Socioeconomic Factors And Participation Of KB Suku Bajo Jaya Bakti Village, Pagimana Distritrict Banggai County Town, Central Sulawesi Province
Pendapatan, Pendidikan, Partisipasi-ber-KB Suku BajoAbstract
This study aims to analyze the relationship of faktor sosial economy with
the partition of the KB pasi of the Bajo Tribe community, what factors cause
the Bajo Tribe to still survive together in several heads of families in one
house in Jaya Bakti Village. The sample determination method uses
purposive sampling. snowball sampling. The statistical analysis method used
is descriptive analysis followed by cross-tabulation analysis and Chi-Square.
The results showed that the average education of this study sample was
mostly (67,3,1%) educated in elementary school. From the income aspect of
74 respondents, 35 respondents or 47.4% belonged to the poor group. Most
of the research samples worked as fishermen.There was a relationship
between income and the use of contraceptives for married couples in research
in the Bajo Tribe.
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