Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT 2) with the identification of additional
constructs, namely: hedonic motivation, price value, and habits (Venkatesh et al., 2012).
However, if technology is used without ethics, there will be a misuse of technology so it
will harm all footing. Therefore, in the process of achieving acceptance and use of these
technologies, ethics in transactions are needed, in order to avoid transactions such as Maisie
(gambling); gharar (unclear); tables (fraud), or other prohibited transactions. Islamic business
ethics, according to Naqvi (2003) consists of four dimensions, namely: unity, balance, freedom
of will, and responsibility. These four dimensions of ethics are the foundation for the development
of an ethical mindset in accordance with Islamic law. So that in making a decision (transaction),
end users examine whether the goods to be purchased are in accordance with the basis of Naas
thinking (Qur'an and Sunnah), namely: there are no haram transactions, there is no trade
monopoly, free but still within the corridors of Sharia, and can be accounted for transactions
(Naqvi, 1997), Research that integrates Islamic business ethics into the UTAUT-2 model until
this research is made has never existed. Therefore, this study tries to integrate Islamic business
ethics into the UTAUT-2 model, so that researchers can find out whether Islamic business ethics
is a good predictor in the behavior of using technology.
This research was conducted in the Special Region of Yogyakarta because it has various
roles: as a cultural city, a student city, and a tourist city (Wahyudi & Ratnasari, 2016). As a student
city, in 2021, there are 714,610 students studying in Yogyakarta (Bappeda DIY, 2022). As a
tourist city, in 2022, Yogyakarta received 7.4 million tourists (BPS Yogyakarta, 2020).
Yogyakarta is also known as a mini Indonesia, because of the variety of tribes in Indonesia, many
of which are domiciled in Yogyakarta. Therefore, this study was conducted with the aim of
determining the influence of Islamic business ethics in the behavior of using OVO in the
community in Yogyakarta using the UTAUT-2 model.
Literature Review
Performance Expectancy and Behavioral Intention
Performance expectancy (PE) is the basic construct that determines the adoption and use
of relevant technologies and is considered a BI predictor of using the technology Venkatesh et
al.,( 2003). Performance Expectancy has a significant positive effect on interest in the use of
technology (Nikolopoulou et al., 2021). Several studies concluded the same thing, among others,
(El-Masri & Tarhini, 2017) who stated that performance expectations were significantly positive for
behavioral intentions because they were influential as one of the predictors of student behavioral
intentions in the adoption of web-based learning systems in Qatar and the United States.
Ramdhani et al., (2017) stated that significant performance expectations were positive for
behavioral intentions in the adoption of T-cash e-money services in Indonesia. (Seo, 2020) stated
that performance expectations are significantly positive for behavioral intentions because the
perceived benefits affect customers at fast food kiosks, especially on stronger individual views
about the efficiency of technology use. (Saragih & Rikumahu, 2022) stated that performance
expectations do not have a significant effect on intention because e-wallets tend to satisfy
individual interests (food and beverage delivery services, online payments, etc.) that have nothing
to do with work.
H1: Performance Expectancy (PE) has a significant positive effect on Behavioral Intention (BI)
Effort Expectancy and Behavioral Intention
Effort Expectancy is a determinant of individual interest in the use of new technology
(Nikolopoulou et al., 2021). According to Venkatesh et al., (2003), business expectations have a
significant positive effect on interest in the use of technology. Several studies that conclude the
same thing such as (El-Masri & Tarhini, 2017) state that business expectations have a significant
effect on behavioral intentions because they are supported by internet convergence that develops
over time on the adoption of web-based learning systems in Qatar and the United States.
Furthermore, Ramdhani et al., (2017) stated that business expectations have a significant positive
effect on behavioral intentions in the adoption of T-cash e-money services in Indonesia.