hospitality that can be shown through attitudes and behaviors to provide services
in meeting consumer or customer satisfaction.
Business processes are an important aspect carried out in organizations in providing added
value (Harahap, 2017) The business process itself is a set of activities carried out by one or more
parties who carry out the process (Putri, 2018). Rainer (2011, p7), said that business processes
are a series of activities that produce goods and services that have benefits for agencies, partners,
and processes consumers. Technological developments will have an impact on achieving the
vision of an organization if business process activities are not well integrated. While Magal &
Word (2012), said that a business process is a set of tasks or activities that produce something. In
this case, it is also necessary to analyze and evaluate a problem in business processes related to
activities that take a lot of time and cost but do not produce added value for the organization
(Purabaya, 2021). From this activity, improvements will be made to the Business Processing
Reengineering method so that the business process operates correctly and efficiently. The
application of Business Process Reengineering (BPR) is expected to be able to answer every
problem that arises in an organization (Wahyudi et al., 2018) Business processes can run
optimally and create increased efficiency in the organization.
In carrying out business process activities, an organization will not be separated from the
problem of efficiency levels. This is considering that competition in the business world is
increasingly fierce which causes an organization to need a method to increase targets in
accordance with organizational goals in order to meet the level of satisfaction with consumers
and customers. The PDAM Giri Tirta Gresik business process used as a BPMN modeling object
is only a new installation business process that is in direct contact with customers. Business
Process Reengineering (BPR) carried out focuses on minimizing the level of customer
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A high level of efficiency will create productivity in carrying out the operational activities
of the organization, where the level of efficiency itself is strongly influenced by the performance
of services provided by an organization as input and capital as well as the results of consumer or
customer satisfaction with the services provided as output in the organization. In an effort to
increase organizational efficiency, everything included in the inefficiency process must be
reduced or even eliminated. This inefficient activity is usually caused by non-value-added
activities or waste in the ongoing processes in an organization. In an effort to increase efficiency,
this waste will cause losses to the organization.
To test whether it is true that the Business Process Reengineering (BPR) carried out has
been able to minimize customer complaints, in this case, identification and analysis will be carried
out in advance on any problems that arise that correlate with ongoing business processes and
evaluate in the form of improvements that will later produce input and the results of customer
satisfaction with the services provided as output in the organization in an effort to increase
satisfaction and minimize customer complaints against the organization.
This research applies a mixed method between qualitative methods and quantitative
methods. This mixed method, it is carried out using descriptive qualitative, namely by collecting
some specific data from a number of participants, asking questions, and analyzing the data
inductively based on the topic of the problem and theme to be studied by interpreting the meaning
of the data. The research flow used in this study is described through a flowchart (Haryono, 2020).
The use of flowcharts was chosen because it is considered to make it easier to provide an
explanation of each stage used in research. The object of research at PDAM Giri Tirta Gresik is
related to the readiness and alignment of business processes in accordance with customer
complaints against the services provided by an organization. Here is the flow used in this study:
Figure 1
Research Flow
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From the research flow above, it can be explained that this research process goes through
several stages, starting from the initial stage of data collection to the final stage of implementing
Business Process Reengineering in the running business process.
Result of the Development of the Vision and Goals of the Organization
The initial stage of this research was carried out by developing a vision and objectives to
determine the readiness and alignment of business processes in PDAM Giri Tirta Gresik. The
process of developing this vision and goals is very decisive and makes it easier to obtain and
produce initial data. At this stage, data collection will be carried out such as what data exists and
occurs in the field and data that is related to the research being conducted.
As per Government Regulation Number 16 of 2005 which regulates the Development of
Drinking Water Supply Systems. Explain that the Drinking Water Supply System (SPAM) can
be done through a piped network system and/or not a piped network. In this case, it is also
explained that the Drinking Water Supply System (SPAM) of Gresik Regency is carried out with
a piped system. Of the 18 sub-districts in Gresik Regency, PDAM Giri Tirta Gresik is only able
to serve 9 sub-districts in meeting clean water needs, while the other 9 sub-districts are still not
well served by PDAM Giri Tirta Gresik. In this case, PDAM Giri Tirta Gresik is as follows:
Table 1
PDAM Giri Tirta Gresik Service Area Zone
Served Villages
Sidokumpul, Tlogobendung, Gapurosukolilo, Pulopancikan,
Pekauman, Bedilan, Kebungson, Pekelingan, Kemuteran,
Kroman, Karangpoh, Lumpur, Sukodono, Trate, Karangturi,
Tlogopojok, Sukorame, Ngipik, Tlogopatut, Kramat Inggil,
Kebomas, Sidomoro, Singosari, Karangkering, Gending,
Segoromadu, Ngargosari, Gulomantung, Randuagung,
Sukorejo, Kedanyang, Prambangan, Sidomukti, Giri,
Klangonan, Sekarkurung, Kembangan, Dahanrejo,
Tenggulunan, Indro, Kawisanyar
Roomo, Pongangan, Yosowilangun, Sukomulyo, Suci,
Manyarejo, Manyarsidomukti, and Tebalo
Ambeng watang, Tirem, Samir Plapan, Tebaloan, Duduk
Menganti, Kepatihan, Boboh, Hendrosari, Palemwatu, Putat
Lor, Beton, Bringkang, Mojotengah, Sidojangkung, Boteng
Dadapkuning, Ngembung, Sukoanyar, Morowudi,
Guranganyar, Ngabetan, Betiting, Iker-iker, Cerme Kidul,
Tambakberas, Cerme Lor, Semampir, Padeg, Banjarsari
Kedamean, Slempit, and Banyuurip
Desa Wringinanom
Krikilan, Driyorejo, Cangkir, Bambe, Mulung, Tenaru,
Petiken, Sumput, Tanjungan, Banjaran, Karangandong,
Mojosari Rejo, Wedoroanum, Gadung
Test Installation Process Throughput New
This testing process is carried out to determine and measure the performance of service
time in terms of overall time in the ongoing process (Rozaqi et al., 2020) From the results of
mapping and measuring this throughput efficiency test, it can be seen the level of comparison in
the business processes that is running by determining recommendations for business process
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improvements both in terms of models and results obtained in an effort to minimize the level of
customer complaints on business processes and in terms of services provided to the organization.
Table 2
ASME Standard Process Mapping New (Existing) Installation
Business Process Flows
Prospective customers come to the head office of PDAM
Giri Tirta Gresik
Prospective customers enter the counter to pick up the form
Prospective customers fill out the form and include the
latest KTP, KSK, UN, sale, and purchase certificate, 6000
stamps, cellphone number, and RT / RW information
regarding the address/parcel for installing a new
The counter records the data of the prospective customer
Prospective customers go home to ensure the connection
of PDAM customers around the installation location
The counter officer provides data on the results of
prospective customers' recaps to the Service department
The Services Department deposits data to the Planning
The Planning Department conducts a survey of the
installation site
The Services Department awaits survey results
The Planning Department makes a report on the results of
the site survey
The Planning Department provides a report on the survey
results to the Services department
The Services Department prints the list number of potential
The Services Department contacts prospective customers
for payment confirmation
Prospective customers come to the head office of PDAM
Giri Tirta Gresik and make payment to the counter
The counter records customer payment data
The counter prints and delivers payment receipts to
The counter deposits the customer's payment data to the
Service department
The Service Department deposits payment data to the
Warehouse section
The Warehouse Department confirms and checks the stock
of goods in the warehouse for the installation process
If stock is not available, the Warehouse Department will
receive additional inventory
If stock is available, the Planning Department performs a
new installation process to the customer's location
After the new installation process is complete, the Planning
Department generates a new customer installation report
The Planning Department deposits reports to the Services
The Services department stores customer report data
The Service Department inputs new customer data
Number of Stages
Total Time
Based on Table 2 of the ASME Standard Process Mapping for New Installation (Existing),
it is found that there are 25 stages in the ongoing new installation process. The next step is to
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calculate the overall service time performance from the results of the mapping of the new ASME
standard installation process as follows:
Throughput Efficiency =
× 100%
The results of the throughput efficiency test obtained the results of mapping ASME
standards in the new installation process, which was 73.99%. From the calculation formula, it is
obtained from the non-delay process time divided by the total overall time in the system multiplied
by 100%. The value 14130 represents the overall runtime running in the system in the new gan
install process. While the value of 3675 is the amount of time in the delay process in the new
installation process. So that a value of 10455 is obtained, which is the number of processes that
do not experience delay time, which includes values in the operation process, transportation
process, inspection process, storage process, and combined activity process or the result of a
reduction of the total amount of time running in the system minus the amount of delay process
time. As for the value of 14130, which is the overall processing time that runs and also includes
the delay time. Based on the results of the calculation above, a throughput efficiency test was
obtained in the new installation process at PDAM Giri Tirta Gresik of 73.99% of the running
process and with 26.01% remaining time which was still not running well.
Business modeling results Process Modelling Notation (As Is)
At this stage, simulations and modeling will be carried out on business processes that run
into BPMN notation to make it easier to determine a problem that arises and conduct analysis and
evaluation of improvements in an effort to minimize the level of customer complaints in the new
installation process running on PDAM Giri Tirta Gresik. The data used in supporting the
preparation of this research process model was obtained from the results of interviews with
respondents, the results of understanding technical documents in the organization, and the results
of observations in the research conducted. Business process simulation is used in assisting
understanding, analysis, and design of running business processes. As for Figure 2, the following
is a simulation model into the Business Process Model and Notation (As Is) notation in the new
installation process that is currently running. In addition, the following Figure 3 is the result of
calculations and running simulations into the Business Process Model and Notation (As Is)
notation in the new installation process.
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Figure 2
News installation BPMN model on running processe
Figure 3
BPMN Running Simulation Model New Install on Running Process
In Figure 2, a simulation was carried out using the big modeler application. From the
picture above, the time obtained from each activity is obtained from the results of interviews and
observations. Then from Figure 3 above, it can be concluded that the estimated 400 processes can
be completed, namely with the results of the simulation of the new installation business process
that is currently running, carrying out the process takes at least 17 days 23 hours 50 minutes, a
maximum of 26 days 16 hours 5 minutes, and an average of 22 days 16 hours 52 minutes 6 seconds
for each person. In addition, the percentage of utilization of repair simulation results was also
obtained with an estimated number of 400 customers at 75.07%, Counter with 4 people at 90.35%,
Service Section with 1 person at 99.70%, Warehouse Section with 1 person at 72.49%, and
Planning Section with 1 person of 70.87%.
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Results of prioritization of relevant business processes
At this stage, analysis and identification of the priorities of ongoing business processes are
carried out in the new installation process at PDAM Giri Tirta Gresik. Business processes that
have been identified produce several problems that will be improved. In this case, it will select
and re-sort a process or stage that is considered and considered to have weaknesses so that an
alternative will be arranged to redesign a different process by making improvements to the
business process, either by reducing the processing time, standardizing or automating the process,
adding or reducing errors in a process and can also simplify the design a process at this stage, it
will also be proposed to register a new installation process, namely with the appearance of the
website application and develop it in an effort so that the business processes running on PDAM
Giri Tirta Gresik can run optimally and achieve the goals of Business Process Reengineering. The
following is an example of a website-based application that can be developed by PDAM Giri
Tirta Gresik in assisting with the registration process for the new installation process:
Figure 4
New Installation Application Proposal
The following Table 3. regarding the prioritization of business processes, especially in the
new installation business process at PDAM Giri Tirta Gresik. An alternative to this redesign is
expected to be known and identified several customer complaints that arise in the running
business process. Business processes that have been identified produce several problems that will
be improved so that they are expected to minimize the level of customer complaints as can be
seen in Table 3. Problems in business processes that run as follows:
Table 3
Alternative Priority Business Process New Installation
Process Stages
Prospective customers come to the
head office of PDAM Giri Tirta
Customers enter the website
to register for a new
installation online
Potential customers enter the
counter to pick up the form
Customers do not need to go
to the counter, because the
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registration process is
carried out online
Prospective customers fill out the
form and include the latest KTP,
KSK, UN, sale, and purchase
certificate, 6000 stamps, cellphone
number, and RT / RW information
regarding the address/parcel for
installing a new connection
No data collection form and
physical requirements are
required because the data
collection process can be
done online
The counter records the data of the
prospective customer form
Data logging can be done
Prospective customers go home to
ensure the connection of PDAM
customers around the installation
Processes that tend to
consume too much time
The counter officer provides data
on the results of prospective
customers' recaps to the Service
The Services Department deposits
data to the Planning Department
The Planning Department
conducts a survey of the
installation site
The Services Department awaits
survey results
Spending too long
The Planning Department makes a
report on the results of the site
Too much process and takes
a lot of time
The Planning Department
provides a report on the survey
results to the Services department
The Services Department prints
the list number of potential
Customers can print the
registration number through
the website
The Services Department contacts
prospective customers for
payment confirmation
Prospective customers come to the
head office of PDAM Giri Tirta
Gresik and make payment to the
Payment for the new
installation process can be
made online without having
to come to the registration
The counter records customer
payment data
Payment recording and data
collection can be done
The counter prints and delivers
payment receipts to customers
Processes that take too
much time and cost
The customer went home and
waited for the installation officer
to come to the site
A process that is too
convoluted and takes quite a
long time
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The counter deposits the
customer's payment data to the
Service department
The Services department deposits
payment data to the Planning
The Warehouse Department
confirms and checks the stock of
goods in the warehouse for the
installation process
If the data is valid, the Planning
Department performs a new
installation process at the
customer's location
After the new installation process
is complete, the Planning
Department generates a new
customer installation report
Data collection and recap of
customer new installation
data is carried out online
The Planning Department deposits
reports to the Services department
The Services department stores
customer report data
The Service Department inputs
new customer data
Table 4
Problems with Running Business Processes
Business Process of New Installation of PDAM Giri Tirta Gresik
Prospective customers come to the head
office of PDAM Giri Tirta Gresik
1. In the ongoing process,
customers are required to come
directly to PDAM Giri Tirta
Gresik to perform and apply
for a new installation.
2. In the ongoing process, it must
be required to come a second
time to PDAM Giri Tirta
Gresik to process the payment.
3. Too many processes are
inefficient and a lot of time-
4. Potential customers are often
5. There are frequent queues of
potential customers.
6. The process of submitting a
new installation application is
still running manually.
Potential customers enter the counter to pick
up the form
Prospective customers fill out the form and
include the latest KTP, KSK, UN, sale, and
purchase certificate, 6000 stamps, cellphone
number, and RT / RW information regarding
the address/parcel for installing a new
The counter records the data of the
prospective customer form
Prospective customers go home to ensure
the connection of PDAM customers around
the installation location
The Services Department awaits survey
The Planning Department makes a report on
the results of the site survey
The Services Department prints the list
number of potential customers
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Prospective customers come to the head
office of PDAM Giri Tirta Gresik and make
payment to the counter
The counter records customer payment data
The counter prints and delivers payment
receipts to customers
The customer went home and waited for the
installation officer to come to the site
After the new installation process is
complete, the Planning Department
generates a new customer installation report
Business Process Modelling Notation (To Be) Modeling Results
After the design process related to the running business process, at this stage, the proposed
business process will be remodeled by identifying several problems that arise. In this study, Bizagi
Modeler was used as a tool to support simulations. There are several types of simulations in this
study, including time analysis. Time analysis is obtained to calculate and obtain the average time
duration in executing an instance on a running business process. In addition, at this stage, it is
also possible to see the minimum and maximum time that is likely to occur in a process instance.
At this simulation stage, it can be used from various configurations and in the long term, so as to
reduce or minimize the possibility of failure in a process specification, eliminate obstacles that
arise unexpectedly, prevent excessive use of company resources such as human resources, and
optimize the work of the running system. As for Figure 5, the following is a simulation model
into the Business Process Model and Notation (To Be) notation in the proposed new installation
process. As for Figure 6, the following is the result of calculations and running simulations into
the Business Process Model and Notation (To Be) notatio in the installation process of the new
improved version.
Figure 5
New Installation BPMN Model Repair Version
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Figure 6
New Installation BPMN Running Simulation Model Improved Version
In Figure 5, an improved version simulation was carried out using the big modeler application.
Based on the picture above, an estimate of the time of each activity is obtained from interviews
and observations. Then from Figure 6 above, it can be concluded that an estimated 400 processes
can be completed, namely with the results of simulating the new installation business process that
is currently running, carrying out the process takes at least 3 days 14 hours 55 minutes, a
maximum of 21 days 5 hours 15 minutes, and an average of 6 days 6 hours 8 minutes 12 seconds
for each person. In addition, the percentage of utilization of repair simulation results was also
obtained with an estimated number of 400 customers at 96.99%, Counter with 5 people at 83.50%,
Service Section with 2 people at 90.72%, Warehouse Section with 1 person at 75.64%, and
Planning Section with 1 person of 75.84%.
Test the Throughput efficiency of the new installation process (To Be)
At this stage, adjustments and improvements are made based on the results of the analysis
of alternative business process priorities in the new installation process. After knowing the
problems that arise in the new installation business process above, an experiment was carried out
by redesigning the ongoing business process by making improvements and adjustments based on
the current conditions which can be seen in Figure 7 below:
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Figure 7
New Install Process Improvement Recommendation Flow
Based on Figure 7 of the New Installation Process Improvement Recommendation Flow, it is
explained that the new installation recommendation process at PDAM Giri Tirta Gresik is carried
out by automating a process that is still manual and takes a lot of time, namely prospective
customers can register without having to come to the head office to do a new installation but can
apply and register online. And in this process, improvements are also made to business processes
that run by means of elimination, namely by eliminating a process that does not provide added
value to the organization. In addition, in the improvement of the new installation business process,
a throughput efficiency test will also be carried out again related to recommendations for
improving the overall business process. In this case, a throughput efficiency test will be carried
out again against the results of improvement recommendations based on the overall service time
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Table 5
New Install ASME Standard Process Mapping (Recommendation Results)
Business Process Flows
Prospective customers enter the website and
register by filling out the online registration
Potential customers register online
Prospective customers fill out and attach the
online proof of requirements form
Prospective customer prints registration
number Prospect submits an online form
The Service Department checks online
registration data
If the form filling is complete, the Service
Department receives customer registration
The Services Department contacts the
customer for payment confirmation
If you are willing, then customers can make
payments online
The customer prints proof of payment
The customer submits or sends proof of
The counter checks payment data
If payment has been made, the counter will
receive proof of payment
The Counter Department deposits customer
payment data to the Service Department
The Planning Department conducts a survey
of the installation site, provides a report on
the survey results to the Warehouse Section;
The Warehouse Department confirms and
checks the stock of goods for the installation
If stock is not available, the Warehouse
Department will receive additional inventory
If stock is available, the Planning Department
performs a new installation process at the
customer's location
After the new installation process is
complete, the Planning Department generates
a new customer installation report
The Planning Department deposits reports to
the Services Department
The Services department stores customer
report data
Service Section
The Service Department enters the website to
change customer data and inputs new
customer data
Number of Stages
Time Total
Throughput Efficiency =
× 100%
× 100%
× 100%
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Table 5 of the ASME Standard Process Mapping for New Installation (Recommendation
Results) explains and describes the results of the repeated throughput efficiency test in the
recommendation process for new installations in PDAM Giri Gresik with a fairly high
percentage result of 94.44% with the remaining service time that is not running in the
system of 5.56%. From the calculation formula, it is obtained from the non-delay process time
divided by the total overall time in the system multiplied by 100%. The value 12955 represents
the overall runtime running in the system during the new installation process. While the value of
720 is the amount of time in the delay process in the new installation process. So that a value of
12235 is obtained, which is the amount of process time that does not experience delay time which
includes values in the operation process, transportation process, inspection process, storage
process, and combined activity process or the result of a reduction in the total amount of time
running in the system reduced by the amount of delay process time. As for the value of 12955,
which is the overall processing time that runs and also includes the delay time.
In the results of previous throughput efficiency tests in the new installation
recommendation process, it gives a small percentage result in this case because, in the previous
process, there were too many inefficient processes that required and took a long time (Rozaqi et
al., 2020) So in this case, an alternative analysis of redesign refinements is carried out on business
processes that run from processes that were originally complicated and do not provide added value
to the organization will be eliminated and also carried out by automating the process so that it can
help the process run faster and more efficiently (Rozaqi et al., 2020).
Evaluation results on existing business processes
At this stage, an evaluation process is carried out in the form of an evaluation related to
improvements which will later produce input and result in customer satisfaction with the services
provided as output in the organization in an effort to increase satisfaction and initiate customer
complaints against the organization. This aims to show the measurement results in terms of
service time by testing the efficiency of throughput and business process flows in accordance with
standards in Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) notation and analyzing Business
Process Reengineering (BPR) improvements ) at a later stage. At this stage, a comparison of
overall service time in the initial business process and recommended business processes is carried
out (Rozaqi et al., 2020) The following is Table 6 Comparison of New Install Business Process
Throughput Efficiency which is the result of a comparison of throughput efficiency tests between
the initial business process and recommended business processes on new installations:
Table 6
Comparison of New Install Business Process Throughput Efficiency
New Installation Process
Initial Throughput
Throughput Efficiency
Initial Process
Process Speed
14130 minutes
12955 minutes
Based on the explanation in Table 6 Comparison of Throughput Efficiency of the New
Install Business Process is the result of a throughput efficiency test before and after improvements
were made to the new installation process, namely with an initial throughput efficiency percentage
of 73.99% and a significant increase in the percentage of throughput efficiency 94.44%
recommendation. In addition, the total process speed time before and after improvements were
made which experienced time acceleration. With the result of the initial process speed of 14,130
minutes and with the result of the recommendation process speed of 12,955 minutes. Table 7
Comparison of BPMN As Is Time Simulation And To Be The New Installation Process is the
result of time process simulation into Business Process Modelling Notation (As Is) and (To Be)
notation in the new installation process.
Implementation of Business Process Reengineering To Minimize Customer Complaints
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Table 7
Comparison of BPMN Time Simulation As Is And To Be New Installation Process
New Installation Process Simulation
Current Business
Proposed Business
Minimum Time
17 days 23 hours 50
5 days 23 hours 35
Maximum Time
26 days 16 hours 5
24 days 2 hours 20
Average Time
22 days 16 hours 52
minutes 6 seconds
10 days 20 hours 3
minutes 37 seconds
Based on the results of Table 7 Comparison of BPMN As Is And To Be Time Simulation
of the New Installation Process, the results of the simulation of the current process time that is
currently running in the new installation process require a minimum estimated time of 17 days 23
hours 50 minutes, with an estimated maximum time of 26 days 16 hours 5 minutes, and with an
estimated average time of 22 days 16 hours 52 minutes 6 seconds per person. In addition, the
results of the simulation of the proposal process time for a new installation are needed with an
estimated minimum time of 5 days 23 hours 35 minutes, with an estimated maximum time of 24
days 2 hours 20 minutes, and with an estimated average time of 10 days 20 hours 3 minutes 37
seconds per person.
Table 8
Comparison of BPMN Resource Simulation As Is And To Be New Installation Process
Number of
Number of
Repair Resources
Initial Utilization
75,07 %
96,99 %
Ticket window
90,35 %
83,50 %
Service Section
99,70 %
90,72 %
Warehouse Parts
72,49 %
75,64 %
Planning Section
70,87 %
75,84 %
Based on the results of the presentation in Table 8 Comparison of BPMN Resource
Simulation As Is And To Be The New Installation Process, the comparison results of the
simulation on resource utilization into Business Process Modelling Notation (As Is) and (To Be)
notations are obtained.
From the simulation results, the percentage results for customers from the initial number
of resources of 400 and repair resources of 400 obtained the initial utilization percentage of
75.07% with a percentage of repair utilization of 96.99%. In the Counter Section, from the
number of initial resources of 4 and repair resources of 5, the initial utilization percentage of
90.35% was obtained with a percentage of repair utilization of 83.50%. In the Service Section,
from the initial number of resources of 1 and repair resources of 2, the initial utilization percentage
of 99.70% was obtained with a percentage of repair utilization of 90.72 %. In the Planning
Section, from the initial number of resources of 1 and repair resources of 1, the initial utilization
percentage of 70.87% was obtained with a percentage of repair utilization of 75.84%. Then in
the Warehouse Section, from the initial number f resources of 1 and repair resources of 1, the
initial utilization percentage of 72.49% was obtained with a percentage of repair utilization of
Output results and recommendations on existing business processes
The last stage, is a presentation of the results of the comparison of business processes before
and after the Business Process Reengineering and provides results in the form of final
Implementation of Business Process Reengineering To Minimize Customer Complaints
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recommendations to the organization regarding the percentage of achievement in minimizing
customer complaints against an organization. The following is Table 7 Results of Business
Process Reengineering Business Process Installation will:
Table 9
Results of Business Process Reengineering New Installation Business Process
Results of Business Process Reengineering New
Installation Business Process
Throughput Efficiency Test
Total runtime
1175 minutes
Based on the results of the presentation of Table 9 Results of Business Process
Reengineering New Installation Business Process, a significant increase can be obtained from
business process improvements, especially in the new installation business process, namely with
an increase in the percentage of throughput efficiency of 20.45% of the overall efficiency of the
running process and with a decrease in a total time of 1175 minutes from the total amount of time
required previously. As for Figure 8, the following is the result of the BPMN As Is time process
simulation in the new installation as follows:
Figure 8
BPMN As Is Time Process Simulation Results
Based on Figure 8 BPMN As Is Time Process Simulation Results in the new ongoing
installation process takes time with an estimate of 400 processes that can be completed in at least
17 days 23 hours 50 minutes, a maximum of 26 days 16 hours 5 minutes, and an average of 22
days 16 hours 52 minutes 6 seconds for each person. In addition, in Figure 9 the following are
the results of the BPMN To Be time process simulation on the new installation as follows:
Implementation of Business Process Reengineering To Minimize Customer Complaints
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Figure 9
BPMN To Be Time Process Simulation Results
Based on Figure 8 of the BPMN To Be Time Process Simulation Results on the
recommendation that the new installation process takes time with an estimate of 400 processes
that can be completed at least 3 days 14 hours 55 minutes, a maximum of 21 days 5 hours 15
minutes, and an average of 6 days 6 hours 8 minutes 12 seconds for each person. So that Table
10 of the New Installation BPMN Time Simulation Results is the output of the BPMN Time
Process simulation obtained in the new installation process:
Table 10
Results of BPMN Time Simulation for New Installation
Results of BPMN Time Simulation for New Installation
Minimum Time
Maximum Time
Average Time
12 days 50 minutes
2 days 13 hours 45
11 days 20 hours 48
minutes 29 seconds
Based on the simulation results presented in Table 10 of the BPMN New Installation Time
Simulation Results, a significant time interval was obtained in an effort to minimize customer
complaints after Business Process Reengineering was carried out in simulating between the
current time and the recommended time needed in the new installation process, namely with
a minimum interval difference of 12 days 50 minutes, a maximum time of 2 days 13 hours 45
minutes, and with an average time difference obtained of 11 days 20 hours 48 minutes 29 seconds.
With the simulation of improvements in the running time, it is expected to reduce the estimated
time wasted and activities or processes that have no added value for the organization so that an
organization can provide services effectively and efficiently, especially in minimizing customer
Implementation of Business Process Reengineering To Minimize Customer Complaints
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complaints related to services provided by an organization. As for Figure 9, the following is the
result of the simulation of BPMN As Is resource utilization in the new installation follows:
Figure 10
BPMN Resource Utilization Simulation Results As Is
Based on the presentation in Figure 9 of the BPMN As Is Utilization Resource Simulation
Results, the results were obtained from the estimated number of 400 customers of 75.07%,
Counter with 4 people of 90.35%, Service Section with 1 person of 99.70%, Warehouse Section
with 1 person of 72.49%, and Planning Section with 1 person of 70.87%. In addition, in Figure
10 the following is also the result of simulating the utilization of BPMN To Be resources in the
new installation as follows:
Figure 11
BPMN To Be Resource Utilization Simulation Results
Based on the presentation in Figure 10 of the BPMN To Be Resource Utilization Simulation
Results, recommendations were obtained from the estimated number of 400 customers at 96.99%,
Counters with 5 people at 83.50%, Service Section with 2 people at 90.72%, Warehouse Section
with 1 person of 75.64%, and Planning Section with 1 person of 75.84%. So that the results of
Implementation of Business Process Reengineering To Minimize Customer Complaints
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resource utilization are obtained based on Table 11 BPMN New Install Resource Utilization
Percentage Results are the output results of simulating Utilization Resources into Business
Process Modeling Notation notation.
Table 11
Results of BPMN Resource Utilization Percentage for New Installs
Results of BPMN Resource Utilization Percentage for New Installs
Ticket window
Table 11 of the Results of the Percentage of BPMN Resource Utilization for New
Installations, is the result of the percentage of utilization obtained, namely with the percentage of
customers who increased by 21.92%, in this case, the estimated customers served without a pause
in queuing time experienced a very significant increase. Meanwhile, the resources of the Counter
Section and the Service Section in this case have decreased the percentage of time utilization with
the addition of resources with the aim that resources needed do not work too hard.
Modeling and simulation of new installation business processes according to standards into
BPMN notation in this study using time process and resource utilization that affect the level of
customer complaints against the services provided by an organization. Based on the results of a
comparison of the simulation of the current business process and the proposed business process,
it shows that business process improvement runs well and can speed up the process time. The new
installation business process with a minimum time decreased by 12 days 50 minutes, a maximum
time of 2 days 13 hours 45 minutes, and an average time of 11 days 20 hours 48 minutes 29
seconds. In addition, the implementation of Business Process Reengineering in new installations
with automation or elimination by changing a manual process and eliminating a process that has
no added value for an organization is considered capable of changing old business processes to
new business processes so that the organization can reduce an activity or business process that
takes a lot of wasted time So that business processes can run optimally and efficiently, especially
to minimize customer complaints in order to increase customer satisfaction.
Based on the results of data collection and research conducted previously and the points
that have been described in the conclusions above, suggestions can be given for further research
as follows: The influence of technology has brought a large and significant impact on
organizations or public service agencies in achieving a goal to be achieved. This is then used by
organizations to compete in providing maximum service. The quality of service felt by consumers
or customers will greatly determine the loyalty and satisfaction of consumers and customers to
the organization. Service quality has become a mandatory aspect that must be implemented or
carried out by an organization in order to survive and gain the trust of consumers and customers.
Thus, services or business processes can be answered by implementing Business Process
Reengineering and alternative redesigns that can minimize customer complaints. Basically, there
are still some shortcomings in this study, so further research is expected to improve existing
business processes. In the conceptual aspect, this study focuses on new installations in terms of
service performance percentage by conducting throughput efficiency tests and quantitative
simulations on time process and resource utilization. So there is a need for similar research that
focuses on other aspects such as water distribution, water bill payments, water treatment
processes, and subscription termination processes in terms of cost, time process, resource
utilization, and so on.
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