P-ISSN: 2964-0121
E-ISSN: 2968-3699
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Bambang Nurakhim
, Harries Madiistriyatno
, Aji Winata
STIMA IMMI, Jakarta, Indonesia
, harries.madi @gmail.com
Received: 02-03-2023
Revised: 25-03-2023
Approved: 15-04-2023
In this study, there are two variables, namely Variable X (Leadership) and
Variable Y (Performance). This research was conducted to determine the
Leadership at the Class IIA Karawang Penitentiary, Employee Performance at
the Class IIA Penitentiary Karawang. The method used in this research is
descriptive analysis method to discuss the problem formulation of how
Leadership in Correctional Class IIA Karawang and employee performance at
Correctional Class IIA Karawang, and verification analysis to discuss the
formulation of the problem of how much influence Leadership has on Employee
Performance in Class Penitentiary. IIA Karawang. The data used are primary
and secondary data collected through observation, interviews, questionnaires
(questionnaires), and literature. The hypothesis of this research is that there is
an influence of leadership on employee performance in Correctional Institution
class IIA Karawang. To measure the magnitude of the effect of these variables,
Simple Linear Regression and Correlation Coefficients and Coefficients of
Determination were used with the help of the IBM SPSS application program.
Based on the results of data analysis using statistical methods, namely Simple
Linear Regression, the Coefficient of Determination (KD) value is 0.45. Based
on these results, it can be concluded that Leadership has an effect on Employee
Performance at the Class IIA Karawang Penitentiary.
Keywords: Leadership; Employee Performance; Class IIA central institution
In an organization, the human factor is the main key that really supports the survival and
success of the organization in achieving its goals. In this case, humans need adequate facilities
and infrastructure as support to achieve organizational goals. Because without the facilities and
infrastructure that support humans, they cannot carry out the programs that have been set (Triaa
et al., 2016).
Leadership is a central issue in organizational management, the success, and failure of the
organization, whether or not it is dynamic, the growth and development, the death of the
organization, whether or not people are happy working in the organization, and whether or not
organizational goals are achieved, partly determined by whether the leadership is appropriate or
not applied in the organization concerned (Barrett, 2013).
The term leadership is as old as human life since humans are aware of themselves, there is
not even a group of people in their social life who do not have leaders, because leaders are
considered to be involved in determining efforts to obtain what is needed for the aspirations of
society itself, leaders are people who guide and direct others to action (Sutrisman, 2019).
Seeing the importance of quality human resources in carrying out organizational activities, a
leader is needed who is able to direct all personnel in the organization. In other words, an
organization needs a leader who has the ability to lead well in order to be able to work together
with all existing organizational components to achieve goals (Utaminingsih, 2014). To achieve
organizational goals that have been set, personnel (in this case employees) who are the backbone
of an agency/institution need to improve work results (Sudrajat, 2021). Employee performance is
the level of work productivity toward employees achieving job requirements. Employee
performance can also be interpreted as the work results that have been achieved by an employee
in a certain period of time. Because by improving the results of his work will be able to see the
extent to which the plans that have been set results can be achieved. If the results obtained are in
The Influence of Leadership on Employee Performance In Class IIA Central Institution, Karawang
Return: Study of Management, Economic and Bussines, Vol. 2(4), April 2023
accordance with what was planned, then the way the work is carried out can be said to be good.
However, if the work results obtained are far from the plan, it is necessary to look for the causal
In an agency/institution that has complex tasks, an organizational system is needed that is
able to compare all sections so that each section will be led by a section head. This is done to
make it easier to organize, foster and direct the employees who are under them so that they are
able to work well and optimally.
Employees as the personnel who carry out operational activities of the institution are
required to have knowledge and skills that can support the implementation of their duties because
employees are the spearhead of the organization in carrying out its activities. Therefore, we need
a leader who has the ability and directs his employees to always improve their performance
abilities (Bendriyanti, 2015).
A successful leader is a leader who is able to adapt his style to suit the situation and can
influence his leadership style in a particular situation, such as task demands, expectations, and
superiors' abilities, although it is acknowledged that these factors all have an important influence
on the effectiveness of that style. The main factor that has an impact on the leadership style
adopted by the leader depends on the level of maturity shown by the followers for a particular
task, function, or goal that the leader wants to carry out through individuals or groups (Thaib,
Effective leadership is leadership that is successful in carrying out its role as a leader. In
general, this success can be measured from various aspects including increasing employee work
productivity, service, job satisfaction, and production results or the results of the work of the
department they lead. Therefore, the effectiveness of the work of leaders is crucial to the role of
leadership itself (Evisastra et al., 2018).
The general term for people who have the ability to influence the behavior of others is a
leader. An organization will succeed or even fail largely determined by the leader. That the leader
is responsible for the failure of the implementation of a job, is an expression that occupies the
most important position (Mattayang, 2019).
The ability of leaders to mobilize their subordinates is very important to support the success
of an organizational goal. For this reason, rational leadership is needed, meaning that the leader
must be able to manage his subordinates according to the responsibilities and authority they have.
In this study, the authors saw that knowledge, skills, and work maturity possessed by Class
IIA Karawang Penitentiary Employees were still lacking so personnel performance was not
optimal. Judging from the problems of handling needed that have not been handled properly, it
can be seen that Class IIA Karawang Penitentiary Employee Leaders in improving employee
performance leadership have several obstacles, namely the lack of leadership in providing
motivation, support, instructions/direction, and supervision to Class Correctional Institution
Employees IIA Karawang, lack of adequate facilities and infrastructure so that the performance
of Class IIA Karawang Penitentiary Employees is less than optimal.
The problem of leadership is an attempt to move people to work together towards the ideal,
convincing subordinates to follow and obey it.
The leadership's efforts in mobilizing its employees are none other than so that all
instructions and orders can be carried out properly so that they can achieve organizational goals
effectively and efficiently. Leaders' efforts to influence their employees can be done individually
or in groups. The Leaders of Class IIA Penitentiary Officers in Karawang must be able to exercise
leadership by influencing every personnel and group of people in their work unit so that they want
to jointly achieve goals (Dunie, 2018).
From the background above, the author is interested in further research, and becomes the
rationale for the thesis entitled The Influence of Leadership on Employee Performance in the
Karawang Class IIA Penitentiary.
Formulation of the problem
1. How is the leadership of Class IIA Penitentiary Employees in Karawang?
The Influence of Leadership on Employee Performance In Class IIA Central Institution, Karawang
Return: Study of Management, Economic and Bussines, Vol. 2(4), April 2023
2. How is the performance of Class IIA Penitentiary Employees in Karawang?
3. What is the influence of leadership on the performance carried out by employees of the
Karawang Class IIA Penitentiary in carrying out their duties?
Research purposes
1. To find out the level of leadership of Class IIA Penitentiary Officers in Karawang.
2. To find out how much the performance of Class IIA Penitentiary Employees in Karawang.
3. 3. To find out how much influence leadership has on the performance of Class IIA
Penitentiary Employees in Karawang.
Theory Review
Leadership is the most important factor in an organization. According to Stogdi in Sutikno
(Sutikno, 2014, p. 15), there are almost as many definitions of leadership as there are people who
have tried to define it. Stogdill stated that Leadership as a management concept can be formulated
in various definitions depending on where the starting point of his thinking.
According to Bernardin and Russel in Priansa (Priansa, 2014, p. 207) states that
Performance is the result produced by certain job functions or activities in certain jobs during a
certain period of time. The results of the work are the result of the abilities, skills, and desires
The method used in this study is the Descriptive Analysis Method, which is meant by the
Descriptive Analysis Method is research that aims to explain certain social phenomena.
Operational Variables
According to Sugiyono (Sugiyono, 2013, p. 58), research variables are basically anything
in any form determined by the researcher to be studied so that information is obtained about it,
then conclusions are drawn. With reference to this understanding, in this study, there are two
variables, namely:
1. Dependent Variable
According to Sugiyono (Sugiyono, 2013, p. 59) the dependent variable is often called the
output variable, criteria, and consequences. In Indonesian it is often referred to as the dependent
variable. The dependent variable is the variable that is affected or is the result, because of the
independent variables.
In this study, the dependent variable is Personnel Performance at the Karawang Class IIA
Penitentiary. Knowledge, skills, and work maturity possessed by Class IIA Karawang
Penitentiary Employees are still lacking so employee performance is not optimal, as seen from
the problem of handling supplies needed by both members of the cooperative and the surrounding
community which have not been handled properly. It can be seen that the Head of Class IIA
Penitentiary in Karawang in improving employee performance leadership has several obstacles,
namely the lack of leadership in providing motivation, support, guidance/direction, and
supervision to Employees of Class IIA Penitentiary in Karawang, lack of adequate facilities and
infrastructure so that the work of Institutional Employees Karawang Class IIA Penitentiary is less
than optimal.
Independent Variable.
According to Sugiyono, (Sugiyono, 2013, p. 59) independent variables are often referred
to as stimulus variables, predictors, and antecedents. In Indonesian it is often referred to as the
independent variable. The independent variable is the variable that influences or causes the
change or the emergence of the dependent variable.
In this case, the dependent variable is the Class IIA Karawang Penitentiary Leadership.
The Influence of Leadership on Employee Performance In Class IIA Central Institution, Karawang
Return: Study of Management, Economic and Bussines, Vol. 2(4), April 2023
Table 1
Variable Operationalization
Norms of
used by a
person at the
time when
that person
tries to
the behavior
of others
1967, p. 17)
1) Provide support
2) Provide hints
3) Gives encouragement
4) The existence of work
instructions and
5) The existence of
homogeneous policies
6) Open dialog
7) Delegate or
The extent to which a
leader involves
himself in two-way
nce (Y)
The level of
in achieving
s. Employee
is the result
that has been
achieved by
an employee
in a certain
period of
2008:68) in
1) Provide ideas or ideas
2) Analytical skills and
selecting alternatives
3) Assign tasks
4) Troubleshoot
- The ability of
personnel to
release new ideas
towards better
- The ability of
personnel to
analyze problems
in their work while
taking the initiative
to choose
decisions without
direction from their
- Personnel's ability
to accept
something new.
- Ability of
personnel in
solving all
problems with
results that are in
accordance with the
targets and
schedules that have
been set.
Sources and Methods of Data Collection Population and Research Sample
According to Sugiyono (Sugiyono, 2013, p. 115), a population is a generalized area
consisting of objects or subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics set by researchers
to study and then draw conclusions.
Meanwhile, according to Sugiyono (Sugiyono, 2013, p. 57), the sample is Part of the
number and characteristics possessed by the population.
The Influence of Leadership on Employee Performance In Class IIA Central Institution, Karawang
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The sampling method/respondents used a simple random sampling method (Simple Random
Sampling). This method is used based on existing data, namely the population is homogeneous,
with a total of 134 Class IIA Karawang Penitentiary Employees according to the Slovin formula
Husein Umar, (1997: 49) as follows:
n =
1 + N (e)2
dimana, n = sampel/responden
N = populasi pegawai
e = error yang ditolerir 15%
dimana : N = 90
e = 15%
n =
1 + N (e)2
= 1 + 90 (0,15)2
= 29,75
= 30
So in this study n = 134 respondents
Data collection technique
Data collection techniques that the authors use in this study are:
Field Study, which is a data collection technique carried out by the author directly into the field
to collect data by means of a questionnaire (by providing a written list of questions to the
In collecting data through this questionnaire, there are several things that need to be explained,
1. The form of the questionnaire is closed, namely the choice of answers to the questions posed
has been determined by the author.
2. The author chooses alternative answers into choices with a gradation form: Always,
Sometimes, Never.
The answers to each item are measured according to the Likert scale, which is a scale that has
a very positive gradation to a negative number, also for quantitative analysis. According to
Sugiyono (Sugiyono, 2013, p. 73):
The Likert scale is used to measure attitudes, opinions, and perceptions of a person or group
of people about social phenomena. In this social phenomenon research, it has been specifically
determined by the researcher and hereinafter referred to as the research variable.
By determining the score for the questions made, then classified as follows:
(1) For answer A with the criteria always give a score of 3.
(2) For answer B with the criteria sometimes given a score of 2.
0,00 0,199
Sangat Rendah
0,20 0,399
0,40 0,599
0,60 0,799
0,70 1,000
Sangat Kuat
The Influence of Leadership on Employee Performance In Class IIA Central Institution, Karawang
Return: Study of Management, Economic and Bussines, Vol. 2(4), April 2023
(3) For answer C with criteria never given a score of 1.
Design Analysis and Hypothesis Testing
The data analysis technique used in this study was to collect data that was already available and
classified according to its type as follows:
1. Primary data, namely data obtained directly through questionnaires or questionnaires
distributed to respondents or Class IIA Karawang Penitentiary Employees.
2. Secondary data, namely data obtained from the archives at Class IIA Penitentiary Employees
in Karawang.
While data analysis is carried out with the following steps:
1. Coding data, namely by giving space to the letters that have been provided and included in
your alternative answers. Respondents simply put a cross on the letter.
2. Data processing, which is processed based on a questionnaire that has been collected from
the questionnaires given, then tabulations are made of the answers.
3. Data analysis is processed to examine the results of tabulations qualitatively by comparing
the results of observations.
The purpose of these calculations and combinations is to know the tendency of each
answer, besides that, the author also uses calculations according to Sugiyono (Sugiyono, 2013,
p. 204), namely the calculation of Weight Mean Score (WMS) with weighting for each answer
choice, because alternative answers use the second order stated the difference in level (scale) and
frequency of answers from the highest to the lowest number, so as follows:
Answer A means active, value 3.
Answer B Sometimes, score 2.
Answer C Never, value 1.
From the scoring above, the interval between one criterion and the other is obtained as
3 1 = 2 = 0,06
3 3
Obtained for decision making is determined by the following interpretation criteria:
1 1.66 means less
1.67 2.33 means medium
2.34 3 means good
From the provisions above, the level of the next answer category to obtain interpretation
numbers or interpretations uses the calculation formula according to Bakri Siregar as follows:
M = f(x) / n
Information :
M = acquisition score interpretation
f = frequency of answers
x = weighting (scale value)
= sum
n = total number of answers.
Because the data collected from each variable has an ordinal measurement scale, according
to Sugiyono (Sugiyono, 2013, p. 70): "Ordinal scale is a tiered scale in which something is more
or less than another".
So to find out whether there is a relationship or not, a statistical test is used, namely a test on
Spearman's Rank Order Correlation (ROS) (Sugiyono, 2013, p. 186) as follows:
Information :
Rs = Spearman Rank Order Correlation Coefficient
n = number of samples
di = difference in ranking between variable X and variable Y
The Influence of Leadership on Employee Performance In Class IIA Central Institution, Karawang
Return: Study of Management, Economic and Bussines, Vol. 2(4), April 2023
While the level of significance or alpha (α) is determined at 5% to test the hypothesis, the
criteria for testing the correlation are as follows:
a. If the analysis results are rs count > rs table α then the hypothesis is accepted.
b. If the result of the analysis is rs count < rs table α then the hypothesis is rejected.
rs table is the value obtained from the Rank Spearman table with alpha (α) which has been
determined with n many data pairs.
To measure the level of relationship between the independent variable and the dependent
variable, the following research criteria are used:
The Influence of Leaders on Employee Performance in the Karawang Class IIA
In an effort to improve employee performance, the Leaders of the Karawang Class IIA
Penitentiary apart from giving instructions to their subordinates either regarding instructions for
doing a particular job or in carrying out a coordination to do a particular job.
In addition, the Leaders of the Karawang Class IIA Penitentiary also always provide
encouragement to their subordinates by providing input or ideas on work so that their subordinates
can improve their performance and always encourage their employees to be even more active at
To keep his subordinates always feeling motivated, the leader in assessing the results of a
job is done as objectively as possible so that there are no misunderstandings among fellow
In carrying out a job, the leadership always provides input to employees so that they are more
motivated in doing a job. In addition, even leaders and subordinates often strengthen the sense of
unity in doing work and in communicating.
The facilities felt or obtained by employees are sufficient in carrying out an activity for
employees. Because facilities are one of the most important in carrying out employee performance
In addition to facilities, the most important thing in work is to create work discipline for
employees because, with that discipline, employee performance can be improved. Discipline is
the main key to improving employee performance for the better.
Leadership Variable Analysis (Variable X)
Table 2
Recapitulation of Leadership Variable Indicators (X)
Providing Support
Giving Hints
Giving Encouragement
Existence of Work Instructions and
The existence of homogeneous policies
Open Dialog
Delegate or Representative
å = 16,78/7 = 2,11 (Medium)
From the results of the recapitulation of the table on the side, it can be concluded that the
interpretation score is 2.11 with a moderate rating. This means that leadership has been running
optimally, this is based on indicators of variables obtained from respondents based on
questionnaires and the results of field interviews.
The Influence of Leadership on Employee Performance In Class IIA Central Institution, Karawang
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Performance Variable Analysis (Y Variable)
Table 3
Employee Performance Variable Indicator Summary (Y)
From the table above, the recapitulation of the interpretation number is 2.09. This shows a
moderate rating. This means that it can be concluded that the performance of Class IIA Karawang
Penitentiary employees is quite good.
Based on the results of analysis and hypothesis testing using the Spearman Rank Order
Correlation formula (ROS) the value of rs = 0.45 shows that the criteria for the results of
hypothesis testing are accepted, meaning that there is a significant relationship between leadership
and employee performance in Class Correctional Institutions IIA Karawang and the level of
relationship is moderate, but the results of the questionnaire show that the leadership at the
Karawang Class IIA Penitentiary has carried out its functions even though it is not optimal.
Employee leadership at the Karawang Class IIA Penitentiary is going well, this can be seen from
the answers of 134 respondents who answered 7 statements, so that a value of 2.11 is obtained
and can be categorized as Fairly Good. Based on the results of data analysis using statistics,
namely the correlation coefficient, and determination, it can be concluded that leadership affects
employee performance in Class IIA Karawang Penitentiary.
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