Ki Hajar Dewantoro's Tri Nga Concept in Learning the Macapat Song to Aba Ngabean 2 Kindergarten Children
Background: Good citizens are people who want to continue the heritage culture of their ancestors. Cultural values ??are very useful for life in the future.
Aim: This study aims to find out how the implementation of the macapat song through the Tri Nga Ki Hajar Dewantara approach for early childhood in TK ABA Ngabean 2.
Method: The implementation method used is a descriptive qualitative approach with data collection techniques through observation, documentation, and interviews.
Findings: An early childhood education institution in Kapanewon Tempel, Sleman Regency, there is one school that received the title of an innovation school in Sleman and is a core PAUD and Aisyiyah Pilot Kindergarten in Kapanewon.
Copyright (c) 2022 Ad Dieni Maulana Rizka, Joko pamungkas, Septika Cahya Rahmawati, Erina Putri Anggraeni
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